Installation Guide

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Running the Installation in the Silent Mode

The following sections describe how to run the installation program in silent mode:


What Is Silent-Mode Installation?

Silent-mode installation is a way of setting installation configurations once and then using these configurations to duplicate the installation on many machines. During installation in silent mode, the installation program reads the settings for your configuration from an XML file that you create prior to beginning the installation. The installation program does not display any configuration options during the installation process. Silent-mode installation works on both Windows and UNIX systems.

It is assumed that you have already acquired the installation program, either on DVD or from the BEA Web site. For more information on different modes of product distribution, see Product Distribution Methods.


Using Silent-Mode Installation

The silent-mode installation process for ALER has three primary steps:

  1. Follow the preparation guidelines in Preparing for Your Installation, especially the Database Installation Procedures for your DBMS.
  2. Creating a silent.xml file that defines the configuration settings normally entered by a user during an interactive installation process, such as graphical-mode or console-mode installation. For example, values for the BEA Home directory, the product directory, and the components to be installed are supplied in a silent.xml file.
  3. For a detailed procedure, see Creating a silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation. For a sample silent.xml file, see Sample silent.xml Files for Silent-Mode Installation.

  4. Starting the silent-mode installation process using the values specified in the silent.xml file.
  5. For more information on launching the installation in silent mode, see Starting the Installation Program.

Important Considerations for Silent-Mode Installation

When you are performing an installation in silent mode, keep in mind the following considerations:


Creating a silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation

When you install your ALER software in silent mode, the installation program uses an XML file (silent.xml) to determine which installation options should be implemented. Therefore, before you can run the installation program in silent mode, you must first create a silent.xml file in which you specify the installation options that you want to invoke.

Incorrect entries in the silent.xml file can cause installation to fail. To help you determine the cause of a failure, BEA recommends that you create a log file when you start the installation.

Caution: Before running the BEA Product installer in silent mode, follow the preparation guidelines in Preparing for Your Installation, especially the Database Installation Procedures for your DBMS.

To create a silent.xml file for use in the silent-mode installation process, follow these steps:

  1. In a supported browser, view the sample silent.xml file for silent-mode installation. The sample file is available at
  2. This sample silent.xml file is also presented in this section. See Sample silent.xml Files for Silent-Mode Installation.

  3. Save the sample XML file, with the name silent.xml, in the same directory that contains the installation program.
  4. Note: The XML definition (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>) must be at the very beginning of the silent.xml file. There should not be any spaces or line breaks before the XML definition.
  5. In the silent.xml file that you saved on your system, edit the values for the keywords shown in Table 6-1 to reflect your configuration.
  6. Note: You must follow XML guidelines for characters when modifying values. That is, do not use characters reserved for use in XML, such as <, >, [, and].

    Table 6-1 Parameters for Silent.xml
    For this data-value name...
    Enter the following value...
    The full path for the BEA Home directory of your choice. For details about the BEA Home directory, see Choosing a BEA Home Directory.
    The components and subcomponents you want to install on your system:
    • To install ALER, use the following values:
        AquaLogic Enterprise Repository
        Core Repository with Examples
        AquaLogic Enterprise Repository Plug-In for Eclipse
    • To install ALBPM, use the following values:
        AquaLogic BPM/Process Engine
    For more information about entering these values, see Guidelines for Component Selection.
    The application server type used to run ALER. If you do not have an application server installed, specify the Built-in Tomcat option to include installation of the necessary default resources.
    Valid values are:
    • ce_tomcat
    • value for user-supplied Tomcat (GUI = Tomcat 5.5.17/18 (user supplied))
    • value for WLS (GUI = WebLogic Server 9.2.1/9.2.2)
    • value for WAS (GUI = WebSphere 6.1)
    • value for Generic App Server (GUI =Generic Application Server)
    The application server name used to run ALER. If you do not have an application server installed, specify the Built-in Tomcat option to include installation of the necessary default resources.
    Valid values are:
    • Built-in Tomcat (default)
    • Tomcat 5.5.17/18 (user supplied)
    • WebLogic Server 9.2.1/9.2.2
    • WebSphere 6.1
    • Generic Application Server
    The ALER application path. For example, if the ALER_URL is ultimately, then the APP_PATH is ALER301.
    The web application path.
    The fully-qualified server and domain name where ALER is being installed (for example,
    The domain listening port.
    The directory where ALER will be installed within the specified BEAHOME.
    The flag to run the DB Configuration Wizard:
    • true or yes, to run the Database Configuration wizard. The default is true.
    • false or no, to skip the database wizard.
    The flag to run the Repository Database Configuration wizard, which initializes the repository database properties.
    • true or yes, to configure a Repository Database Configuration wizard. The default is true.
    • false or no, to skip the configuration of a database.

