SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.3.5 generated on August 31 2005

Class PersistenceManagerImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.solarmetric.util.Closeable, Connection, KodoPersistenceManager, KodoPersistenceManagerSPI, LocalTransaction, LocalTransaction, PersistenceManager, com.solarmetric.profile.ProfilingAgentProvider, com.solarmetric.profile.ProfilingEnvironment, Synchronization, Transaction

public class PersistenceManagerImpl
extends Object
implements KodoPersistenceManagerSPI

Concrete PersistenceManager for use with this common runtime. The PersistenceManager handles JDO-specific behavior, but leaves all interaction with the data store to a StoreManager that must be supplied at initialization.

All options defined in the JDO 1.0 specification are supported, with the exception of non durable identity and changing primary keys.

Field Summary
protected static int FLUSH_COMMIT
          Flush in preparation of commit.
protected static int FLUSH_INC
          Incremental flush.
protected static int FLUSH_LOGICAL
          Run persistence-by-reachability and other flush-time operations without accessing the database.
protected static int FLUSH_ROLLBACK
          Flush to check consistency of cache, then immediately rollback changes.
Fields inherited from interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Fields inherited from interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener listener, Class[] classes)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void afterCompletion(int status)
 void assertActiveTransaction()
          Throw an exception if there is no active transaction.
protected  kodo.runtime.StateManagerImpl assertManaged(Object pc)
          Throw an exception if the given object is not managed; otherwise return its state manager.
 void assertNontransactionalRead()
          Throw an exception if there is no transaction active and nontransactional reading is not enabled.
 void assertOpen()
          Throw an exception if this persistence manager has been closed.
 Object attach(Object pc)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 Collection attachAll(Collection pcs)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 Object[] attachAll(Object[] pcs)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void beforeCompletion()
 void begin()
 boolean cancelAll()
          Cancel all pending data store statements.
 void checkConsistency()
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void close()
 void commit()
 void commitAndResume()
          Issue a commit and then start a new transaction.
 Interaction createInteraction()
 Transaction currentTransaction()
 void deletePersistent(Object pc)
 void deletePersistentAll(Collection pcs)
 void deletePersistentAll(Object[] pcs)
 Object detach(Object pc)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 Collection detachAll(Collection pcs)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 Object[] detachAll(Object[] pcs)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
protected  void endTransaction(int status)
          End the current transaction, making appropriate state transitions.
 void evict(Object pc)
 void evictAll()
 void evictAll(Class cls)
          Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the extent of the given class (including subclasses).
 void evictAll(Collection pcs)
 void evictAll(Extent extent)
          Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the given Extent.
 void evictAll(Object[] pcs)
protected  void finalize()
          Close on finalize.
 void flush()
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
protected  void flush(int reason)
          Flush the transactional state to the data store.
protected  void free()
          Free the resources used by this persistence manager.
 Object getCachedObjectById(Object oid)
          Return the cached instance for the given oid/object, or null if not cached.
 ClassLoader getClassLoader()
          Return the current thread's class loader at the time this persistence manager was obtained from the persistence manager factory.
 boolean getCloseOnManagedCommit()
          Whether to really close in a managed environment if the close method has been called and the transaction subsequently ends.
 JDOConfiguration getConfiguration()
          Return the configuration associated with this persistence manager.
 Object getConnection()
          Return the connection in use by the persistence manager, or a new connection if none.
 String getConnectionPassword()
          Return the connection password.
 int getConnectionRetainMode()
          Return the connection retain mode for this persistence manager.
 String getConnectionUserName()
          Return the connection user name.
 int getDetachFields()
          Detach mode constant to determine which fields are part of the detached graph.
 boolean getDetachOnClose()
