Siebel Marketing Guide > Defining Filter and Segment Criteria > Creating Filters and Defining Filter Criteria >

Combining Filter Statements

You can use logical OR operators to create compound filters.

To use OR in a filter expression

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Administration > Filters.
  2. In the All Filters list, select the filter record and click the Filters Detail tab.
  3. Create a filter statement, using the steps in To build filter criteria.
  4. Move it from the Criteria workspace to the Inclusion or Exclusion box, where the restriction is enclosed in parentheses.
  5. Create another statement, and move the criteria to the same Inclusion or Exclusion box.
  6. When you click Add To Inclusion or Add To Exclusion, additional filter criteria are separated from the original criteria with an OR operator.

  7. Click Validate and Save to authenticate syntax and save the filter statement.

To remove statements from the Inclusion, Exclusion, or Workspace boxes

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Administration > Filters.
  2. In the All Filters list, select the filter record and click the Filters Detail tab.
  3. In the Exclusion or Inclusion box, double-click the expression to move it to the Criteria workspace.
  4. In the workspace box, place the cursor in the expression, right-click and choose Delete or Delete All from the menu.
  5. If you have created compound expressions in the Inclusion or Exclusion boxes perform the following steps:
    1. Double-click the first expression to move it to the workspace box and remove it completely from the workspace box before double-clicking the second expression.
    2. Double-click the second expression to move it to the workspace box and remove it completely from the workspace box.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003