Interface ObjectClassOpsV1

All Superinterfaces
ISPIMarker, ISPITicketMarker, Serializable

public interface ObjectClassOpsV1
extends Serializable, ISPITicketMarker

ObjectClassOps is a Ticket interface for Node Type (ObjectClass) CRUD operations.

It is used to manage ObjectClasses as well as their PropertyDefinitions and PropertyChoices. Each ObjectClass may contain 0 or more PropertyDefinitions and each PropertyDefinition may contain 0 or more PropertyChoices.

All ObjectClasses, PropertyDefinitions and PropertyChoices are uniquely identified through their ID. The ID must contain the uid, unless the operation is a create then the uid should be null, since it has not yet been created.

The repository implementation may have more specific validation rules than that defined above. If a repository considers an attempted operation invalid, it must throw a RepositoryException.

For additional rules see com.bea.content.PropertyDefinition.

Nested Class Summary
static class ObjectClassOpsV1.MethodName
Method Summary
 ObjectClass createObjectClass(ObjectClass objectClass)
          Creates the given ObjectClass.
 PropertyDefinition createPropertyDefinition(ID objectClassId, PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
          Adds the specified propertyDefinition to the ObjectClass with the specified objectClassId.
 void deleteObjectClass(ID objectClassId)
          Removes the ObjectClass with the specified objectClassId.
 void deletePropertyDefinition(ID propertyDefinitionId)
          Removes the propertyDefinition with the specified ID.
 ObjectClass[] getAllObjectClasses()
          Retrieve all of the ObjectClasses available in the content repository.
 QueryResult<ObjectClass> getChildObjectClasses(ID objectClassId, QueryCriteria queryCriteria)
          Retreives the first level of types which extend the given type in some way (the immediate descendents).
 Set<String> getNativeFilterableProperties(String repositoryName)
          Returns a set of property names which the repository can filter natively (within the repository instead of the federated API) for paging purposes.
 Set<String> getNativeSortableProperties(String repositoryName)
          Returns a set of property names which the repository can sort natively (within the repository instead of the federated API) for paging purposes.
 ObjectClass[] getObjectClassesWithQueryCriteria(QueryCriteria queryCriteria)
          Retrieve all of the ObjectClasses available in the content repository which meet the specified query criteria.
 ObjectClass getObjectClassWithId(ID objectClassId)
          Retrieve an ObjectClass with the specified objectClassId.
 ObjectClass getObjectClassWithName(String name)
          Retrieve the ObjectClass with the specified name.
 InputStream getPropertyChoiceBytes(ID propertyChoiceId)
          Retrieves the binary PropertyChoice value for the specified binary PropertyChoice.
 PropertyDefinition getPropertyDefinition(ID propertyDefinitionId)
          Retrieves a single PropertyDefinition with a specified ID.
 PropertyDefinition[] getPropertyDefinitions(ID objectClassId)
          Retrieves all PropertyDefinitions for the specified ObjectClass ID.
 ObjectClass renameObjectClass(ID objectClassId, String newName)
          Renames the ObjectClass with the specified objectClassId.
 ObjectClass save(ObjectClass objectClass)
          This method updates an existing object class in a single transaction.
 PropertyDefinition updatePropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
          Updates the specified propertyDefinition.

Method Detail


ObjectClass getObjectClassWithName(String name)
                                   throws RepositoryException
Retrieve the ObjectClass with the specified name.

name - - the name of the ObjectClass to retrieve.
ObjectClass - the ObjectClass with the specified name.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the ObjectClass to get does not exist.
RepositoryException - - if the repository encounters an error during the operation.


ObjectClass[] getObjectClassesWithQueryCriteria(QueryCriteria queryCriteria)
                                                throws RepositoryException
Retrieve all of the ObjectClasses available in the content repository which meet the specified query criteria.

queryCriteria - - The query criteria for this operation
ObjectClass[] - an array of all ObjectClasses, an empty array if none are currently defined.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.


ObjectClass getObjectClassWithId(ID objectClassId)
                                 throws RepositoryException
Retrieve an ObjectClass with the specified objectClassId.

objectClassId - - the ID of the ObjectClass to retrieve. The ID must contain the repositoryName and UID.
ObjectClass - the ObjectClass with the specified id.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the ObjectClass to retrieve does not exist.


QueryResult<ObjectClass> getChildObjectClasses(ID objectClassId,
                                               QueryCriteria queryCriteria)
                                               throws RepositoryException
Retreives the first level of types which extend the given type in some way (the immediate descendents).

If called with an objectClassId with no uid, then this method should return all repository top-level types (types which do not inherit from another type).

If "Type A" is extended by "Type B" which is in turn extended by "Type C", then when this method is called with the parameter "Type A", the result would be a list containing only "Type B". If called with Type B, the results will be Type C. If called with an ID with no uid, the results will be Type A.

The results are ordered by the type's path.

objectClassId - The ID of the type, or an ID with no uid to retrieve top-level types
queryCriteria - The query criteria for this operation
An ordered QueryResult of types which extend the given type. Ordered by path. Empty if there are no child ObjectClasses.
NoSuchObjectClassException - If the given type doesn't exist.
RepositoryException - If the operation fails.


ObjectClass[] getAllObjectClasses()
                                  throws RepositoryException
Retrieve all of the ObjectClasses available in the content repository.

ObjectClass[] - an array of all ObjectClasses, an empty array if none are currently defined.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.


