A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V



access exceptions

See also Adding an Access Exception

adding   1

business scenario   1

contacts access level, setting   1

investor, setting access level   1

list, setting access level   1

list, viewing access exceptions associated with   1

literature, viewing access exception associated with   1

tasks, samples performed when managing access exceptions (diagram)   1

type, viewing access exceptions by   1

access exceptions, administrator procedures

Business Process Administration policy, setting for a literature or list distribution exception   1

Business Process Administration, using to monitor and generate access exceptions   1

existing literature, setting access level   1

list, setting access level   1

account, as used in Financial Services   1

Active Server Page (ASP), setting up and testing local db   1

Active Server Pages (ASPs), sample of

Cashflow.asp   1

holdings.asp   1

ModelValueByClass.asp   1

ModelValueBySector.asp   1

Performance.asp   1


about and defined   1

appointment with customer, making   1

business scenarios, institutional finance   1

business scenarios, retail finance   1

call list, creating a call list   1

company coverage team activities, viewing   1

coworker, assigning activity to   1

literature fulfillment, providing by email   1

My To Do List, managing   1

tasks, sample tasks when managing activities (diagram)   1

activities, creating associated with group pension plan   1

Actuate reports, table of   1


AMS Reference Data, loading   1



See also Viewing and Creating Applications

activities associated with an application, adding   1

applicant information, adding   1

application process, about   1

application, automatically creating   1

Applications view, accessing from Companies screen   1

Applications view, accessing from Contacts screen   1

assigned applications, viewing   1

business scenario, administrator creates a new product   1

business scenario, branch agent assists a customer opening a new account   1

business services, adding   1

collateral information, adding   1

consumer detail information, adding   1

coworker, assigning application to   1

creating   1

guarantor and applicant details, adding   1

loan feature and terms, recording   1

mortgage information, adding   1

Next button, about using to complete applications   1

Next button, using to complete applications (procedure)   1

notes associated with an application, adding   1

processing an application, views available   1

product detail information, adding   1

small business details, adding   1

small business loan application, customer information required   1

tasks, samples performed when managing applications (diagram)   1

trailing documents, adding   1

applications, administrator procedures

See also Activating the Auto Application Workflow

application records, creating automatically   1

application workflow, purpose of setting up   1

application workflow, setting up (procedure)   1

sales method creation and modification, about   1

approval processing, automated

See also Automating Approval Processing

about and steps   1

approval items and stages, defining   1

FINS Approval Item Service, about invoking from a workflow   1

FINS Approval Item Service, configuring Business Service step   1

FINS Approval Item Service, configuring Start step   1


company assessment, performing   1

company value assessment, viewing the results   1

Assignment Manager, about using to resolve coverage team problems   1

audience for guide   1

Auto Application feature, using to automatically create applications   1

Auto Application Workflow

activating   1

modifying   1

Auto Call Report Workflow

activating   1

modifying   1

Automated Credit Application Processing Systems (ACAPS)

AMS FINS Application integration object, table   1

AMS Reference Data, loading   1

business service user properties, configuring   1

eFinance, integrating with   1

IBM MQSeries AMI, installing and configuring   1

Oracle connection and ODBC data source, configuring   1

overview   1

setup procedures, required   1

user properties, adding new   1

workflow activating (procedure)   1

workflow processes (table)   1

Back to top


bankruptcy information, recording   1


information, recording   1


Business Process Administration

access exceptions, using to monitor and generate   1

policy, setting for a literature or list distribution exception   1

business services

See also Approving or Declining an Approval StageSee also Automating Validation Processing

