Installation Guide

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Running the Installation in the Console Mode

The section describes how to run the installation program in the console mode:


Starting the Console Installer Using Windows

Use the following steps to install ALER using console mode:

  1. Perform the pre-installation tasks as described in Starting the Installation Program on Windows Platforms
  2. Install ALER Using Console Mode.


Starting the Console Installer Using UNIX

This section describes the installation using the console mode on the UNIX platforms. Following sections describe the installation using:

Installers With Filenames Ending in .bin

Using the following steps to install ALER using an installer with filename ending in .bin:

  1. Complete the pre-installation tasks for installers with filename ending in .bin, see Using Installers with Filenames Ending in .bin.
  2. Install ALER Using Console Mode.
Note: Skip step 11 and step 12, choosing the shortcut location applies only to Windows systems.

Installers With Filenames Ending in .jar

Using the following steps to install ALER using an installer with filename ending in .jar:

  1. Complete the pre-installation tasks for installers with filename ending in .jar, see Using Installers with Filenames Ending in .jar.
  2. Install ALER Using Console Mode.
Note: Skip step 11 and step 12, choosing the shortcut location applies only to Windows systems.


Install ALER Using Console Mode

Caution: Before running the BEA Product installer, follow the preparation guidelines in Preparing for Your Installation, especially the Database Installation Procedures for your DBMS.

To complete the console-mode installation process, respond to the prompts in each section by entering the number associated with your choice or by pressing Enter to accept the default. To exit the installation process, enter exit (or x, for short) in response to any prompt. To review or change your selection, enter previous (or p, for short) at the prompt. To proceed to the following prompt, enter Next (or n, for short).

For Information on how to start the installation in the console mode, see Starting the Installation in Console Mode. When you start the installation in the console mode you will see a welcome screen as in Listing 5-1.

Listing 5-1 Welcome Screen in the Console Mode
<------------------BEA Product AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------------>
This installer will guide you through the installation of AquaLogic
Enterprise Repository 3.0.
This installation works with the included Tomcat distribution, or with your
existing installation of BEA WebLogic Server 9.2.1, Tomcat 5.5.17/18, or IBM
WebSphere 6.1.  A running and configured database is required. See for detailed database instructions.
Type "Next" or enter to proceed to the next prompt.  If you want to change
data entered previously, type "Previous".  You may quit the installer at any
time by typing "Exit".
Enter [Exit][Next]>
  1. At the Welcome prompt, type Next (or n for short) or press Enter to continue with the installation process.
  2. The BEA Home directory prompt is displayed.

  3. Specify the BEA Home directory that will serve as the central support directory for all BEA products installed on the target system. For details about the BEA Home directory, see Choosing a BEA Home Directory. If BEA Home directories exist on your system, a list of the directories is displayed, as shown in the Listing 5-2:
    • To use an existing BEA Home directory, type the number associated with the desired BEA Home directory. If your application server is WebLogic 9.2.1, select the associated existing BEA Home.
    • To create a new BEA Home directory, type 1 or press Enter.
    • If there are no BEA Home directories on your system, or you have selected to create a new BEA Home, the installation program displays the prompt as in Listing 5-3:

      Listing 5-2 Choose a BEA Home Directory
      <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
      Choose BEA Home Directory:
       ->1* Create a new BEA Home
      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
      Listing 5-3 Choose a BEA Home
      <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
      Choose BEA Home Directory:
          "BEA Home" = [Enter new value or use default "C:\bea"]
      Enter new BEA Home OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

      Do one of the following:

    • To use the default BEA Home directory, type Next (or n for short), or press Enter.
    • Enter the directory path and press Enter.
    • The installation program displays the BEA Home directory you have specified, as shown in Listing 5-4:

      Listing 5-4 Accept BEA Home Directory
      <-------------------- BEA Installer - BEA Products ------------------->
      Choose BEA Home Directory:
      "BEA Home" = [C:\bea1]
      Use above value or select another option:
          1 - Enter new BEA Home
          2 - Change to default [C:\bea]
      Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  4. Press Enter to accept your selection. Otherwise, type 1 or 2 to return to the Choose BEA Home Directory panel, where you can modify your entry.
  5. After you have selected your BEA Home directory and confirmed your selection, type Next or press Enter. One of the following occurs:

