Interface PropertyDefinition

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPropertyDefinition, PropertyDefinitionImpl

public interface PropertyDefinition

Public interface for a property definition. A property definition is meta-data about a property that might be set on a Configurable Entity. It contains information such as the property's datatype, a default value, whether it is restricted to a set of allowable values, and whether it supports multiple values.

The property type constants here are imported from com.beasys.commerce.util.TypesHelper, and are duplicated here for convenience, and in case TypesHelper is not included in future releases.

You can use the no-arg constructor for the internal class when creating a PropertyDefinition. PropertyDefinitionImpl extends For example:

PropertyDefinitionImpl myPropSetDefImpl = new PropertyDefinitionImpl();

The setType() will use constants described below under the Field Summary Section.

See Also
PropertySet, ConfigurableEntity, AbstractPropertyDefinition

Field Summary
static int BOOLEAN
          The constant for a boolean type (0).
static int DATETIME
          The constant for a datetime java.sql.Timestamp type (4).
static int FLOAT
          The constant for the floating-point numeric type (2).
static int INTEGER
          The constant for a numeric type (1).
static int TEXT
          The constant for a text type (3).
static int USER_DEFINED
          The constant for a user defined type (5).
Method Summary
 Object getDefaultValue()
          Get the default value for this property.
 String getDescription()
          Get the description of this property
 Collection getRestrictedValues()
          Get the allowable values, if this property is restricted.
 int getType()
          Get the datatype of the property
 boolean isMultiValued()
          Can this property support multiple values?
 boolean isRestricted()
          Is this property restricted to a certain list of values?
 void validate(Object value)
          Check to see if a value is valid for this property definition.

Field Detail


static final int BOOLEAN
The constant for a boolean type (0).

See Also
Constants Summary


static final int INTEGER
The constant for a numeric type (1).

See Also
Constants Summary


static final int FLOAT
The constant for the floating-point numeric type (2).

See Also
Constants Summary


static final int TEXT
The constant for a text type (3).

See Also
Constants Summary


static final int DATETIME
The constant for a datetime java.sql.Timestamp type (4).

See Also
Constants Summary


static final int USER_DEFINED
The constant for a user defined type (5).

See Also
Constants Summary
Method Detail


String getDescription()
Get the description of this property


int getType()
Get the datatype of the property


boolean isMultiValued()
Can this property support multiple values?


boolean isRestricted()
Is this property restricted to a certain list of values?


Collection getRestrictedValues()
Get the allowable values, if this property is restricted. Note: this does a shallow clone to prevent the collection from being modified, but if any property values are mutable, care must be taken not to modify them.

a Collection of allowable values, or null if there are none


Object getDefaultValue()
Get the default value for this property. If it is multivalued, this might be a collection of values. Note: this returns a clone of the default value; if it is a collection, and the property values are mutable objects, care must be taken not to modify them.

the default value, or null if there is none


void validate(Object value)
              throws PropertyValidationException
Check to see if a value is valid for this property definition.

PropertyValidationException - if the value is not valid.

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