Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Trade Promotions > End User Procedures >

Rolling Up Overlapping Shipment and Baseline Records

When a plan includes two or more promotions for the same account and product, it is not unusual for a particular shipment or baseline record to overlap, or appear more than once in the plan. When the baseline or shipment values are rolled up from the promotion to the plan, these overlapping records could be counted each time they appear in the plan, or only once. When the key account manager uses the Calculate button, the overlapping values are counted only once.

To roll up overlapping shipment or baseline records within a plan

  1. Navigate to the Plans screen.
  2. In the Plans list, select a plan.
  3. Optional. On the More Info form, click the Calculate button.
  4. Each overlapping baseline or shipment record is counted only once and rolled up from the promotion level to the plan level.

 Siebel Consumer Sector Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003