Siebel eMail Response Administration Guide > Completing Typical Setup Tasks > Starting Communications Inbound Manager Tasks >

Stopping Communications Inbound Manager

To stop the Communications Inbound Manager, you need to stop the parent task. Stopping the parent task stops the children subtasks. You can stop Communications Inbound Manager in the following ways:

To stop Communications Inbound Manager

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Server Administration > Enterprise Operations.
  2. Click the Enterprise Tasks view tab.
  3. In the Tasks list, query for the component named Communications Inbound Manager.
  4. Select the Communications Inbound Manager with the lowest Task number from the Tasks list.
  5. The Task State field contains a value of Running.

  6. In the Tasks list, click the menu button and select Stop Task.
  7. The parent task and all it's children tasks stop and the Task State field contains a value of Completed.

To stop the Communications Inbound Manager using the server manager command line

  1. From the command line, start the server manager program. For details, see Siebel Server Administration Guide.
  2. In the server manager command line, type the following:
  3. list task for comp comminboundmgr

  4. When the four comminboundmgr tasks appear, identify the parent task for the response group that you want to monitor. The following is an example of a group of comminboundmgr tasks:
  5. smtb50a036 CommInboundMgr 1045

    smtb50a036 CommInboundMgr 1044

    smtb50a036 CommInboundMgr 1043

    smtb50a036 CommInboundMgr 1042 (parent)

  6. Type stop task [parent task number].
  7. The following is an example of what you might type on the command line:

    stop task 1042

 Siebel eMail Response Administration Guide 
 Published: 21 April 2003