Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft > Prebuilt Integration Objects > Prebuilt Position Workflows >

Position - Send PeopleSoft Customer Workflow

The Position - Send PeopleSoft Customer workflow involves querying from the Siebel application for position data and writing the data to an XML file.

Figure 28. Position - Send PeopleSoft Customer Workflow

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Using the two process steps in the above workflow, you can obtain one or more position records from the Siebel database to an XML file. The positions you choose to write to the XML file can be determined by using the Object Id process property of this workflow (Process Properties are discussed below). For example, you can pass the Row Id of the position you wish to obtain into this Object Id parameter. You can do this either programmatically (using Siebel eScript and Data Transformation Engine maps) or with Process Simulator.

If you pass a specific value, the position row that matches this row will be returned. If you want all the positions written to an XML file, leave this Object Id property empty.

Using the XML File Process Property, you can input name and directory location for the XML file. The active fields in the underlying integration object (which is named EAI Position for this workflow) determine the format of the XML file.

Process Properties

The Position Outbound workflow has several process properties. Except for the process property XML File, all others come by default. The XML File process property was created. Of all these process properties, three are a bit more important than others—Object Id, Siebel Message, and XML File. You can use Object Id to restrict the number of rows returned; leaving it empty will return all the rows. Siebel Message is used to transfer the object related data between workflow steps, in a hierarchical format. And finally, XML File can be used to store the name and location of the XML file to write the results to.

Workflow Steps

As shown in Figure 28, this integration workflow involves the following sequential processes:

  1. Query Position from Siebel.
  2. The first step is to get data about the position(s) from the Siebel database. Here, the Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business service is used to get data from the Siebel database. This is a standard business service shipped with the Siebel software.

    Two important parameters are passed to the Query method. First, the Integration Object Name is passed to the method. This integration object is used to determine which fields need to be queried from the Siebel database. The EAI Siebel Adapter determines this by looking at the various active Integration Components and the active fields within each integration component. In this case, the underlying integration object is named EAI Account. The contents of this integration object can be seen from Siebel Tools.

    Next, the Object Id, a process property, is passed. This property can be used to restrict the account rows written to the XML file.

    The EAI Siebel Adapter queries using the input parameters and places the output into an output argument named Siebel Message (this is a Process Property), which will be used in the next workflow step. Siebel Message is a hierarchical data structure that is stored in the memory.

  3. Write Position to XML File.
  4. After data is obtained about a particular account (in the Step 1), it is written to an XML file. Another business service named EAI XML Write to File is used. The Write Siebel Message method is used to write the Siebel Message output from the previous workflow step.

    Now some discussion about the input arguments the above method takes. Notice that both are process properties. File Name could have been of Literal type (instead of being a process property), because this variable is not required by other workflow steps. But this argument has been made a process property so that it can be accessed from outside (for example, through another workflow—where this workflow is a subprocess; or through code). In essence, you will be placing the name of the XML file in this property (that is, C:\PositionOutbound.xml).

    The second argument is Siebel Message. The previous workflow step would have placed the account data into this process property. This workflow step accesses the exact same information (which is in a hierarchy and property set format) and converts it into XML format and writes it to a file.

    This workflow step has no Output Arguments because once the data is written to an XML file, the job of this workflow process is completed.

 Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft 
 Published: 18 April 2003