about   1

approval stage, approving or declining   1

business scenario, customer purchases mutual fund shares   1

contacts, viewing disclosures associated with   1

business services, administrator procedures

See also Automating Approval Processing

automating validation processing, about   1

disclosure associating with a product   1

disclosure documents, automating the display of   1

Disclosure UI Service, about invoking from a workflow   1

disclosure workflow processes (table)   1

disclosure workflow, activated to display disclosure documents   1

existing disclosure, revising   1

existing validation rule set, revising   1

FINS Validator service, about invoking from a workflow   1

FINS Validator service, invoking from a Runtime event   1

validation history, viewing   1

validation rule set, importing and exporting   1

validation rule set. about defining   1

validation rule sets, defining   1

business-to-business institutional call list, adding   1

business-to-consumer call list, adding   1

Back to top


calculators, disclaimer about use   1

call lists

account holding and balances, creating based on   1

business-to-business list, adding list   1

business-to-consumer, adding list   1

creating a call list   1

call reports

See also Managing Call Reports

action items, associating with   1

attachments, associating with   1

attachments, storage location   1

business scenario   1

call report records, adding   1

defined and about   1

distribution list, about creating   1

distribution list, creating (procedure)   1

emailing   1

notes, associating with   1

printing   1

privacy flags, setting   1

tasks, samples when managing call reports (diagram)   1

Call Reports module, about   1

call reports, administrator procedures

See also Viewing Call Report Charts

call report records, creating automatically   1

chart for your call reports, viewing   1

Cashflow.asp   1

categories, adding contact to   1

Collapse button

edit layout button, about   1

summary view control, about   1

collateral, adding to a loan facility   1

collection summary information, viewing from the Campaigns screen   1


See also Researching Delinquent Accounts

about and defined   1

bankruptcy information, recording   1

business scenario   1

collection campaign, executing   1

collection summary information, viewing from the Campaigns screen   1

delinquent account, recording legal information related to   1

promises summary information, viewing from the Campaigns screen   1

skip trace information, recording   1

tasks, samples performed when managing collections (diagram)   1

collections, administrator procedures

See also Administrator Procedures

campaign list, ways to generate (list of)   1

collection campaign, setting up   1

contact, manually adding to a campaign   1

Commercial Banking Loan Approval module, about   1

commercial loans

See also Setting Up an Approval Level

approval level, associating with a loan request   1

borrow details, adding to a loan request   1

business scenario, administrator sets up approval stages and underwriting standards   1

