Installation and Upgrade Guide

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Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files enables you to include Windows file system content in your portal from repositories inside or outside your network. Portal administrators can then create remote content sources and remote content crawlers that access Windows files.


How to Use This Book

This book describes how to install and deploy Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files 10.3. It also provides instructions for upgrading to Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files 10.3 from earlier versions.


This guide is written for the user responsible for installing or upgrading Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files. This user must have an understanding of the existing portal deployment, knowledge of how to administer objects in the portal, and knowledge of the security required for your Windows file system.


This guide includes the following chapters:


Typographical Conventions

This book uses the following typographical conventions.

Table 1-1 Typographical Conventions
  • Items you need to take action on (such as files or screen elements)
  • Upload Procedures.doc to the portal.
  • To save your changes, click Apply Changes.
  • User-defined variables
  • New terms
  • Emphasis
  • Object example names
  • The migration package file is located in install_dir\serverpackages.
  • Portlets are Web tools embedded in your portal.
  • The URI must be a unique number.
  • The example Knowledge Directory displayed in Figure 5 shows the Human Resources folder.
  • Text you enter
  • Computer generated text (such as error messages)
  • Code samples
  • Type Marketing as the name of your community.
  • This script may generate the following error:
    ORA-00942 table or view does not exist
  • Example:
  • <setting name="SSOCookieIsSecure">
    <value xsi:type="xsd:integer">0</value>
  • Environment variables
  • ORACLE_HOME specifies the directory where Oracle products are installed.


Oracle Documentation and Resources

This section describes other documentation and resources provided by Oracle.

Table 1-2 Oracle Documentation and Resources
Release Notes
The release notes provide information about new features, issues addressed, and known issues in the release.
Online Help
The online help is written for all levels of Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files users. It describes the user interface for Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files and gives detailed instructions for completing tasks in Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files.
To access online help, click the help icon.
Oracle Technology Network (OTN)
The Oracle Technology Network is the world's largest community of developers, DBAs, and architects using Oracle products and industry-standard technologies. Every day, members collaborate via OTN to share real-world insight, expertise, and best practices on how to build, deploy, manage, and optimize applications.
As a member of the Oracle Technology Network you will enjoy access to software downloads, discussion forums, documentation, wikis, podcasts, blogs, plus much more.
Access the Oracle Technology Network at
Oracle Support
The Oracle Support site provides access to all Oracle support resources including online support, software and patches, technical articles, and contact numbers.
Access the Oracle Support site at

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