Siebel eFinance Guide > Integration > AMS Connector >

Configuring an Oracle Connection and ODBC Data Source

In order to retrieve AMS reference data and insert into Siebel eFinance, you must make sure it includes the proper AMS specific values. To accomplish this objective, you must establish a connection to an Oracle database.

The first step in creating this connection is installing the Oracle Client software on the Siebel Server.

Once you have installed the Oracle Client software on the Siebel Server, you must configure connectivity to the target Oracle application or the appropriate Oracle Applications instance. Table 11 describes the Service Naming parameters you need to specify. For more information on the specific values needed for your environment, contact your AMS system administrator.

Table 11. Oracle Service Naming Parameters
Net Service Name
Enter the Net Service Name for the target AMS server. For example, RefServer.AMS.COM. For more information, contact AMS.
Network Protocol
Internet protocol to be used. For example, TCP/IP.
Host Name
IP address of the target server.
Port Number
Port number of the target server.
Oracle System Identifier (SID). Oracle Clients use the SID to connect to the target server.
Connection Type
Specify Dedicated Server.
User Name
User name needed to access the target server.
User Password
Password needed to access the target server.

For more information, see the Oracle Client software installation guide.

Creating an Oracle Data Source

Next, you create an ODBC data source on the Siebel Server that references the Oracle service you just created.

To create an ODBC data source

  1. In the Microsoft Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator window, select the System DSN tab and then click Add.

    The Create New Data Source window appears.

  2. Select the Oracle ODBC driver to be added and click Finish.
  3. When the ODBC Driver Setup window appears, fill in the values described in the following table.
    Data Source Name
    Enter AMS Ref Data.
    Service Name
    Enter same value you entered for the Net Service Name parameter in Table 11. For example, RefServer.AMS.COM.
    User ID
    Enter Siebel.

    The Oracle data source is created.

To test the data source connection

  1. Test your connection to the data source. Choose Test Connect.
  2. When the Logon dialog window appears, enter the Server Name, user name, and password for logging onto the Oracle Applications. Then click OK.

    You should be connected to the Oracle database.

 Siebel eFinance Guide 
 Published: 20 October 2003