Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft > Installing the Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft > Overview >

ODBC Configuration

If you plan to use the Database Adapter and Database Wizard in defining integration points between Siebel eBusiness Applications and PeopleSoft, you need to install and register ODBC driver, and set up the proper ODBC data source in order to obtain the necessary connection. The procedure is different depending on the operating system environment that you run your Siebel Server on, and the database system that you use for storing PeopleSoft data.

Table 2 summarizes the procedures.

Table 2. ODBC Driver Installation and Registration 
PeopleSoft Running on Oracle Database
PeopleSoft Running on IBM DB2 Database
PeopleSoft Running on Microsoft SQL Server
Siebel Server (Microsoft Windows)
Run the Siebel Software Configuration Utility after you install the Siebel Server package
Install ODBC Driver provided by the DB2 Client package separately
Install ODBC Driver provided by SQL Server's MDAC package separately
Siebel Server (Solaris)
Run the Siebel Software Configuration Utility after you install the Siebel Server package
Follow instructions on Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX for installing and registering DB2 ODBC driver
Not Supported
Siebel Server (AIX)
Run the Siebel Software Configuration Utility after you install the Siebel Server package
Follow instructions on Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX for installing and registering DB2 ODBC driver
Not Supported
Siebel Tools
Select Custom Install when you run the Siebel Tools installer
Install ODBC Driver provided by the DB2 Client package separately
Install ODBC Driver provided by SQL Server's MDAC package separately
Siebel Mobile Web Client / Siebel Dedicated Web Client
Select Custom Install when you run the Siebel Web Client installer.
Install ODBC driver provided by the DB2 Client package separately.
Install ODBC driver provided by SQL Server's MDAC package separately.

NOTE:  You still have to use the operation system's native utility to set up the ODBC data source after you install and register the driver.


ODBC Driver setup is performed on the following environments:

Siebel Clients and Siebel Tools

Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools operate under Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 operating systems. The following sections explain how to install and register ODBC drivers in order for the Database Wizard and Database Adapter to access PeopleSoft data stored in Oracle, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server databases.

PeopleSoft Running on an Oracle Database

The ODBC driver from Merant required for an Oracle database is included in the Siebel Tools and Web Client packages. If you are running PeopleSoft on an Oracle database, follow the directions summarized as follows.

To install the driver

PeopleSoft Running on an IBM DB2 Database

The IBM ODBC driver from IBM is not bundled in as part of Siebel Tools and Web Client packages. If your are running PeopleSoft on a DB2 database, following the directions summarized below.

To install the driver

PeopleSoft Running on a Microsoft SQL Server Database

The Microsoft ODBC driver is not bundled in as part of Siebel Tools and Web Client packages. If you are running PeopleSoft on an SQL Server database, you may use the ODBC driver that is included in the Third-Party software directory of the Siebel installation CD-ROM. Follow the directions summarized below.

To install the driver

Siebel Server on Windows NT and Windows 2000

The following sections explain how to install and register ODBC drivers for Siebel Server running on Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems.

PeopleSoft Running with an Oracle Database

The Merant ODBC driver is bundled in as part of Server package. If you are running PeopleSoft with an Oracle database, follow the directions summarized below.

To register the driver

  1. Start the Siebel Software Configuration Utility. The utility is automatically launched at the conclusion of the Siebel Server install. You may also start it manually by selecting Microsoft Windows Start Menu > Programs > Siebel Enterprise Server > Configure Siebel Server.
  2. When the dialog box "Configure EAI Connectors: Register External Oracle DB ODBC Driver" appears, check Yes under the "Register External Oracle DB ODBC Driver" prompt.
PeopleSoft Running with an IBM DB2 Database

The IBM ODBC driver from IBM is not bundled in as part of Siebel Server package. If your are running PeopleSoft with a DB2 database, following the directions summarized below.

To install the driver

PeopleSoft Running on a Microsoft SQL Server Database

The Microsoft ODBC driver is not bundled in as part of Siebel Tools and Web Client packages. If you are running PeopleSoft on an SQL Server database, you may use the ODBC driver that is included in the Third-Party software directory of the Siebel installation CD-ROM. Follow the directions summarized below.

To install the driver

Siebel Server on Solaris

The following sections explain how to install and register ODBC drivers for Siebel Server running on Sun Solaris operating environment.

NOTE:  If you run your PeopleSoft application on a Microsoft SQL Server database, you cannot use the PeopleSoft Connector on a Siebel Server running on the Solaris operating environment. The appropriate driver for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server from Solaris is not available at this time.

PeopleSoft Running with an Oracle Database

The Merant ODBC driver is bundled in as part of Server package. If you are running PeopleSoft with an Oracle database, follow the directions summarized below.

To register the driver

Siebel Server on AIX

The following sections explain how to install and register ODBC drivers for Siebel Server running on IBM AIX operating system.

NOTE:  If you run your PeopleSoft application on a Microsoft SQL Server database, you cannot use the PeopleSoft Connector on a Siebel Server running on the IBM AIX. The appropriate driver for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server from AIX is not available at this time.

PeopleSoft Running with an Oracle Database

The Merant ODBC driver is bundled in as part of Server package. If you are running PeopleSoft with an Oracle database, follow the directions summarized below.

To register the driver

 Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft 
 Published: 18 April 2003