business scenario, credit administrator set up capital facility   1

business scenario, credit committee officer reviews loan request   1

business scenario, loan officer creates new load request   1

collateral, adding to a loan facility   1

commercial loan request, creating   1

covenant, adding to a facility   1

credit decision, entering   1

credit issue for a commercial loan request, creating or modifying   1

existing covenants, copying from one facility to another   1

facility, syndicating   1

group exposure, reviewing   1

guarantor, adding to a loan facility   1

new facility, creating and associating a borrower   1

next credit committee officer, assigning loan request to   1

policy exception, creating at the borrower level   1

policy exception, creating at the facility level   1

policy exception, creating at the loan request level   1

pricing and fees, setting for a facility   1

tasks, samples performed when managing commercial loans (diagram)   1

underwriting standard, reviewing   1

commercial loans, administrator procedures

See also Assessment Templates

activities plan, about   1

approval level, setting up   1

assessment templates, about setting up   1

commercial loan portfolio, setting up   1

commercial loan underwriting standard, setting up   1

document template, about   1

facility, associating with a financial account   1


See also Adding a Company

address, submitting a service request to change   1

administrators and end uses sample tasks, diagram   1

business scenario, sales representative tracks company information   1

company hierarchies, about   1

company, adding   1

contact, associating with a company   1

coverage team activities, viewing   1

name, submitting a service request to change   1

Siebel eFinance, as used in   1

companies, administrator procedures

See also Adding a Company

aggregated activities for a company, viewing   1

aggregated coverage team for a company, viewing   1

aggregated list of contact for a company, viewing   1

aggregated opportunities for a company, viewing   1

application, associating with a company   1

company assessment, performing   1

company information, deleting   1

company profile, updating   1

company relationship hierarchy, about viewing   1

company summary information, viewing   1

company unavailable to all other users, making   1

company value assessment, viewing the results   1

competitor, indicating that a company is   1

competitor, information, about deleting   1

coverage team members, about verifying   1

coverage team members, adding or deleting members   1

coverage team members, searching for a company without   1

coverage team, adding a member to   1

custom-defined relationship, creating   1

data aggregation, about generation company hierarchies for   1

default company hierarchy, generating (procedure)   1

dynamic company hierarchy, creating of selected companied   1

industry, adding an   1

natural parent-subsidiary relationship, establishing between two companies   1

primary team member, changing for a company   1

relationship type, adding a custom-defined   1

service request, associating with a company   1

territory, adding a   1

company hierarchies

aggregated activities for a company, viewing   1

aggregated coverage team for a company, viewing   1

aggregated list of contacts for a company, viewing   1

aggregated opportunities for a company, viewing   1

company profile, updating   1

Company Profiling

Investment Banking module, about   1

Investment Management module, about   1

company relationship hierarchy

about viewing   1

custom-defined relationship, creating   1

natural parent-subsidiary relationship, establishing between two companies   1

company summary, viewing   1

competitor information, managing

competitor information, about deleting   1

competitor, indicating that a company is   1


See also Managing Contact Information

access level, setting   1

access levels, about   1

adding a contact   1

aggregated list of contacts for a company, viewing   1

business scenario, private banker prepares for sales call   1

business scenario, sales representative adds a new contact   1

campaign, manually adding to   1

categories, adding to a contact   1

company, associating a contact with   1

contact summary information, viewing   1

customer value assessment, about creating   1

customer value assessment, about viewing the results   1

customer value assessment, creating (procedure)   1

customer value assessment, viewing the results (procedure)   1

defined   1

financial plan, creating   1

household, adding to a   1

investment needs analysis, performing for   1

literature distribution, adding contact to   1

logical groupings of contacts, creating   1

logical groupings of contacts, evaluating   1

mortgage calculator, about using   1

mortgage calculator, using (procedure)   1

mortgage prequalification, performing   1

mortgage products, recommending   1

My Personal Contacts view, about adding a company record   1

needs analysis for a contact, performing   1

needs analysis, performing for   1

note records, creating   1

profitability, reviewing   1

referral received, entering   1

referral to a contact, creating   1

relationship hierarchy, about viewing   1

relationship hierarchy, defining relationship between contacts   1

relationship hierarchy, viewing (procedure)   1

security interests, setting   1

transaction history, viewing   1

contacts, administrator procedures

See also Administrator ProceduresSee also Administrator Procedures

contact's holding, updating or reviewing   1

contact's Investment Profile, updating or reviewing   1

Corporate & Commercial Banking module, about   1


existing covenants, copying from one facility to another   1

facility, adding to a   1

coverage team members

See also Managing a Coverage Team

about verifying   1

company, adding or deleting members   1

company, searching for one with any coverage   1

member, adding to   1

primary coverage team member, changing for a company   1

coverage team, viewing company coverage team activities   1

coworker, assigning activity to   1

credit committee officer, assigning loan request to next officer   1

Credit Origination module, about   1


address or name, changing   1

address, submitting a service request to change   1

appointment, making with   1

complaint, recording   1

personal information, submitting a service request to change   1

customer value assessment

about creating   1

creating (procedure)   1

results, about viewing   1

results, viewing (procedure)   1

Back to top


data aggregation

company hierarchies, about generating for   1

default company hierarchies, about   1

