SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.3.5 generated on August 31 2005

Interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI

All Superinterfaces:
com.solarmetric.util.Closeable, Connection, KodoPersistenceManager, LocalTransaction, LocalTransaction, PersistenceManager, com.solarmetric.profile.ProfilingAgentProvider, com.solarmetric.profile.ProfilingEnvironment, Synchronization, Transaction
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
extends KodoPersistenceManager

Internal persistence manager interface.

Field Summary
static BitSet EXCLUDE_ALL
          Marker bitset to indicate that all field loads should be excluded in the getObjectById methods of this interface.
static int OID_ALLOW_NEW
static int OID_COPY
static int OID_VALIDATE
Fields inherited from interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Method Summary
 void assertActiveTransaction()
          Throw an exception if there is no active transaction.
 void assertNontransactionalRead()
          Throw an exception if there is no transaction active and nontransactional reading is not enabled.
 void assertOpen()
          Throw an exception if this persistence manager has been closed.
 InverseManager getInverseManager()
          Return the inverse manager in use.
 LockManager getLockManager()
          Return the lock manager in use.
 Object getObjectById(Object oid, FetchConfiguration conf, BitSet exclude, Object context, int flags)
          Return the object with the given oid.
 Object[] getObjectsById(Object[] oids, FetchConfiguration conf, BitSet exclude, Object context, int flags)
          Return the objects with the given oids.
 KodoStateManager getStateManager(Object pc)
          Return the state manager for the given instance.
 StoreManager getStoreManager(boolean unwrap)
          Return the store manager in use.
 void lock()
          Synchronizes on an internal lock if the Multithreaded flag is set to true.
 KodoStateManager makeEmbedded(Object pc, Object id, KodoStateManager owner, int ownerField)
          Make the given instance embedded.
 KodoStateManager makePersistent(Object pc, Object id)
          Make the given instance persistent.
 KodoStateManager newStateManager(Object oid, boolean copyOids)
          Create a new state manager with the given oid and corresponding metadata.
 void unlock()
          Releases the internal lock.
Methods inherited from interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
addInstanceLifecycleListener, attach, attachAll, attachAll, cancelAll, checkConsistency, commitAndResume, detach, detachAll, detachAll, evictAll, evictAll, flush, getCachedObjectById, getClassLoader, getConfiguration, getConnection, getConnectionPassword, getConnectionRetainMode, getConnectionUserName, getDetachFields, getDetachOnClose, getDirtyClasses, getFetchConfiguration, getManagedObjects, getManagedRuntime, getObjectById, getObjectLookupMode, getObjectsById, getRetainValuesInOptimistic, getRollbackOnly, getState, getTransactionalObjects, getUserObject, isManaged, lockPersistent, lockPersistent, lockPersistentAll, lockPersistentAll, lockPersistentAll, lockPersistentAll, makeClassDirty, newNamedQuery, newObjectIdInstance, preFlush, putUserObject, refreshAll, registerListener, removeInstanceLifecycleListener, removeListener, removeUserObject, retrieve, rollbackAndResume, setDetachFields, setDetachOnClose, setObjectLookupMode, setRetainValuesInOptimistic, setRollbackOnly
Methods inherited from interface javax.jdo.PersistenceManager
close, currentTransaction, deletePersistent, deletePersistentAll, deletePersistentAll, evict, evictAll, evictAll, evictAll, getExtent, getIgnoreCache, getMultithreaded, getObjectById, getObjectId, getObjectIdClass, getPersistenceManagerFactory, getTransactionalObjectId, getUserObject, isClosed, makeNontransactional, makeNontransactionalAll, makeNontransactionalAll, makePersistent, makePersistentAll, makePersistentAll, makeTransactional, makeTransactionalAll, makeTransactionalAll, makeTransient, makeTransientAll, makeTransientAll, newObjectIdInstance, newQuery, newQuery, newQuery, newQuery, newQuery, newQuery, newQuery, newQuery, newQuery, refresh, refreshAll, refreshAll, refreshAll, retrieve, retrieveAll, retrieveAll, retrieveAll, retrieveAll, setIgnoreCache, setMultithreaded, setUserObject
Methods inherited from interface javax.jdo.Transaction
begin, commit, getNontransactionalRead, getNontransactionalWrite, getOptimistic, getPersistenceManager, getRestoreValues, getRetainValues, getSynchronization, isActive, rollback, setNontransactionalRead, setNontransactionalWrite, setOptimistic, setRestoreValues, setRetainValues, setSynchronization
Methods inherited from interface javax.transaction.Synchronization
afterCompletion, beforeCompletion
Methods inherited from interface javax.resource.cci.Connection
close, createInteraction, getLocalTransaction, getMetaData, getResultSetInfo
Methods inherited from interface javax.resource.cci.LocalTransaction
begin, commit, rollback
Methods inherited from interface javax.resource.spi.LocalTransaction
begin, commit, rollback
Methods inherited from interface com.solarmetric.util.Closeable
Methods inherited from interface com.solarmetric.profile.ProfilingAgentProvider