    Note: This flag is skipped if RUN_DBCONFIG_WIZARD is set to false or no.

    Tablespace name for BLOBs.

    Note: For the BLOB Tablespace field, enter the same value that you specify for DB_TABLE_DATA.

    The data tablespace name to be used by ALER. For example:
    • SQL ServerPRIMARY
    • OracleALER_DATA
    • DB2alerdatats
    The index tablespace name to be used by ALER. For example:
    • SQL ServerINDEX
    • OracleALER_INDEX
    • DB2alerindxts
    Name of the driver. For example: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    Path to the driver JAR file. For example:
    • Oracle – d:\jdbc14.jar
    • SQL 2005 – d:\qljdbc.jar
    The database management system.
    • Oracle – enter the SID that the ALER schema was installed on. For Oracle, the default SID is orcl; for Oracle XE, the default SID is xe.
    • Note: You can determine the SID needs to be entered by running this SQL statement: select instance_name from v$instance;

    • SQL – enter the database name (e.g., ALER)
    The database port number.
    The fully-qualified server and domain name where ALER is being installed (for example,
    The database user name.
    Enter the appropriate user information from the Database Installation Procedures instructions for your DBMS.
    The password for a database user.
    Enter the appropriate user information from the Database Installation Procedures instructions for your DBMS.
    The DBA User Name used to manage your database for ALBPM users.
    The DBA Password used to manage your database for ALBPM users.
    The FDI user name that will be used to log into the ALBPM Process Engine as the administrator.
    The FDI user password that will be used to log into the ALBPM Process Engine as the administrator.
    The User Name that will be used for ALBPM’s FDI User schema (ALBPM Manager).
    The Password that will be used for ALBPM’s FDI User schema (ALBPM Manager).
    The User Name that will be used for ALBPM’s Server User schema (ALBPM Process Engine).
    The Password that will be used for ALBPM’s Server User schema (ALBPM Process Engine).
    Configure the ALER Advanced Registration workflows with the default ALBPM Process Engine.
    • true, or yes, configure workflows.
    • false, or no, to skip configuring workflows.
    The application server home directory
    For example: BEAHOME\weblogic922
    The ALER User Domain Directory directory.
    For example: BEAHOME\user_projects\domains\alerDomain
    The supported WebLogic Server home.
    For example: BEAHOME\weblogic922
    The WebLogic Server home.
    For example: BEAHOME\weblogic922
    For installations pointing at existing Eclipse plug-ins for ALER, specifies the optional Eclipse installation. If this key/value is not specified, the installer continues as in the normal GUI installation.
    <data-value name="ECLIPSE32_HOME" value="c:\my_eclipse_home" />

Guidelines for Component Selection

Use the following guidelines when you specify values for the COMPONENT_PATHS data-value name:


Sample silent.xml Files for Silent-Mode Installation

The following sample silent.xml demonstrate how to install ALER and configure a database.

