Siebel Employee Relationship Management Administration Guide > Setting Up Employee Directory >

Managing Information with Employee Directory

Siebel Employee Directory has two key areas of functionality, Employee Profile and Employee Locator.

Employee Profile

Siebel Employee Directory uses an employee profile repository to store information about each employee in an organization. An employee's profile includes the following types of information:

The Employee Directory includes several additional views, from which you can manage employee-related information. The following tabs appear in the Employee Directory:

For more information about these view tabs, see Applications Administration Guide.

The information stored in the employee profile repository is used by other Siebel applications and modules. For example, the skills in an employee's profile are used by Competency Management to calculate skills gaps, which helps to identify areas in which an employee needs to update his or her skills. The Employee Details are used by the Employee Locator when you search for an employee.

You can restrict visibility of an employee profile view based on the responsibilities of the employee. For more information about visibility and responsibilities, see Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications.

Table 11 describes the views available in the Employee Directory screen.

Table 11. Employee Directory Views
All Employees
Lists employees within the selected organizations.
All Employees Across Organizations
Lists the employees for all organizations.
All Users
Lists users and associated responsibilities.
My Profile
Lists the personal profile view for an employee.
My Team
Lists employees associated with a project.

Employee Locator

Employee Locator can be used to find employees based on the employee's profile data. You can base an employee search on the following types of employee profile information:

For more information about using the search feature, see Fundamentals.

 Siebel Employee Relationship Management Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003