Siebel eFinance Guide > Opportunities > End-User Procedures >

Adding an Opportunity

When end users identify a unique opportunity, they add a new opportunity record.

To add an opportunity

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Opportunities.
  3. In the More Info form, click the show more button, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.

    Closure Summary
    Summary comments about the closing of an opportunity. Used by financial institutions when closing deals to track the circumstances and success or failure of closing.
    A read-only monetary value representing sum of commitments made in a commercial loan opportunity. This value is entered on the Opportunity Detail, Commercial Loans view. For more information, see Adding Opportunity Details.
    A read-only monetary value representing the sum of deposits made in a commercial loan opportunity. This value is entered through the Opportunity Detail, Commercial Loans view. For more information, see Adding Opportunity Details.
    Automatically populates with the industry of the company associated with the opportunity.
    Lead Quality
    Estimate of the quality of the deal.
    A read-only monetary value representing the total amount of loans made in a commercial loan opportunity. This value is entered through the Opportunity Detail, Commercial Loans view. For more information, see Adding Opportunity Details.
    Probability %
    The estimate of the likelihood that the opportunity will result in business, expressed as a percentage:
    • 0% means it is doubtful that business will result
    • 100% means it is certain that business will result
    Product Line
    Select the product line associated with the opportunity.
    Enter the amount of money you expect this opportunity to generate. When combined with the probability you assign to the opportunity, the Expected Value field is calculated.
    Sales Cycle
    Select the current cycle of the opportunity. The total number of opportunities in a specific cycle stage and the length of time that a particular opportunity has been in that cycle are important data for evaluating that opportunity.
    Restricts visibility of an opportunity in the All Opportunities view to the members of the sales team. Clicking on this check box secures the record. Only the primary member of the sales team or the Siebel administrator can set the Secure field. To make the opportunity visible to every end user in the All Opportunities view, leave this field unchecked.
    Start Date
    Start date for the opportunity.

Adding Opportunity Details

End users can add details specific to commercial lending, equity, fixed income, advisory, and lending syndicate opportunities in the Opportunities Details view tab.

To add specific opportunity details

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen.
  2. In the Opportunities list, select an opportunity.
  3. Click the Opportunity Detail view tab.
  4. From the Show drop-down list, select one of the following:
    • Commercial Loan
    • Equity
    • Fixed Income
    • Advisory
    • Lending Syndicate
  5. In the appropriate lists, add a record and complete the necessary fields.

 Siebel eFinance Guide 
 Published: 20 October 2003