Siebel Marketing Guide > Defining Filter and Segment Criteria > Creating Filters and Defining Filter Criteria >

Building Filter Expressions

Use the following procedure to build inclusion or exclusion criteria expressions for your filters.

To build filter criteria

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Administration > Filters.
  2. In the All Filters list, select the filter record and click the Filters Detail tab.
  3. Choose criteria values for the filter, using Table 50.
  4. CAUTION:  Do not select measure, attribute, bucket, or field names containing the following characters: apostrophe ('), greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=), less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), BETWEEN, colon (:), period (.), semicolon (;), or tilde (~).

  5. Click Add to Workspace after each selection.
  6. Each time you move a new value to the Criteria Workspace, it is separated from previous values by AND. Until the statements are moved to the Inclusion or Exclusion boxes, the statements will be joined by AND.

  7. When you have finished building the statement, click Add To Inclusion or Add To Exclusion to move the criteria to the Inclusion or Exclusion boxes.
  8. Click Validate & Save to authenticate the filter syntax and save the criteria.
  9. Table 50.  Criteria Values for Filters
    From the Filter Details drop-down list, select Attributes. In the tree pane, expand the Attribute Hierarchies folder to display values and click the value's check box to select it.
    From the Filter Details drop-down list, select Buckets. In the tree pane, expand the buckets folder to display values and click a value's check box to select it.
    From the Filter Details drop-down list, select Fields. In the tree pane, expand the Fields folder to display values and click the value's check box to select it.
    From the Filters Detail drop-down list, select Measures and in the Available Measures form, click the Measure select button.
    • In the Pick Measure dialog box, select a predefined measure and click OK.
    • Choose an operator, and type a number for Value 1.
    • If the operator is BETWEEN, type a number for Value 2.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003