Siebel Sales User Guide > Target Account Selling >

Assessing an Opportunity

Sales professionals can use the Assessments view to evaluate the opportunity using criteria developed by Siebel MultiChannel Services. Assessments must be completed before determining the best strategy. An assessment focuses on the following four key questions:

  1. Is there an opportunity?
  2. Can we compete?
  3. Can we win?
  4. Is it worth winning?

Sales professionals assess their organization's position and the position of their top competitors against these criteria. As the sales campaign progresses, sales professionals repeat this assessment and then compare the results to past assessments to evaluate and monitor their position at each sales stage.

The first few times an assessment is performed, use the TAS Coach to help evaluate and answer each set of assessment questions. After a number of assessments are performed and you are familiar with the criteria and methodology, use the Assessment form to rate the criteria.

To begin an assessment

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, and in the Opportunities list, select the opportunity.
  2. Click the Target Account Selling view tab.
  3. From the Show drop-down list, select Assessments.
  4. The Assessments list includes all the assessments you and your sales team have performed to date. Use the Assessments list to compare opportunity assessments for your company and your competitors.

  5. In the Assessments form, click New.
  6. In the new record, the Assessment For field defaults to Our Company for self assessments. If you are assessing a competitor's position, click the select button and choose the competitor.
  7. In the Assessment form, click TAS Coach, and then complete the assessment criteria questions.
  8. For more information, see Using the TAS Coach.

Using the TAS Coach

The Assessment TAS Coach, shown in Figure 6, uses Siebel SmartScripts technology to help sales professionals evaluate opportunities. The explorer pane expands to show the individual questions in each question set, and the form at right provides information on assessment considerations and rating selection.

Figure 6. TAS Coach Screen

Click for full size image

To perform an assessment using TAS Coach

  1. Assess the position of each of the criteria in the Assessments list by selecting a plus (+), a minus (-), or a question mark (?) from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Next to advance to the next set of criteria questions.
  3. When you have rated all criteria, click Finish to return to the Assessments list.
  4. NOTE:  You must click Finish to save the criteria ratings.

 Siebel Sales User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003