Siebel eFinance Guide > Getting Started > Configuring Summary Views >

Editing a Summary View Layout

Using the Edit Layout view, users can restore hidden lists, collapse or expand all lists, move lists or forms up or down on the page, or revert to the default layout. Using the edit layout buttons, described in Table 4, users can change the way a summary view appears and apply those changes to future sessions.

Table 4.  Edit Layout Buttons 
Collapses the list or form.
Expands the list or form.
Move up
Moves the list or form up on the home page.
Move down
Moves the list or form down on the home page.
Displays the list or form on the home page.
Hides the list or form from view on the home page.

For more information on available summary views, see Viewing a Contact Summary, Viewing a Company Summary, and Viewing a Household Summary.

 Siebel eFinance Guide 
 Published: 20 October 2003