Siebel Sales User Guide > Target Account Selling >

Completing a TAS Overview

The Overview view provides a starting point that sales professionals can use to consolidate their observations about the account and opportunity and share strategic insights with their sales teams.

Using this view, sales professionals can profile their customers' important business initiatives and requirements. In addition, sales professionals can summarize the strategic goal, value proposition, and overall position.

To complete a TAS overview

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen.
  2. In the Opportunities list, select the opportunity, and then click the Target Account Selling view tab.
  3. From the Show drop-down list, choose Overview.
  4. In the TAS Opportunity Overview form, complete the necessary fields.
  5. The following table describes the fields.

    TIP:  Position the pointer on the "i" information icon to see information on the view.

Customer's Business Profile
Describes the customer's business conditions. Identify the customer's major lines of business, affiliations, products, and markets. Include information about recent mergers and acquisitions.
Customer's Revenue
The customer's annual revenues or sales.
The customer's annual profit.
Fiscal Year End
The month and day in which the customer's 12-month accounting period ends.
Opportunity Profile
Describes the customer's project or application. Identify the customer's business objectives for the project, the total cost and budget for the project, and how the project affects the customer's overall business.
Describes your desired, long-term position with the customer. Identify how a closer relationship with you advances the attainment of their business goals. Include the long-term gain for your business such as future or strategic value.
Customer's Compelling Event
Describes what is driving the customer to make a decision or change the current situation. Identify the payback if the customer makes a change, or the consequences if they do not act. Note the specific date associated with the consequences or payback.
Our Solution
Describes the solution you plan to offer to the customer. Address how the solution works in the customer's environment and how it meets their compelling event. Include any alliances or business partner solutions required to make it operational for the customer.
Critical Success Factors
Identifies actions you, the competition, and your customer must do for you to win this opportunity.
Our Unique Business Value
Describes your value proposition. Make sure it is specific to this customer, defines a measurable business result, and creates credibility by proving your ability to deliver. The value proposition should be confirmed with the customer, and differentiate you from your competitors.
Our Strengths
Identifies business, organizational, and political issues that give your sales team an advantage in the deal.
Our Weaknesses
Identifies business, organizational, and political issues that could put your sales team at risk in the deal.

NOTE:  If this is a new opportunity, you must create a new record and associate it with an account before you can enter text in the Customer's Business Profile field. For more information, see Opportunities.

 Siebel Sales User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003