    • If you are adding components to an existing installation, the Choose Components to install panel is displayed. Go to step 5.
    • If you are performing an initial installation, the Choose Install Type (see Listing 5-5) prompt is displayed.
    • Listing 5-5 Choose the Install Type
      <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
      Choose Install Type:
      Select the type of installation you wish to perform.
            This option will install the Professional Edition, also suitable for
          evaluation purposes. Install the following software: - AquaLogic
          Enterprise Repository
            Choose additional software products and components to install.
      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  6. Specify the type of installation you want to perform by entering the number associated with the install type, as shown in the Listing 5-5:
    • Type 1 or press Enter to choose a Default installation type. Proceed to step 8.
    • Type 2 to choose a Custom installation type. The Choose Components to install prompt is displayed.
    • For more information about complete and custom installations, see Installation Overview.

  7. If you the choose the Custom type installation, select the components you want to install. The available components are displayed as shown in Listing 5-6.
  8. Listing 5-6 Choose Components to Install
    <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
    Choose Components to install:
        +----AquaLogic Enterprise Repository [1] v
            +----Core Repository with Examples [1.1] v
            +----AquaLogic Enterprise Repository Plug-In for Eclipse [1.2] v
        +----AquaLogic BPM [2] v
             +----Process Engine [2.1] v
    Enter number exactly as it appears in brackets to toggle selection OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

    The word Installed is shown in brackets for any components you have already installed on your system.

    When you select or deselect components to install, the installation program checks for dependencies between components and automatically modifies the list of selected components. For example, if you deselect the AquaLogic BPM component, the Process Engine is also deselected.

    When you have selected the components, press Enter or type Next (or n for short). The Install Eclipse Options prompt is displayed (see Listing 5-7)

    Listing 5-7 Install Eclipse Options
    <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
    Install Eclipse Options:
    Install BEA installer bundled Eclipse or use the existing Eclispe.
     ->1¦Install Workspace Studio
        ¦  Installer will use the BEA installer bundled
        ¦Eclipse kit and installs it to the default location.
       2¦Use Existing Eclipse
        ¦  Do not install the installer bundled Eclipse.
        ¦I will specify Eclipse Home to use.
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  9. Specify whether you want to install Eclipse, as shown in Listing 5-7. Do one of the following:
    • Type 1 if you want to install Eclipse. Proceed to step 8.
    • Type 2 if you want to use an existing Eclipse installation. The Choose a Eclipse Home Directory prompt is displayed (see Listing 5-8)
    • Listing 5-8 Choose a Eclipse Home Directory
      <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
      Choose a Eclipse Home directory:
          "Eclipse Home" = []
      Enter new Eclipse Home OR [Exit][Next]>
  10. Enter the directory and type n. Verify the directory as shown in Listing 5-9.
  11. Listing 5-9 Choose a Eclipse Home Directory
    <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
    Choose a Eclipse Home directory:
    ->1Yes, use this Eclipse Home [e:\myEclipse]
      2No, select another Eclipse Home
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Next]>

    Do one of the following:

    • Type 1 or n to select the Eclipse Home directory and press Enter.
    • Type 2 to select a different directory, press Enter and return to Listing 5-8.
  12. Select an application server (see Listing 5-10). Enter the number representing your application server and press Enter.
  13. The Initialize Repository Properties prompt for the selected application server is displayed (for example, see Listing 5-11).

    Listing 5-10 Choose Application Server
    <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
    Choose Application Server:
    Enterprise Repository supports deployment in the following application
    servers. If you have none installed, choose Built-in Tomcat to include
    installation of the necessary default resources.
    *Select Application Server
     ->1¦Built-in Tomcat(default)
       2¦Tomcat 5.5.17/18 (user-supplied)
       3¦WebLogic Server 9.2.1/9.2.2
       4¦WebSphere 6.1
    Generic Application Server
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
    Listing 5-11 Initialize Repository Properties
    <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
    Initialize Repository Properties:
    Provide the required data to initialize Enterprise Repository.
       1*Fully qualified server name:[]
       2*Port number:[7101]
       3*Repository application name:[aler]
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  14. Use the installer menus to provide the initialization properties for the selected application server. When finished, type n.
  15. The Choose Product Installation Directories prompt is displayed (see Listing 5-12).

