Siebel Order Management Guide > Creating a Quote or Order > Common Tasks for Creating Quotes and Orders >

Applying a Manual Discount

End users can enter manual discounts for individual line items or for the entire quote or order. The end user can:

When a manual discount is entered, it overrides:

Manual discounts do not override attribute-based pricing.

The end user can apply manual discount in the following ways:

Applying a Default Discount to All Line Items

To apply a default percentage discount to all line items as they are added, there are different procedures for quotes and orders.

To apply a default discount to line items as you add them to a quote

  1. Navigate to the Quotes screen, locate the quote with which you want to work, and drill down on the Name hyperlink for the quote.
  2. In the Quote header summary, in the Discount field, select the discount (a percentage value) that you want to apply to the line items in the quote.
  3. The percentage discount becomes the default for all new items that you add, and the Keep Discount check box will be selected for each line item.

  4. Add the products that will receive this discount. For information about adding products, see Adding Multiple Items at One Time.

NOTE:  If you change the default discount at the header level for either a quote or an order, the revised discount will be applied to any line items with which the default discount is associated. It will not be applied to any line items with which a pricing rule was associated before the default discount was initially set, and it will not be applied to any line items for which discounts were set at the line level.

To apply a header-level discount percentage to line items as you add them to an order

  1. Navigate to the Orders screen, locate the order with which you want to work, and then click the Header Details view tab.
  2. In the Header Details form, in the Default Discount % field, select the discount that you want to apply to the new line items in the order.
  3. The percentage discount becomes the default discount for all items that you add, and the Keep Discount check box is selected for each line item.

  4. Add the products that will receive this discount. For information about adding products, see Adding Multiple Items at One Time.

Applying a Manual Discount to an Individual Line Item

End users can also apply manual discounts to individual line items.

If an end user applies a manual discount percentage for a line item, the result overrides any default discount entered at the quote or order header level.

To apply a manual discount to an individual line item

  1. Navigate to the quote or order with which you want to work.
  2. In the Line Items list, select the line item to which you want to apply a discount.
  3. NOTE:  You can also apply a manual discount to an individual component of a configurable product.

  4. Click the Line Item Detail view tab, below the Line Items list.
  5. In the Line Item Detail form, complete either the Discount %, Discount Amount, or Discount Price field. For more information about these fields, see Price and Discount Fields for Individual Line Items
  6. Make sure that the Keep Discount checkbox is selected. (If you do not see this field, click the show more button.)

Applying a Manual Discount to an Entire Quote or Order

End users can also apply manual discounts to an entire quote or order.

NOTE:  This discount is not applied to individual line items. If you want to create a discount that is associated with line items, see Spreading a Discount Across Line Items.

To apply an adjustment to a quote or an order

  1. Navigate to the quote or order with which you want to work.
  2. In a quote or order view, click the Totals view tab, below the Line Items list.
  3. In the Totals form, enter the amount of the adjustment in the Adjustment field.
  4. The amount you enter is subtracted from the total price for the quote or order.

Spreading a Discount Across Line Items

Knowing the discount per line item is important both to assist in managing returns and for accurate accounting and reporting. However, for very large quotes and orders with a large number of line items, it is tedious to enter individual discounts for each line item.

An end user can enter a discount for the entire quote or order and spread it across all line items, or across line items of a particular type (products, services, or training):

NOTE:  When the end user enters a spread discount, it replaces any previous discounts, including line item discounts that have the Keep Discount check box checked. However, it does honor minimum and maximum prices for the line item, if specified in the price list.

To spread a manual discount across all line items

  1. Navigate to the quote or order with which you want to work.
  2. In the Totals form, click Spread Discount.
  3. The Spread Discount dialog shows the current total.

  4. If you want the discount to be spread across only line items of a particular type (product, service, or training), uncheck the All Lines field in the Spread Discount dialog box and then select the type of items to which the spread should be applied.
  5. In the Target Total field, enter the price you want the order to total and click Spread.
  6. Your Siebel application performs the spread and enters unit net price and discount amount for each line item. If the line items previously had individual discounts, they are overridden by this spread. The Keep Discount box is automatically checked.

 Siebel Order Management Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003