Field Detail


public static final BitSet EXCLUDE_ALL
Marker bitset to indicate that all field loads should be excluded in the getObjectById methods of this interface.


public static final int OID_VALIDATE


public static final int OID_COPY


public static final int OID_ALLOW_NEW
Method Detail


public Object getObjectById(Object oid,
                            FetchConfiguration conf,
                            BitSet exclude,
                            Object context,
                            int flags)
Return the object with the given oid. If present, the cached instance will be returned. Otherwise, the instance will be initialized through the store as usual; however, in this case the store will be passed the given context information, and the system will load the object according to the given fetch configuratiion (or the persistence manager's configuration, if the given one is null). Fields can optionally be excluded from required loading using the exclude mask.


public Object[] getObjectsById(Object[] oids,
                               FetchConfiguration conf,
                               BitSet exclude,
                               Object context,
                               int flags)
Return the objects with the given oids. If present, the cached instance will be returned. Otherwise, the instance will be initialized through the store as usual; however, in this case the store will be passed the given context information, and the system will load the object according to the given fetch configuratiion (or the persistence manager's configuration, if the given one is null). This method is provided as an optimization opportunity to concrete jdo implementations built on this common runtime. It is not for use by client code.


public KodoStateManager makePersistent(Object pc,
                                       Object id)
Make the given instance persistent.
pc - the instance to persist
id - the id to give the state manager; may be null for default
the state manager for the newly persistent instance


public KodoStateManager makeEmbedded(Object pc,
                                     Object id,
                                     KodoStateManager owner,
                                     int ownerField)
Make the given instance embedded.
pc - the instance to embed, or null to embed a newly-created instance that will be loaded with datastore data
id - the id to give the embedded state manager; may be null for default
owner - the owning state manager
ownerField - the field number of the owning object
the state manager for the embedded instance


public LockManager getLockManager()
Return the lock manager in use.


public InverseManager getInverseManager()
Return the inverse manager in use.


public StoreManager getStoreManager(boolean unwrap)
Return the store manager in use.
Specified by:
getStoreManager in interface KodoPersistenceManager
unwrap - if true, the native store manager will be returned; otherwise, the store manager used by this persistence manager, which may be a decorator around the native store manager, will be returned


public KodoStateManager getStateManager(Object pc)
Return the state manager for the given instance. Includes objects made persistent in the current transaction.
Specified by:
getStateManager in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void lock()
Synchronizes on an internal lock if the Multithreaded flag is set to true. Make sure to call unlock() in a finally clause of the same method.


public void unlock()
Releases the internal lock.


public void assertOpen()
Throw an exception if this persistence manager has been closed.


public void assertActiveTransaction()
Throw an exception if there is no active transaction.


public void assertNontransactionalRead()
Throw an exception if there is no transaction active and nontransactional reading is not enabled.


public KodoStateManager newStateManager(Object oid,
                                        boolean copyOids)
Create a new state manager with the given oid and corresponding metadata.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.3.5 generated on August 31 2005

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.