Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Trade Promotions > Business Scenario for Trade Promotions >

Administrator Procedures

This example workflow is performed by brand managers and key account managers. Your company may follow a different workflow according to its business requirements

When working with promotions, brand managers or other personnel with administrative privileges complete the following procedures:
  1. Create corporate promotions. You can create and maintain corporate promotions, which are not account-specific. For information, see Creating Corporate Promotions.
  2. Add products to corporate promotions. After creating a corporate promotion, you add products to the promotion. For information, see Adding Products to Corporate Promotions.
  3. Attach literature to corporate promotions. You can attach literature, such as product information sheets, to corporate promotions. For information, see Attaching Literature to Corporate Promotions.
  4. Create and modify promotion profiles. You can create and modify promotion profiles that end users, such as key account managers, can use when creating account promotions. For information, see Creating Promotion Profiles.

 Siebel Consumer Sector Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003