Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Configuring Jobs >

Billing Job Types

Table 5 lists the billing production jobs available with Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

NOTE:  If the configuration parameters change for a job, you must recreate and reconfigure the job.

Table 5. Available Production Jobs
Job Name


Sends email to enrolled users who are linked to accounts that have new statements available in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing. For details on configuring a StatementReady job, see Configuring a StatementReady Job.


Sends the emails stored in the MESSENGER_GROUP_TABLE (and waiting to be sent) to users. You run the Notifier job after the Payment Reminder, Payment Due Notification, Statement Ready, and pmtCCExpiration jobs. For details on configuring a Notifier job, see Configuring a Notifier Job.


Processes batch reports as requested by the reporting server. Running the BatchReportScheduler job starts processing all scheduled batch reports, making them available online. For details on configuring a BatchReportScheduler job, see Configuring a BatchReportScheduler Job.


Generates a warning email to system administrators whose password is set to expire within the (next) configured number of days. For details on configuring a PasswordExpNotify job, see Configuring a PasswordExpNotify Job.

Purge Logs

Removes historical data from the Log table. Running the Purge Logs job periodically removes data for all applications you have, freeing up space on your database server. For details on configuring a Purge Logs job, see Configuring a Purge Logs Job.


Deletes batch report files and related records from the database. For details on configuring a ReportCleanUp job, see Configuring a ReportCleanUp Job.


Provides a way to run a custom shell command (shell script or external script), executable, or other program that was written to perform a task specific to your requirements using the command line. You can process the output files from other tasks within the ShellJob job. For details on configuring a ShellJob, see Configuring a ShellJob.


Reads XML files that define a hierarchy, builds that hierarchy in the online transactional processing (OLTP) database, and synchronizes with the online analytical processing (OLAP) database. For details on configuring a HierarchyImporter job, see Configuring a HierarchyImporter Job.


Replicates all published hierarchies for the periods up to the current periods. For details on configuring a HierarchyCopy job, see Configuring a HierarchyCopy Job.


Cleans up closed accounts and unsubscribed services, and removes them from hierarchies. For details on configuring a HierarchyCleanUp job, see Configuring a HierarchyCleanUp Job.


Cleans up closed accounts and unsubscribed services, and removes them from hierarchies. For details on configuring a HierarchyPurge job, see Configuring a HierarchyPurge Job.

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