ObjectClass createObjectClass(ObjectClass objectClass)
                              throws RepositoryException
Creates the given ObjectClass. If the ObjectClass contains any PropertyDefinitions (or PropertyChoices) then they are created also.

objectClass - - the ObjectClass to create, along with any PropertyDefinitions and PropertyChoices to create.
ObjectClass - the new ObjectClass.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
ObjectClassExistsException - - if the name of the ObjectClass is already in use.
RepositoryException - - if a validation error occurs.


ObjectClass save(ObjectClass objectClass)
                 throws RepositoryException
This method updates an existing object class in a single transaction. The changed object class attributes will be updated accordingly, including changed property definitions and property choices. This is a less granular way of performing actions like createPropertyDefinition, renameObjectClass and updatePropertyDefiniton.

The object class is assumed to be retrieved from this API and therefore properly formed when this call is made. Therefore if this method is called and some property definitions are not specified, those definitions values will be removed.

The following object class attributes are system managed and cannot be modified via this API: path (modifying the parent will cause the object class path to be updated properly).

objectClass - The object class to update.
The updated objectClass
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
ObjectClassInUseException - if the type is in use and the update to be performed is illegal.
RepositoryException - - if error occurs during the update operation.


ObjectClass renameObjectClass(ID objectClassId,
                              String newName)
                              throws RepositoryException
Renames the ObjectClass with the specified objectClassId.

objectClassId - - the ID of the objectClass to rename.
newName - - the new name of the ObjectClass.
ObjectClass - the updated ObjectClass.
ObjectClassExistsException - - if the name of the ObjectClass is already in use.
NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the objectClass to rename doesn't exist.
RepositoryException - - if a validation error occurs.


void deleteObjectClass(ID objectClassId)
                       throws RepositoryException
Removes the ObjectClass with the specified objectClassId. All of the ObjectClass's contained PropertyDefinitions, and PropertyChocies are also removed.

objectClassId - - the ID of the ObjectClass to delete.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the ObjectClass to delete does not exist.
RepositoryException - - if a validation error occurred.


PropertyDefinition getPropertyDefinition(ID propertyDefinitionId)
                                         throws RepositoryException
Retrieves a single PropertyDefinition with a specified ID.

propertyDefinitionId - - the ID the PropertyDefinition to retrieve.
PropertyDefinition - the PropertyDefinition whose id matches propertyDefinitionId.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
NoSuchPropertyDefinitionException - - if the PropertyDefinition does not exist.


PropertyDefinition[] getPropertyDefinitions(ID objectClassId)
                                            throws RepositoryException
Retrieves all PropertyDefinitions for the specified ObjectClass ID.

objectClassId - - the ID for the ObjectClass to retrieve its PropertyDefinitions.
PropertyDefinition[] - the array of PropertyDefinitions for the specified ObjectClass, of an empty array of none are currently defined.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the ObjectClass does not exist.


PropertyDefinition createPropertyDefinition(ID objectClassId,
                                            PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
                                            throws RepositoryException
Adds the specified propertyDefinition to the ObjectClass with the specified objectClassId. If isPrimary is true then this PropertyDefinition will be set to the primary PropertyDefinition for the ObjectClass. If there is already a primary PropertyDefinition, then it will be unset.

objectClassId - - the id of the ObjectClass to add the PropertyDefinition to.
propertyDefinition - - the propertyDefinition to create and add to the ObjectClass.
PropertyDefinition - the PropertyDefinition that was added to the ObjectClass.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the objectClass does not exist.
RepositoryException - - if a validation error occurs.


PropertyDefinition updatePropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
                                            throws RepositoryException
Updates the specified propertyDefinition.

The PropertyDefinition ID and all of its PropertyChoices IDs should remain intact when updated. If PropertyChoices are no longer present on the PropertyDefinition, they should be removed. If new PropertyChoices are present on the PropertyDefinition they should be added.

If isPrimary is true then this PropertyDefinition will be set to the primary PropertyDefinition for the ObjectClass. If there is already a primary PropertyDefinition, then it will be unset.

propertyDefinition - - the propertyDefinition to update. There can only be one primary PropertyDefinition that defines the primary content Property for a Node.
PropertyDefinition - the updated PropertyDefinition.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
NoSuchPropertyDefinitionException - - if the PropertyDefinition does not exist.
RepositoryException - - if a validation error occurs.


void deletePropertyDefinition(ID propertyDefinitionId)
                              throws RepositoryException
Removes the propertyDefinition with the specified ID.

propertyDefinitionId - - the ID of the propertyDefinition to remove.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
NoSuchPropertyDefinitionException - - if the PropertyDefinition does not exist.
RepositoryException - - if a validation error occurs.


InputStream getPropertyChoiceBytes(ID propertyChoiceId)
                                   throws RepositoryException
Retrieves the binary PropertyChoice value for the specified binary PropertyChoice.

propertyChoiceId - - the ID of the propertyChoice to retrieve the BinaryValue for.
InputStream - the binary data for the BinaryChoice.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
NoSuchPropertyChoiceException - - if the PropertyChoice does not exist.


Set<String> getNativeSortableProperties(String repositoryName)
                                        throws RepositoryException
Returns a set of property names which the repository can sort natively (within the repository instead of the federated API) for paging purposes.

repositoryName - The name of the repository.
The property names which can be sorted at the repository level.
RepositoryException - If the operation does not succeed.


Set<String> getNativeFilterableProperties(String repositoryName)
                                          throws RepositoryException
Returns a set of property names which the repository can filter natively (within the repository instead of the federated API) for paging purposes.

repositoryName - The name of the repository.
The property names which can be filtered at the repository level.
RepositoryException - If the operation does not succeed.

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