Oracle JRockit Product Support Information

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Hardware Support and Compatible Architectures

Oracle products are certified for particular hardware chip architectures, as specified in Oracle JRockit JDK Supported Configurations for each release.

Compatibility Between Releases

Continued compatibility between the JRockit JDK releases is assured by following the guidelines described in this section.

Product Versioning

The JRockit JDK numbering scheme is based on the following:

For example, Oracle JRockit JVM 5.0 R25.0.0 refers to a release 25.0.0 of Oracle JRockit JVM that is compatible with J2SE 5.0; Oracle JRockit JVM 1.4.2_04 R24.3.0 refers to a release of 24.3.0 of the JRockit JVM that is compatible with J2SE 1.4.2_04. A JRockit JVM release can be compatible with more than one JDK version and a JDK version can be compatible with multiple JRockit JVM releases.

The JRockit JDK versions previous to 1.4.2 used a different numbering scheme following the Oracle WebLogic Platform version. For this reason, the J2SE 1.3.1 version of the JRockit JDK was called 7.0. All future versions of the JRockit JDK will follow the versioning scheme outlined in the preceding paragraph.

This compatibility statement applies to the following JRockit JDK versions:

Java APIs

All Java APIs follow the Sun compatibility statement at

Proprietary JRockit JVM APIs

Command Line Options


Operating System Patch Level Policy

Support for service packs is listed in the Oracle JRockit JDK Supported Configurations. The available options are:

In a few rare cases, a specific service pack is not supported. Always check the Notes field for exceptions.

In addition to service packs, official updates and hotfixes from the OS vendors are supported. This includes Microsoft security fixes installed through Windows Update and Errata updates provided by the Linux vendors.


For the supported Linux distributions, service packs or updates from the vendors are supported as stated above. Other types of patches, including kernels built from source, are not supported, unless specifically stated in the supported configurations.

Linux distributions not explicitly listed are not supported; however, using them with the JRockit JDK has a greater chance of success if the kernel and glibc versions are similar or identical to one of the supported distributions.

The JRockit JDK is supported on the default Linux kernel, which varies with the distribution and architecture. For details, see the supported configurations. If you require a different kernel, such as the hugemem kernel, contact Oracle Support for the current support status.


End-of-Life Information

The JRockit JDK generally follows the same end-of-life (EOL) schedule as the Sun JDK ( No separate EOL announcements are made for the JRockit JDK so long as it matches the Sun JDK schedule.

One major exception to the policy above is if a particular the JRockit JDK release is required to support a specific Oracle product after EOL has been reached for a corresponding Sun JDK version. In these cases, Oracle continues to support JRockit JDK when used in conjunction with those Oracle products, until the product in question has either a) migrated to a newer release of JRockit JDK or b) has reached its EOL.

For end-of-life announcements for the JRockit JDK, and information about Oracle support for third-party products that have reached end-of-life or are approaching end-of life, see Oracle JRockit JDK End-of-Life Announcements.

This EOL policy applies to the entire JRockit JDK, which includes the JVM and JDK libraries and all tools shipped as part of the JDK installation.


Note on JRE Class Files

The JRE class files distributed with JRockit JDK come directly from Sun, except for a small number that are tightly coupled to the JVM and are therefore overridden in the Oracle JRockit JDK. The overridden class files are in the java.lang,,, and java.util packages. No classes have been omitted.