Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > User Properties and Methods > Methods >


The AutoOrder method generates an order from a quote. AutoOrder creates a corresponding line item for each quote item in the quote. The Order Entry Line Items business component fields are populated with the corresponding Quote Item business component fields as shown in Table 31.

Table 31.  Population of Fields in Order Entry - Line Items View
Source Field
Destination Field
From Quotes - Quote Items View
To Order Entry - LIne Items View
Extended Quantity Requested
Extended Quantity
Discount Amount (Not exposed)
Discount Amount (Not exposed)
Discount Percent
Discount Percent (Not exposed)
Description (Not exposed)
Description (Not exposed)
Requested Delivery Date (Not exposed)
Due Date (Not exposed)
Unit Price (Not exposed)
Unit Price (Not exposed)
Volume Discount Id (Not exposed)
Volume Discount Id (Not exposed)
Volume Discount Item Id (Not exposed)
Volume Discount Item Id (Not exposed)
Base Price
Base Price
Adjusted List Price
Adjusted List Price
Covered Product Id (Not exposed)
Covered Product Id (Not exposed)

If the quote item's product is a service product, then the following fields are also copied from the Quotes - Quote Items view to the Order Entry - Line Items view (Table 32).

Table 32.  Copied Fields for Service Products
Source Field
Destination Field
From Quote - Quote Items View
To Order Entry - Line Items View
Covered Quote Item Id (Not exposed)
Covered Quote Item Id (Not exposed)
Service Price Amount (Not exposed)
Service Price Amount (Not exposed)
Service Price Percent (Not exposed)
Service Price Percent (Not exposed)
Service Price Method (Not exposed)
Service Price Method (Not exposed)

When AutoOrder is executed, the quote's Status field is updated to "Order Placed."

When AutoOrder is executed, the following fields in the Order Entry - Orders business component are pre-populated (automatically populated?) as shown in Table 33.

Table 33.  Pre-populated Fields in Order Entry - Orders Business Component
Order Entry - Order Business Component Field
Order Number
System-generated value
Quote's Account
Account Location
Quote's Account Location
Contact Last Name
Quote's Contact Last Name
Contact First Name
Quote's Contact First Name
Order Priority
Order Type
Sales Order
Set to Active (Turned on? Flag is set to on?)
Order Date
Today's date
Quote's Discount
Price List
Quote's Price List
Currency Code
Quote's Currency Code
Requested Ship Date
Quote's Requested Ship Date (Not exposed)
Today's date
Created By Name
User's login ID
Discount Amount (Not exposed)
Quote's Discount Amount (Not exposed)
Primary Organization Id (Not exposed)
Quote's Primary Organization Id (Not exposed)

 Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003