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Managing the Customer Dashboard

The customer dashboard gives agents quick access to key customer data throughout the life cycle of a call, as well as a persistent region of the page containing the key data as they navigate through the application.

The dashboard displays different information depending on how Siebel Call Center is configured, and which application context is present when the agent populates or updates the dashboard. Figure 4 shows the fields that the dashboard displays when it is populated from the Contacts screen. These fields include Customer Name, Work Phone #, Account, Email Address, and so on.

Figure 4. Customer Dashboard Showing Contact Information

The dashboard also provides access to information on assets, activities, entitlements, campaigns, opportunities, orders, service requests as well as information relating to customers and other contacts.

For information about configuring the dashboard, see Siebel Tools Reference. For information about configuring communication events or commands to update the dashboard, see Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide.

Displaying and Populating the Customer Dashboard

When open, the dashboard appears in the upper frame of the application area. The information displayed in the dashboard can be populated using Siebel CTI, using SmartScript, by clicking the Update button in the dashboard, or by clicking the Set Customer Dashboard button in the Search Center while a contact record is displayed.

NOTE:  The dashboard is read-only, and only displays customer information when it is open. Siebel CTI only populates the dashboard when it is open. The dashboard toolbar button opens the dashboard.

As a good business practice, agents should always open the customer dashboard before answering calls, so that the customer information is visible for reference, provided the organization uses Siebel CTI and it is configured to populate the dashboard.

The following procedures describe how to display the dashboard and how to manually populate the dashboard with data.

To display the customer dashboard

Use one of the following methods to display the customer dashboard:

To populate the dashboard with information from the current record

  1. Navigate to the screen, view, and record.
  2. Display the customer dashboard, as described in To display the customer dashboard.
  3. In the dashboard, click Update to display information from the selected record.

Using the Dashboard for Quick Navigation

The dashboard allows the agent to navigate to information related to data that is displayed in its fields. For example, when the dashboard contains contact information, the agent can use it to navigate to areas of the application that handle activities, activity plans, agreements, assets, campaigns, entitlements, opportunities, orders, and service requests. When the dashboard contains other kinds of information, the agent can navigate to areas that are relevant for the types of information shown.

Transferring Dashboard Information

Under some circumstances, an agent who is handling a customer call can use the communications toolbar to transfer both the call and dashboard information to another agent. In order for the dashboard information to transfer successfully, the agent who receives the transferred call must already have the dashboard open.

 Siebel Call Center User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003