default company hierarchy, generating (procedure)   1

dynamic company hierarchies, about   1

dynamic company hierarchies, creating of selected companies   1

deal management

See also Opportunities

about   1

deal team member, adding or deleting   1

deal, securing   1

new activity plan, creating for a deal   1

new activity, creating and assigning a deal member   1

new attachment, creating for a deal   1

primary deal member, changing   1

default company hierarchies

about   1

generating (procedure)   1


validation rule set, about   1

delinquent accounts, recording related legal information   1

disclosure documents

automating display, about   1

disclosure workflow process, table of   1

disclosure workflow, activating to display disclosure documents   1

existing disclosure, revising   1

product, associating with   1

Disclosure UI business service, about invoking   1

distribution list

See also Creating a Distribution List

about creating   1

creating (procedure)   1

dynamic company hierarchies

about   1

selected companies, creating   1

Back to top





literature fulfillment, providing   1

emailing a call reports   1

enrolling participants in a group pension plan   1

Expand button

edit layout button, about   1

summary view control, about   1

Back to top


financial accounts

See also Managing Financial Accounts

account analysis, viewing   1

account holdings, comparing against portfolio model   1

account holdings, viewing by sector   1

accounts, viewing past performance   1

aggregated holdings, viewing   1

business scenario, call center agent   1

business scenario, relationship manager   1

business scenario, wealth management/brokerage relationship manager   1

call list, creating based on account holdings and balances   1

expected future cash flows, viewing for selected accounts   1

financial account, reviewing   1

household, selecting associated with   1

service request, creating using GO button   1

tasks, sample that are performed when managing accounts (diagram)   1

trade, placing   1

Financial Accounts module, about   1

financial accounts, administrator procedures

See also Managing Financial Accounts

account categories and account types, establishing   1

Active Server Page (ASP), setting up and testing local db   1

concepts, understanding   1

financial account, adding   1

holdings information, associating with a financial account   1

household financial accounts virtual business components, about setting up   1

virtual business components, configuring user properties   1

virtual business components, testing (table of)   1

financial application

company, associating with   1

opportunity, creating from   1


financial plan, creating   1

FINS Approval Item Service

Business Service step, configuring in your workflow   1

Start step, configuring in your workflow   1

workflow, about invoking from   1

FINS Validator service

Business Service step, configuring in your workflow   1

Runtime event, defining   1

Start step, configuring in your workflow   1

validation history, viewing   1

workflow, about invoking from   1

Back to top


GO button, using to create service request   1

grievance, recording customer complaint   1

group exposure, reviewing   1

group pensions

activity, creating associated with group pension plan   1

administering group pension plans, list of tasks   1

billing information, entering   1

business scenario   1

classes for plan participants, defining   1

eligible plan members, adding   1

funds and investments available, viewing   1

group pension plan, defining   1

group pension product, defining   1

group pension product, defining fund vehicles   1

key group pension plan contacts, recording   1

new participants, enrolling   1

notes, creating associated with a group pension plan   1

participant beneficiary information, recording   1

plan rules, specifying   1

service request associated with a group pension plan, creating   1

tasks, samples performed when managing group pensions (diagram)   1


audience for   1

organization of   1

Back to top


Hide button

edit layout button, about   1

summary view control, about   1


adding   1

information, associating with a financial account   1

list of, displayed by investor   1

Holdings & Interests Tracking

Institutional Sales & Research module, about   1

Investment Management module, about   1

Retail Brokerage module, about   1

holdings.asp   1

Household Holdings module, about   1


account holdings, comparing against portfolio model   1

account holdings, viewing by sector   1

accounts, viewing past performance   1

business scenario   1

contact, adding to a household   1

defined   1

expected future cash flow, viewing for selected accounts   1

financial account, selecting associated with   1

financial account, viewing aggregated holding   1

household, adding a   1

portfolio information, perspectives available (list of)   1

relationship hierarchy, about viewing   1

relationship hierarchy, creating custom-defined   1

summary information, viewing   1

tasks, samples when managing households (diagram)   1

Back to top



installing and configuring, about   1

repository file, configuring services and policies stored in   1

industry, adding   1

Institutional Sales and Research module, about   1


Siebel eHealthcare integration messages, table of   1

integration, about   1

See also Integration

Investment Banking module, about   1

Investment Management module, about   1

investment needs analysis, performing for contacts   1

investment objective, creating   1

investment profile, updating or reviewing contact's Investment Profile   1

Investor Profiling

Institutional Sales & Research module, about   1

Investment Banking module, about   1

Investment Management module, about   1


about and defined   1

access level, setting   1

adding   1

business scenario   1

coverage roles, tracking   1

coverage team member, adding   1

holding, adding a   1

list of holdings, displaying by investor   1

list of transactions, displayed by investor   1

organizational chart, displaying   1

tasks, samples performs when managing investors (diagram)   1

Back to top



access level, setting   1 ,  2

type, viewing access exceptions by   1

list distribution, setting Business Process Administration policy   1


access level, setting for existing literature   1

Business Process Administration policy, setting   1

fulfillment, providing by email   1

security, associating with   1

type, viewing access exceptions by   1

literature, distributing to a contact   1


LOV, adding a custom-defined relationship type   1

Back to top


Mobile Web Client, caution, about performing administrative functions on local db   1

