Fundamentals > Customizing the User Interface > User Preferences >

View Personalization

You can show, hide, and resequence screen tabs and view tabs from the User Preferences screen. You can also set up default views for screens in your Siebel application.

To show or hide screen tabs

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > User Preferences.
  2. The User Preferences screen appears.

  3. From the Show drop-down list, select Tab Layout.
  4. The Tab Layout list appears.

  5. Select the row for the screen tab you want to show or hide and do one of the following:

NOTE:  Hiding a screen tab hides all the views within that screen.

To show or hide view tabs

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > User Preferences.
  2. The User Preferences screen appears.

  3. From the Show drop-down list, select Tab Layout.
  4. The Tab Layout list appears.

  5. In the Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen tab associated with the view tab you want to show or hide.
  6. The View Tab Layout list shows the view tabs for the selected screen tab.

  7. In the View Tab Layout list, select the row for the view tab you want to show or hide and do one of the following:

NOTE:  The views available to you are always available through the Site Map, whether or not a view tab is hidden.

To change the order in which screen tabs appear

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > User Preferences.
  2. The User Preferences screen appears.

  3. From the Show drop-down list, select Tab Layout.
  4. The Tab Layout list appears.

  5. In the Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen you want to reorder, and type a whole number in the Order field to define the position of the screen tab.

NOTE:  If you use the same number in the Order field for more than one tab, the tabs with the same number will appear in alphabetical order. This applies to both screen tabs and view tabs.

To change the order in which view tabs appear

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > User Preferences.
  2. The User Preferences screen appears.

  3. From the Show drop-down list, select Tab Layout.
  4. The Tab Layout list appears.

  5. In the Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen for which you want to reorder view tabs.
  6. The View Tab Layout list shows the view tabs for the selected screen.

  7. In the View Tab Layout list, type a whole number in the Order field for each view tab to define the position of that view tab.

NOTE:  The Order field defines the sequence of the tabs. The application uses the number in the Order field to resequence the tabs in ascending order. Use whole numbers only. This applies to both screen tabs and view tabs.

To set up a default view for a screen

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > User Preferences.
  2. The User Preferences screen appears.

  3. From the Show drop-down list, select Tab Layout.
  4. The Tab Layout list appears.

  5. In the Tab Layout list, select the screen for which you want to set up a default view.
  6. In the View Tab Layout list, check the Default View check box for the view you want to have as the default for this screen.

 Published: 14 August 2003