Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for Financial Services > Planning for Workflow Policies > Planning for Workflow Policies >

Planning Scenarios

The scenarios below provide you with examples of the type of information needed for various types of policies.

Scenario 1: Notification for 30%+ Discounts

In this scenario, the sales department manager wants to be automatically notified whenever sales representatives quote discounts over 30%. Table 44 lists a workflow policy that monitors quotes with a discount exceeding 30%, for which the purpose is to notify the sales manager to review and approve the quote.

Table 44. Determining What to Monitor
What to Monitor
Purpose of the Policy
Quotes with a discount exceeding 30% need Sales Manager approval
Notify Sales Manager to review and approve the quote.

Table 45 shows the workflow policy name as Notify Sales Manager on Sales Approval. The workflow policy object is Quote, the workflow policy group is Low Frequency, the duration is set to 0, and the quantity is set to 5. This means that the workflow policy action occurs as soon as five new quotes meet the criteria of the workflow policy conditions.

Table 45. Planning Policies
Workflow Object
Workflow Group
Activation/Expiration Date/Time
Notify Sales Manager on Sales Approval
Low Frequency
Notify the manager when a quote with a discount over 30% is created.

Table 46 illustrates the type of information you need for the policy conditions.

Table 46. Workflow Policy Conditions
Field (Column Monitored in the Database)
Quote Status
In Progress
Quote Item Discount Percent

Next, define the workflow policy actions that occur when the conditions of the policy are met. You can also define the action arguments, such as the email subject and the message template, using dynamic values. Table 47 lists definitions for the Send Email to Sales Manager action.

Table 47. Actions and Action Arguments
Action Name
Workflow Object
Arguments and Substitutions
Send Email to Sales Manager
Send Quote Email
Subject: Please approve quote discount for [Account]
Message Template: Please approve the quote discount for quote [Quote Number] and notify [Last User First Name] [Last User Last Name]
Repeating Message: The following quotes also need approval [Quote Number]

Scenario 2: Notification for Large Number of Open Service Requests

In this scenario, the service department wants to automate its notification policy when the number of open requests for an agent reach a critical mass of 20. The tables below show the information needed to define this type of workflow policy.

Table 48 represents the general policy definition.

Table 48. Determining What to Monitor
What to Monitor?
Purpose of the Policy
Monitor open service requests when they reach a quantity of 20
Send a Message Broadcast to the service representative to alert the representative about the situation.

Next, model the general policy definition in terms of Workflow Policies.

Table 49. Workflow Policies
Workflow Object
Workflow Group
Activation/Expiration Date/Time
Over 20 Open Service Requests
Service Request
High Frequency

Table 49 shows the policy name is Over 20 Open Service Requests, workflow policy object is Service Request, workflow policy group is High Frequency, and the quantity is 20.

After you determine the policy's workflow object and other properties, define the workflow conditions for your workflow policy. Table 50 shows the workflow condition definitions.

Table 50. Workflow Conditions
Field (Column Monitored in the Database)
Service Request Status

Define the workflow policy actions that occur when the conditions of the policy are met. You can also define the action arguments. Table 51 shows the action argument definitions.

Table 51. Actions and Action Arguments
Action Name
Workflow Object
Arguments and Substitutions
Alert Agent of Open SR
Send SR Message Broadcast
Service Request
Abstract: You have over 20 service requests
Message Template: You have over 20 service requests. Please review your service request queue.

 Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for Financial Services 
 Published: 22 May 2003