ModelValueByClass.asp   1

ModelValueBySector.asp   1


calculator, about using   1

calculator, using (procedure)   1

contact, performing needs analysis for   1

prequalification, performing   1

products, recommending   1

Siebel Script Wizard, using   1

Move down edit layout button, about   1

Move up edit layout button   1

mutual fund information, editing   1

My To Do List, managing   1

Back to top


needs analysis

See also Performing a General Needs Analysis for a Company

about   1

business scenario, administrator   1

business scenario, call center agent   1

business scenario, relationship manager   1

contact, performing general needs analysis for   1

investment needs analysis for a contact, performing   1

product needs analysis, performing   1

recommendation, generating from a needs analysis session   1

recommended product, selecting using the Apply field   1

tasks, sample tasks when setting up needs analysis script (diagram)   1

needs analysis, administrator procedures

See also Needs Analysis Script Creation

investment objective, creating   1

needs analysis script creation, about   1

portfolio mix administration, performing   1

questions and scores, associating with products   1

script problem, correcting with a product score   1

Needs Analysis/Applications module, described   1

Next button

applications, about using to complete   1

applications, using to complete (procedure)   1


group pension plan, creating associated with   1

notes, creating for a contact   1

Back to top



See also Managing Deals

aggregated opportunities for a company, viewing   1

business scenario, investment banker created IPO deal   1

business scenario, sales representative creates new opportunity   1

defined   1

deleting if unsure whether opportunity is active   1

financial application, creating opportunity from   1

opportunity details, adding specific   1

persistent filter, deleting   1

persistent filter, entering and running   1

persistent filter, saving   1

Opportunities persistent filter

limitations   1

LOV, adding a field with   1

picklist field, adding to   1

opportunities, administrator procedures

See also Adding an Opportunity

Opportunities persistent filter, adding a field with a LOV to   1

Opportunities persistent filter, adding a picklist field to   1

opportunity persistent filters, limitations   1

opportunity, adding from the Data Administration screen   1

opportunity, securing an   1

primary sales team member, changing for an opportunity   1

sales team members, adding or deleting for an opportunity   1

Oracle database

AMS reference data, about connecting to   1

ODBC data source, creating   1

testing the data source connection   1

organization of guide   1

organizational chart, displaying   1

Back to top



Performance.asp   1

persistent filter

Opportunities persistent filter, adding a field with a LOV to   1

Opportunities persistent filter, adding a picklist field to   1

Opportunities persistent filters, limitations   1

opportunities, deleting persistent filter   1

opportunity, entering and running   1

opportunity, saving   1

policy exception

borrower level, creating at   1

facility level, creating at   1

loan request level, creating at   1

portfolio information

See also Viewing and Evaluating Household Portfolios

household, perspectives available (list of)   1

portfolio mix administration, performing   1

printing call reports   1

privacy flags, setting for call reports   1

product class, adding for a security   1


creating   1

information, viewing   1

new product line, creating   1

questions and scores, associating with   1

rate, setting   1

products and pricing

See also End-User Procedure

business scenario, administrator defines new products   1

business scenario, customer service representative views product information   1

product information, viewing   1

tasks, samples performed when managing products and pricing (diagram)   1

products and pricing, administrator procedures

See also Creating a New Product

fee and conditions, setting for a product   1

new product line, creating   1

product, creating   1

rate, setting for a product   1

profitability, reviewing contact's profitability   1

promises summary information, viewing from the Campaigns screen   1

Back to top


referral information

contact to, creating   1

received from a contact, entering   1

relationship hierarchy

contact, about viewing   1

contact, defining relationship between contacts   1

contact, viewing (procedure)   1

household relationship hierarchy, about viewing   1

household relationship hierarchy, creating custom-defined   1

reports, table of   1

Research Distribution Management

