Siebel Order Management Guide > Creating a Quote or Order > Common Tasks for Creating Quotes and Orders >

Viewing and Recalculating Prices

The user may want to view the prices at many times while developing a quote and order.

Prices are recalculated automatically when the user performs certain actions. The user can also recalculate prices manually at any time, to see the latest price.

This section describes how the user can view and recalculate prices. It includes the following topics:

Factors That Impact Prices

The prices for quotes and orders are based on:

Price and Discount Fields in Quotes and Orders

Price and discount fields are shown for:

Prices for the Overall Quote or Order

The Quote and Order header summaries show the total price for the quote or order, after all discounts.

The Quote header summary also shows the price list for the quote, and a default discount percentage to be applied to line items that the end user adds. For orders, these fields are on the Header Details view tab.

The Totals form at the bottom of the Quote Line Items view and the Order Line Items view show additional detail about the pricing and discounts for the overall quote or order.

Table 8 contains a description of the price and discount fields for the entire order.

Table 8.  Price and Discount Fields for the Entire Order
Discount (Percentage) or Default Discount
Shows a discount to be applied to items instead of any pricing rules. The discount entered here will be applied to items that are added to the quote or order after the discount is entered and to those that have already been added but do not have a pricing rule or line item discount associated with them. This value is entered as a percentage in the Quote header summary or the Order Header Details view tab. Although this discount is used instead of adjustments from price lists or pricing rules, it is used in combination with attribute-based pricing. This is called a manual discount.
Entering a discount here selects the Keep Discount field for all items in the quote or order.
Products Net
Shows the net price of all product line items.
Note: If a product does not have a product type set in Product Administration, the net price will not be included in the Products Net total, but it will still be included in the price shown in the Total field.
Services Net
Shows the net price of all service line items.
In order for products to be identified as service products and included in this total, the product type must be set in Product Administration.
Training Net
Shows the net price of all training line items.
In order for products to be identified as training products and included in this total, the product type must be set in Product Administration.
Total Item Start Price
The total start item price of all the line items, calculated by multiplying the quantity by the start price of each line item. (Start price is the list price or promotional price plus any attribute-based pricing adjustments.)
Total Item Discount
The total discount for all line items, based on discounts from price lists, pricing rules, volume discount, and additional discounts entered in the quote or order.
Total Item Net
The net price of all the items, after discounts.
Any adjustment to the price for the quote or order. This amount is entered as a dollar figure and applied to the entire quote or order. (To apply an adjustment and spread it across line items in the quote or order, use the Spread Discount button instead of the Adjustment field.)
Shipping Charges
Charges for shipping, based on carrier and method, indicated in the Fulfillment view tab or the Totals form and calculated with the Calculate Shipping button on the Totals form.
Taxes on the items in the quote or order. Taxes are calculated with the Calculate Taxes button on the Totals form.
Final total to be charged to the customer for the items in the quote or order. This amount appears in both the Totals form and in the header summary.
Note: The amount shown in the Total field may not equal the amounts displayed in the Products Net, Services Net, and Training Net fields. If some products do not have product types associated with them in Product Administration, or if your company has created additional product types, the amounts shown in the Products Net, Services Net, and Training Net fields may not represent the prices for all of the line items in the quote or order.

Price and Discount Fields for Individual Line Items

The Line Items list and Line Item Detail form show the prices and discounts for individual line items.

Table 9 contains a description of the price and discount fields for individual line items for both quotes and orders.

Table 9.  Price and Discount Fields for Individual Line Items
Start Price
The price associated with the product in the price list, plus any attribute-based pricing adjustments. (Read-only)
Item Net Price
The price of the line item after discounts from pricing rules, volume discounts, or manual discounts. (Read-only)
Unit Net Price
The price of the line item (after discounts) plus the rollup of the item's components (after discounts). (Read-only)
Manual Discount
A discount for the line item can be entered in one of these three fields:
Discount Amount. The amount to be discounted per unit, as a dollar figure. Applied to the Start Price.
Discount %. The discount amount relative to the unit price, shown as a percentage. Applied to the Start Price.
Discount Price. The total amount to be charged for the item, per unit.
A value can only exist in one of these discount fields. When you enter an amount in one of these discount field, it replaces any entries in the other two discount fields.
This discount is applied to the line item, overriding any adjustments from price lists or pricing rules, and replacing any default discount from the quote or order header.
Extended Price
Extended quantity times the start price, minus any discounts. This field appears in orders, but not in quotes. (Read-only)
Extended Net Price
Extended quantity times the unit net price. (Read-only)
Net Discount %
This field represents the net discount applied on the line as a percentage of the start price. (Read-only)
Non-Discounted Extended Price
The extended start price.
Current Discount
Description of the discount provided for the current quantity of this line item. For example: Buy 5-10, get 10% discount. (Read-only)
Next Discount
Description of the discount provided for the next level quantity of this line item. For example: Buy 11 to 20, get 20% discount. (Read-only)
Message indicating the distance in units between the current quantity being ordered and the next minimum level break. For example: Buy 6 more and get a 20% discount.
Pricing Comment
If a pricing rule has been applied to this line item, any comments entered to explain that rule appear here. If more than one rule has been applied, you may see several comments. (Read-only)

Viewing Deal Information

When an end user access the Catalog to add products to a quote or order, the user may find deals available for specific products. An end user can make a deal available to a customer by selecting it in the catalog. The deal is then added to the line item in the quote or order, and listed on the Deals view tab.

For information about how deals are set up and implemented, see Siebel Marketing Guide and Pricing Administration Guide.

To view deals associated with a quote or order

  1. Navigate to the quote or order.
  2. Select the line item for which you want to review deals.
  3. Click the Deals view tab.
  4. The deals associated with the line item appear.

When Prices Are Recalculated

Prices in a quote or order are automatically recalculated:

NOTE:  Line items are excluded from repricing when the Keep Discount field is selected. This field is selected when the end user applies a manual discount to the line item. For more information, see Applying a Manual Discount.

If a user wants a line item to be included in a repricing calculation, the user must be sure that the Keep Discount field is not checked.

When To Manually Recalculate Prices

At times when prices are not automatically recalculated, end users can manually reprice an individual line item or all line items.

End users should reprice individual line items when they have changed a parameter at the line level (other than product or quantity) that could affect price.

End users should reprice all line items when:

To reprice an individual line item

  1. Navigate to the quote or order.
  2. In the Line Items list, select the line item.
  3. In the Line Items list, click Menu, and then click Reprice.

To reprice all line items

  1. Navigate to the quote or order.
  2. For an order, in the Line Items list, click Reprice All.
  3. For a quote, in the Line Items list, click Menu and then click Reprice All.

 Siebel Order Management Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003