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Siebel Application Toolbar

The Siebel application toolbar, shown in Figure 3, appears beneath the screen tabs, and displays frequently used tools such as the Show drop-down list, the back and forward navigation buttons, the Queries drop-down list, and the search button.

Figure 3.  Siebel Application Toolbar

Click for full size image

Show Drop-Down List

The Show drop-down list displays the names of filters—such as My Accounts, All Accounts, and My Team's Accounts—which determine what data you see in a screen or a view. For more information about filters, see Filtering a Set of Records. The Show drop-down list also acts as a toggle to a different kind of view, such as an Explorer view.

History Button

The history button accesses the History list, which stores the most recent views you have displayed, allowing you to navigate back to any of them. It is updated every time you move to a new view. You can specify the maximum number of views stored in the list from your User Preferences screen. See Modifying the History List.

NOTE:  The History list not only shows the views you have visited, but it also indicates a specific record on that view that you selected. If you select a record you do not have access to, for example, if visibility rules on the record prohibit you from drilling down on the details of that record, the History list will not record information for the view.

Back and Forward Navigation Buttons

Use the back and forward navigation buttons to return to the last screen or view you accessed. They are located to the right of the history button.

CAUTION:  Do not try to use your Web browser's back and forward buttons to return to screens or views in your Siebel application.

Site Map Button

Use the site map button to navigate directly to the Site Map. The site map button is located to the right of the back and forward navigation buttons. For more information about the Site Map, see Site Map.

Reports Button

Use the reports button on the Siebel application toolbar to access reports for the screen you are working in. The reports button is located to the right of the site map button. For more information about reports, see Running Reports.

Queries Drop-Down List

The Queries drop-down list provides access to your saved queries and to the predefined queries established by your organization.

From the Queries drop-down list, you select a saved query, and the data matching the defined criteria is automatically displayed. For more information on query functionality, see Common Query Tasks.

New Query Button

Use the new query button to launch a new query. The new query button is located on the toolbar to the right of the Queries drop-down list.

Execute Query Button

Use the execute query button to execute a new query. The execute query button is located on the toolbar to the left of the search button.

Search Button

The search button shows a pair of binoculars. This button is located directly to the right of the execute query button. Click this button to activate the Search Center. The Search Center allows you to search for and find records within the database. For more information on the search functionality, see Using the Search Center.

 Published: 14 August 2003