Institutional Sales & Research module, about   1

Institutional Sales & Research, about   1

Investment Banking module, about   1

Investment Management module, about   1

Retail Brokerage module, about   1

Retail Brokerage module, about   1

Retirement/Pension Management module, about   1

Rollup module, about   1

Back to top


S_ACTIVITY_ATT table, location of call report attachments   1


contact's refinance breakeven amount, using script to gather   1

and mortgage pre-qualification   1

needs analysis script problem, correcting with a product score   1

Siebel Script Wizard, using   1


See also Updating Securities Information

business scenarios, administrator adds a security to Siebel eFinance   1

business scenarios, investment representative determines customer objectives   1

business-to-business call list, adding   1

business-to-consumer call list, adding   1

Institutional Sales & Research module, about   1

Retail Brokerage module, about   1

summary information for a security, updating   1

tasks, samples performed when managing securities (diagram)   1

securities interest, setting a contact's security interest   1

Securities module, about   1

securities, administrator procedures

See also Adding Securities Lists of Values

industry, adding   1

literature document, associating with a security   1

mutual fund information, editing   1

new securities record, adding   1

Product Class field, about using   1

product class, adding for a security   1

Product Line field, about using   1

securities list of values, about adding   1

security category, adding   1

security exchange, adding   1

security category, adding   1

security exchange, adding   1

security trades, placing   1

service requests

See also Administrator Procedures

about and defined   1

account service, requesting using a service request   1

business scenario, application administrator changes a company name   1

business scenario, call center agent creates a service request   1

business scenario, relationship manager creates a service request   1

company, associating with   1

company's address, changing   1 ,  2

company's address, submitting a service request to change   1

company's name, submitting a service request to change   1

creating from the Contacts screen   1

creating, ways to   1

customer's address, submitting a service request to change   1

customer's personal information, submitting a service request to change   1

GO button, creating using   1

group pension plan, creating associated with   1

new customer complaint, recording   1

organization's service, creating related to   1

Service Requests module, about   1

service requests, administrator procedures

See also Administrator Procedures

company address or name, changing   1

customer's address or name, changing   1

Show edit layout button, about   1

Siebel Account objects, caution renaming to Companies   1

Siebel eFinance

deal management, about   1

Siebel eFinance Basic, about   1

Siebel eFinance modules, described   1

Siebel eHealthcare integration messages, table of   1

Siebel Household Management module, about   1

Siebel Janna applications

Siebel eFinance application and modules, about migration path   1

Siebel eFinance functionality and modules   1

Siebel Opportunity Manager module, about   1

Siebel Script Wizard mortgage prequalification   1

skip trace information, recording   1

Small Business Banking module, about   1

small business loan application

applicant information, adding   1

customer information required, list of   1

guarantor and applicant details, adding   1

loan features and terms, recording   1

small business details, adding   1

SmartScripts, using to gather contact's refinance breakeven amount   1

summary information, viewing a household summary   1

summary view

controls, about   1

edit layout buttons, about   1

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test database, setting up and testing local db   1

To Do items, viewing assigned to end user   1

trade, placing   1

trailing documents, adding   1

transaction history, viewing contact's transaction history   1


list of by investor, displaying   1

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underwriting standard, reviewing   1

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validation rule set

defining   1

deleting, about   1

existing rule set, revising   1

importing and exporting   1

virtual business components

See also Sample ASPs for Household Financial Accounts Virtual Business Components

about setting up   1

tests, table of   1

user properties, configuring   1

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 Siebel eFinance Guide 
 Published: 20 October 2003