Upgrade Guide for UNIX > Migrating Client Configurations > Migrating Applets and Views >

Reviewing Applet Migration

After migrating applets, review them to make sure that the Web layout is accurate.

To review new applet migration

  1. In Siebel Tools, go to the Applet List View.
  2. Search for applets that are marked MigN.
  3. Sort applets by Class.
  4. For each applet in a given class, right-click on the applet. Select Edit Web Layout.
  5. Review the layout, and use the Applet Web Editor to make any necessary changes.

    If the same changes need to be made for a large number of applets, run the Web Layout Wizard to remigrate the applets.

The following problems may require remigration.

If you encounter any of these issues, go to Applying the Web Layout to a Set of Applets.

NOTE:  Changes that do not fall into any of the above categories need to be implemented manually for each applet.

Applying the Web Layout to a Set of Applets

If you find that a number of applets did not migrate properly, you can use the Web Layout Wizard to migrate a set of applets that share the same layout. Once a modified applet is migrated it should not be remigrated, because remigrating will cause the applet to lose its original layout.

To apply the Web layout to a set of applets

  1. Before invoking the Web Layout Wizard, identify a model applet that contains the desired template and layout. For example, to use a grid-based layout, select Model Form Applet.

    NOTE:  You may need to modify an applet to obtain the desired characteristics.

  2. Select the applets you want to remigrate using the selected model applet.
  3. Launch the Web Layout Wizard by right-clicking and selecting Web Layout Wizard.
    Click for full size image
  4. Select the applets from the Applet List.

    NOTE:  You can only migrate one type of applet during each invocation. The wizard does not allow you to select applets of different types during a single invocation.

  5. Select the model applet you identified in Step 1.

    For list applets, you can also specify the maximum number of list columns that are to be initially visible. The remainder are available from the "Columns Displayed" dialog at run-time.

  6. Convert the applets.
  7. Review the conversion results for the set of applets converted in Step 6. If you are satisfied, go to Step 8. If you are not satisfied, return to Step 1.
  8. Repeat Step 4 through Step 6 for each class of applet.

Reviewing Modified Applet Migration

After applying the Web template to a set of applets, you should review the remigrated applets.

To review modified applet migration

  1. In Siebel Tools, go to the Applet List View.
  2. Search for applets that are marked MigM.
  3. Sort the applets by Class.
  4. For each applet in a given class, right-click on the applet and select Edit Web Layout.
  5. Review the layout, and use the Applet Web Editor to make any necessary changes.
  6. Repeat these steps until you have reviewed all applets.

 Upgrade Guide for UNIX
 Published: 20 October 2003