Listing 6-1 Sample XML File -- Install ALER with Database Configuration and ALBPM Process Engine
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<data-value name='BEAHOME' value='D:\dev\silentInstall\aler_albpm'/>
<data-value name='COMPONENT_PATHS' value='AquaLogic Enterprise Repository/Core Repository with Examples|AquaLogic Enterprise Repository/AquaLogic Enterprise Repository Plug-In for Eclipse|AquaLogic BPM/Process Engine'/>
<data-value name='APP_SERVER_TYPE' value='ce_tomcat' />
<data-value name='APP_SERVER_NAME' value='Default (built-in Tomcat)'/>
<data-value name='APP_PATH' value='aler3'/>
<data-value name='WEB_PATH' value='aler3-web'/>
<data-value name='ALER_URL' value='MyURL' />
<data-value name='DOMAIN_LISTEN_PORT' value='8080' />
<data-value name='APP_SERVER_HOME' value='D:\dev\silentInstall\aler_albpm\my\tomcat'/>
<data-value name='USER_INSTALL_DIR' value='D:\dev\silentInstall\aler_albpm\repository30'/>
<data-value name='RUN_DBCONFIG_WIZARD' value='yes'/>
<data-value name='CONFIG_RESPOSIT_DB' value='yes'/>
<data-value name='DB_TABLE_BLOB' value='USER_BLOB'/>
<data-value name='DB_TABLE_DATA' value='USER_DATA'/>
<data-value name='DB_TABLE_INDEX' value='USER_INDEX'/>
<data-value name='DB_DRIVER' value='oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'/>
<data-value name='DB_JARFILES' value='d:\ojdbc14.jar'/>
<data-value name='DB_DBMS' value='sid2'/>
<data-value name='DB_PORT' value='1521'/>
<data-value name='DB_HOST' value='MyHostName'/>
<data-value name='DB_USERNAME' value='silent'/>
<data-value name='DB_PASSWORD' value='silent'/>
<data-value name='DBA_ALBPM_USER' value='system'/>
<data-value name='DBA_ALBPM_PASSWORD' value='aler30'/>
<data-value name='ALBPM_ADMIN_USER' value='system'/>
<data-value name='ALBPM_ADMIN_PASSWORD' value='manager'/>
<data-value name='FDI_USER_NAME' value='fd1'/>
<data-value name='FDI_USER_PASSWORD' value='fd1'/>
<data-value name='SERVER_USER_NAME' value='fd2'/>
<data-value name='SERVER_USER_PASSWORD' value='fd2'/>
<data-value name='CONFIGURE_WORKFLOW' value='yes'/>
Listing 6-2 Sample XML File -- Install ALER Only with Database Configuration
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<data-value name='BEAHOME' value='D:\dev\silentInstall\aler3'/>
<data-value name='COMPONENT_PATHS' value='AquaLogic Enterprise Repository/Core Repository with Examples|AquaLogic Enterprise Repository/AquaLogic Enterprise Repository Plug-In for Eclipse'/>
<data-value name='APP_SERVER_TYPE' value='ce_tomcat' />
<data-value name='APP_SERVER_NAME' value='Default (built-in Tomcat)'/>
<data-value name='APP_PATH' value='aler3'/>
<data-value name='WEB_PATH' value='aler3-web'/>
<data-value name='ALER_URL' value='MyURL' />
<data-value name='DOMAIN_LISTEN_PORT' value='8080' />
<data-value name='APP_SERVER_HOME' value='D:\dev\silentInstall\aler_albpm\my\tomcat'/>
<data-value name='USER_INSTALL_DIR' value='D:\dev\silentInstall\aler_albpm\repository30'/>
<data-value name='RUN_DBCONFIG_WIZARD' value='yes'/>
<data-value name='CONFIG_RESPOSIT_DB' value='yes'/>
<data-value name='DB_TABLE_BLOB' value='USER_BLOB'/>
<data-value name='DB_TABLE_DATA' value='USER_DATA'/>
<data-value name='DB_TABLE_INDEX' value='USER_INDEX'/>
<data-value name='DB_DRIVER' value='oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'/>
<data-value name='DB_JARFILES' value='d:\ojdbc14.jar'/>
<data-value name='DB_DBMS' value='sid2'/>
<data-value name='DB_PORT' value='1521'/>
<data-value name='DB_HOST' value='MyHostName'/>
<data-value name='DB_USERNAME' value='silent'/>
<data-value name='DB_PASSWORD' value='silent'/>

For more information on launching the installation in silent mode, see Starting the Installation Program.


Returning Exit Codes to the Console

When run in silent mode, the installation program generates exit codes that indicate the success or failure of the installation. These exit codes are shown in the following table.

Installation Completed Successfully.
Installation failed due to a fatal error.
Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error.

If you are launching the silent-mode installation process from a script, you can choose to have these exit codes displayed on the console. Listing 6-3 provides a sample command file that invokes the installation program in silent mode and echoes the exit codes to the console from which the script is executed.

Listing 6-3 Sample Command File Displaying Silent-Mode Exit Codes
rem Execute the installer in silent mode
@echo off
aler30_win32.exe -mode=silent -silent_xml=mySilentXMLFile.xml -log=aler_30.log
@rem Return an exit code to indicate success or failure of installation
set exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL%
@echo Exitcode=%exit_code%
@echo Exit Code Key
@echo ---------------
@echo  0=Installation completed successfully
@echo -1=Installation failed due to a fatal error
@echo -2=Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error


What’s Next

After completing the installation process, complete the following post installation tasks, as described in Post-Installation Instructions.

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