Siebel Business Process Implementation Guide > Siebel Business Process Components and Categories >

Symbols Represent Tasks

Arrows link tasks within and across the swimlanes. Each general task type is represented by a symbol.

One of two symbols begins each business process diagram: the Start step symbol or the Process Connector symbol. A Start step symbol begins a business process diagram and is located in the first role's swimlane. In cases where a business process diagram does not begin with a Start step symbol, a Process Connector symbol appears instead; this indicates that the process is initiated by another process. The Process Connector symbol is linked to its preceding business process diagram in the iGrafx file.

An End step symbol ends every business process diagram at the logical conclusion of the business event.

A variety of other symbols are used to depict the other types of tasks performed. For example, an icon that shows a computer monitor with a version number represents a task supported by the Siebel application. See Business Process Component Descriptions for detailed descriptions of each symbol shown in the business process diagrams.

 Siebel Business Process Implementation Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003