Class HierarchicalEntityImpl

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces
ConfigurableEntity, Serializable, javax.ejb.EnterpriseBean, javax.ejb.EntityBean

public abstract class HierarchicalEntityImpl
extends ConfigurableEntityImpl

HierarchicalEntity extends ConfigurableEntity by describing an interface by which Entities can be included in a hierachy of successors. The resulting hierarchy is searched upward when getting Properties. This design pattern models the Chain of Responsibility Pattern (Gamma et al).

For example, if an entity A has a successor entity B, and A is queried for a property but does not have a value persisted for that property, it will lookup entity B and query it for that property.

Also, "explicit" successors can be specified as part of a getProperty method call. These are other ConfigurableEntities that should be queried after the current entity, but before any persisted successors.

A HierarchicalEntity can have one successor persisted for each property set, as well as a "default" successor that is not associated with a property set. The default successor will be queried in the case that the current entity does not have a value, the explicit successor (if one is specified) does not have a value, and the successor for the property's property set does not have a value.

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static String FIND_BY_PK
          finder method name
Fields inherited from class
_ctx, _environmentNamingContext, COMMERCE_POOL, ENTITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER, entityPropertyManager, JNDI_NAME, PROPERTY_SET_MANAGER, PROPERTY_SET_TYPE, propertyLocator, psManager, textFormatter, uid
Fields inherited from class
CE_METHOD_CACHE, instanceClass, PREFIX_GET, PREFIX_SET, propertyCache
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  Method getFindByPrimaryKey(Class homeClass, Class[] params)
          Get the findByPrimaryKey method from a home interface.
protected  Object getImplicitProperty(String propertySet, String propertyName)
          Override ConfigurableEntity.getImplicitProperty to do a successor search if the property was not found in this entity
protected  Object getImplicitProperty(String propertySet, String propertyName, ConfigurableEntity explicitSuccessor)
          Search for the property value in the default database tables; first in the current entity, then in the explicit successor entity, then in the implicit successor for the property set, and finally in the default implicit successor for this entity.
 Object getProperty(String propertySet, String propertyName, ConfigurableEntity successor)
          Retrieve the value associated with the named key in the specified property set.
 String getPropertyAsString(String propertySet, String propertyName, ConfigurableEntity successor)
          Convenience method to return the property as a String.
 Object getPropertyNoDefault(String propertySet, String propertyName, ConfigurableEntity successor)
          Retrieve the value associated with the property in the specified property set, but does not return a default value from the property's PropertyDefinition if the property does not exist for the entity or in the hierarchy of successors.
 ConfigurableEntity getSuccessor(String propertySet)
          Retrieve the successor associated with this ConfigurableEntity for the specified property set.
protected  ConfigurableEntity getSuccessorFromId(Long anEntityId)
          Get the entity represented by a unique entity id.
 void removeSuccessor(String propertySet)
          Remove the successor for the specified propertySet.
 void setSuccessor(String propertySet, ConfigurableEntity successor)
          This sets the successor for this object.
Methods inherited from class
createUniqueId, ejbActivate, ejbCreate, ejbFindByPrimaryKey, ejbLoad, ejbPassivate, ejbPostCreate, ejbRemove, ejbStore, getConnection, getDefaultSqlBundleName, getEntityContext, getEntityPropertyManager, getEnvironmentNamingContext, getEnvironmentProperty, getEnvironmentProperty, getJndiName, getPkString, getProperty, getPropertyCache, getPropertyDefault, getPropertyLocator, getPropertyLocator, getPropertySetManager, getStatement, getUniqueId, removeProperty, setEntityContext, setProperty, unsetEntityContext, useEntityPropertyManager
Methods inherited from class
createMapKey, getCachedProperty, getExplicitProperty, getExplicitSetter, getPropertyAsString, getPropertyNoDefault, hasExplicitGetter, hasExplicitSetter, removeExplicitProperty, setExplicitProperty, upcaseFirst
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final String FIND_BY_PK
finder method name

See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public HierarchicalEntityImpl()
Method Detail


public Object getProperty(String propertySet,
                          String propertyName,
                          ConfigurableEntity successor)
                   throws RemoteException
Retrieve the value associated with the named key in the specified property set. If the entity does not have a value defined for that property, the property will be searched in the successor hiearchy using the explicit successor first and then the successor for the specified scope, and finally the entity's default successor. If this search does not return a value, the default value from the property set will be returned.

propertySet - The name of the property set
propertyName - The name of the property to retrieve.
successor - The explicit successor to use for sucessor hiearchy search if the entity does not have the property defined.


public String getPropertyAsString(String propertySet,
                                  String propertyName,
                                  ConfigurableEntity successor)
                           throws RemoteException
Convenience method to return the property as a String. Follows the same search order as the getProperty method.

propertySet - The name of the property set
propertyName - The name of the property to retrieve.
successor - The explicit successor to use for sucessor hiearchy search if the entity does not have the property defined.


public Object getPropertyNoDefault(String propertySet,
                                   String propertyName,
                                   ConfigurableEntity successor)
                            throws RemoteException
Retrieve the value associated with the property in the specified property set, but does not return a default value from the property's PropertyDefinition if the property does not exist for the entity or in the hierarchy of successors. This method is used by the implementation of the getProperty methods so that the search in the successor hierarchy does not return a default value from the PropertySet.

propertySet - The name of the property set
propertyName - The name of the property to retrieve.
successor - The explicit successor to use for sucessor hiearchy search if the entity does not have the property defined.


protected Object getImplicitProperty(String propertySet,
                                     String propertyName)
                              throws RemoteException
Override ConfigurableEntity.getImplicitProperty to do a successor search if the property was not found in this entity

getImplicitProperty in class AbstractConfigurableEntity
propertySet - The name of the property set
propertyName - The name of the property to retrieve.
the property value, or null if it was not found


protected Object getImplicitProperty(String propertySet,
                                     String propertyName,
                                     ConfigurableEntity explicitSuccessor)
                              throws RemoteException
Search for the property value in the default database tables; first in the current entity, then in the explicit successor entity, then in the implicit successor for the property set, and finally in the default implicit successor for this entity.

propertySet - The name of the property set
propertyName - The name of the property to retrieve.
explicitSuccessor - The explicit successor to use for sucessor hiearchy search if the entity does not have the property defined.


public void removeSuccessor(String propertySet)
Remove the successor for the specified propertySet.


public void setSuccessor(String propertySet,
                         ConfigurableEntity successor)
This sets the successor for this object. This is used when resolving the getProperty.

successor -


public ConfigurableEntity getSuccessor(String propertySet)
                                throws RemoteException
Retrieve the successor associated with this ConfigurableEntity for the specified property set.

propertySet - the property set to look in
this entity's successor, or null if one was not defined


protected ConfigurableEntity getSuccessorFromId(Long anEntityId)
                                         throws RemoteException
Get the entity represented by a unique entity id.

anEntityId - the successor's unique entity id
a reference to the successor entity, or null if it could not be found


protected Method getFindByPrimaryKey(Class homeClass,
                                     Class[] params)
Get the findByPrimaryKey method from a home interface. This will cache the methods based on home class for faster lookups.

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