  16. Verify your entry and press Enter to proceed with the installation. Otherwise, do one of the following:
    • Type 1 and press Enter to change the product installation directory for ALER.
    • Type 2 and press Enter to change the Process Engine directory.
    • Modify your entry, confirm it. Type Next. Press Enter.

      Listing 5-12 Choose Product Installation Directories
      <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
      Choose Product Installation Directories:
      BEA Home Directory: [E:\aler20_2]
      Product Installation Directories:
         1Default Product Home: [E:\aler20_2\repository30]
         2Process Engine: [E:\aler20_2\albpm57]
      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next

      The locations for Shortcut prompt is displayed (see Listing 5-13).

      Listing 5-13 Location for the Shortcut
      <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
      Choose Shortcut Location:
      *The installer creates shortcuts to BEA components, samples, and tools. As
          *a user with administrative privileges, you can specify where these
          *shortcuts are created.
      ->1"All Users" Start Menu folder (recommended)
          For some installations, this setting may limit the automatic creation of
          server shortcuts for users without administrative privileges. Refer to 
          the documentation for more information.
         2Local user's Start Menu folder
          Select this option if you need to ensure that other profiles registered on
          this machine will not have access to these shortcuts.
      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  17. Do one of the following:
    • Type 1 or n to select All Users Start Menu folder and press Enter.
    • Type 2 to select Local users Start Menu folder and press Enter.
  18. Type n and press Enter to confirm your choice for the location of the shortcut (see Listing 5-14).
  19. Listing 5-14 Confirm the Location for the Shortcut
    <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
    Choose Shortcut Location:
    *Are you sure you wish to create the shortcuts in the selected location?
        *"All Users" Start Menu folder (recommended)
        *For some installations, this setting may limit the automatic creation of
        *server shortcuts for users without administrative privileges. Refer to the *documentation for more information.
       2No, Go back to the previous screen and make another choice.
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

    Installation starts and you can see the progress of the installation at the prompt.

    Note: It is normal for the installation program to pause for a fairly long time.

    When the installation is complete, the Configure Repository Database panel is displayed (see Listing 5-15).

    Listing 5-15 Configure Repository Database
    <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
    Configure Repository Database
      ->1 - Yes, configure the database now.
        2 - No, do not configure the database now.
    Enter a number or [Previous][Next]>
  20. Do one of the following:
    • Type 1 and press Enter to configure a database.
    • Type 2 and press Enter to configure a database later. Proceed to step 17.
    • The Database Tablespace Names panel is displayed (see Listing 5-16).

      Listing 5-16 Database Tablespace Names
      <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
      Provide Database Tablespace Names:
      Provide the requested information about the tablespaces configured for use
      by Enterprise Repository.
      1¦BLOB tablespace: []
         2¦Data tablespace: []
         3¦Index tablespace: []
      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  21. Use the installer menus to provide the table space names. When finished, type n.
  22. The Select Database Driver prompt is displayed (see Listing 5-17).

    Listing 5-17 Select Database Driver
    <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
    Select Database Driver:
    Select a JDBC driver for your database from the supported drivers list.
        ¦  [oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver]
    2¦IBM DB2 General Type 4 Driver
        ¦  []
    3¦Microsoft SQL Server Driver 2005
        ¦  []
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  23. Use the installer menus to select a driver. When finished, type n.
  24. The Configure Database Properties prompt is displayed (see Listing 5-18).

    Listing 5-18 Configure Database Properties
    <------------- BEA Product - AquaLogic Enterprise Repository 3.0 ------------->
    Configure the database properties below:
    1¦Driver File Locations: []
       2¦DBMS Name: []
       3¦DBMS Host: [localhost]
       4¦DBMS Port: [50000]
       5¦User Name: []
       6¦User Password: []
       7¦Confirm Password: []
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  25. Use the installer menus to provide the database properties. When finished, type n.
  26. The connection is tested:

    • If a connection is made, go to step 17.
    • If the connection fails, you will be returned to step 16. Correct any properties, verify that your database is running and you have selected the correct driver.
  27. Press Enter or type Exit to exit the installation program.


What’s Next

After completing the installation process, complete the following post installation tasks, as described in Post-Installation Instructions.

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