          Whether to detach all persistent managed objects when the persistence manager closes.
 Collection getDirtyClasses()
          Return the set of classes that have been made dirty in the current transaction.
 boolean getEvictFromDataCache()
          Whether to also evict an object from the data cache when it is evicted through the persistence manager.
 Extent getExtent(Class type, boolean subclasses)
 FetchConfiguration getFetchConfiguration()
          Return the (mutable) fetch configuration for loading objects from this persistence manager.
 boolean getIgnoreCache()
 InverseManager getInverseManager()
          Return the inverse manager in use.
 LocalTransaction getLocalTransaction()
 LockManager getLockManager()
          Return the lock manager in use.
 Log getLog()
 Collection getManagedObjects()
          Return a list of all managed instances.
 ManagedRuntime getManagedRuntime()
          Return the managed runtime in use.
protected  Collection getManagedStates()
 ConnectionMetaData getMetaData()
 boolean getMultithreaded()
 boolean getNontransactionalRead()
 boolean getNontransactionalWrite()
 Object getObjectById(Class cls, Object val)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 Object getObjectById(Object oid, boolean validate)
 Object getObjectById(Object oid, FetchConfiguration fetch, BitSet exclude, Object context, int flags)
          Return the object with the given oid.
 Object getObjectId(Object pc)
 Class getObjectIdClass(Class cls)
 int getObjectLookupMode()
          Whether to return hollow objects from PersistenceManager.getObjectById(java.lang.Object, boolean) when the validate parameter is false.
 Object[] getObjectsById(Object[] oids, boolean validate)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 Object[] getObjectsById(Object[] oids, FetchConfiguration fetch, BitSet exclude, Object context, int flags)
          Return the objects with the given oids.
 boolean getOptimistic()
 PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()
 PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory()
 com.solarmetric.profile.ProfilingAgent getProfilingAgent()
 boolean getRestoreValues()
 ResultSetInfo getResultSetInfo()
 boolean getRetainValues()
 boolean getRetainValuesInOptimistic()
          Per-persistence manager configuration of whether to retain values when entering an optimistic transaction.
 boolean getRollbackOnly()
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 KodoStateManager getState(Object oid)
          Return the state manager for the instance with the given oid.
 KodoStateManager getStateManager(Object pc)
          Return the state manager for the given instance.
protected  kodo.runtime.StateManagerImpl getStateManager(Object pc, Object oid, boolean allowNew)
          Return the StateManager for the given instance or oid.
 StoreManager getStoreManager(boolean unwrap)
          Return the store manager in use.
 Synchronization getSynchronization()
 Object getTransactionalObjectId(Object pc)
 Collection getTransactionalObjects()
          Return a list of current transaction instances.
protected  Collection getTransactionalStates()
          Return a copy of all transactional state managers.
 Object getUserObject()
 Object getUserObject(Object key)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void initialize(PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl factory, StoreManager sm, String user, String pass, boolean managed, int connMode)
          Initialize the persistence manager.
 boolean isActive()
 boolean isClosed()
 boolean isManaged()
          Whether this persistence manager is using managed transactions.
 void lock()
          Synchronizes on an internal lock if the Multithreaded flag is set to true.
 void lockPersistent(Object pc)
          Ensure that the given instance is locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchConfiguration for the persistence manager.
 void lockPersistent(Object pc, int level, int timeout)
          Ensure that the given instance is locked at the given lock level.
 void lockPersistentAll(Collection pcs)
          Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchConfiguration for the persistence manager.
 void lockPersistentAll(Collection pcs, int level, int timeout)
          Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
 void lockPersistentAll(Object[] pcs)
          Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchConfiguration for the persistence manager.
 void lockPersistentAll(Object[] pcs, int level, int timeout)
          Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
 void makeClassDirty(Class cls)
          Mark the given class as dirty within the current transaction.
 KodoStateManager makeEmbedded(Object pc, Object id, KodoStateManager owner, int ownerField)
          Make the given instance embedded.
 void makeNontransactional(Object pc)
 void makeNontransactionalAll(Collection pcs)
 void makeNontransactionalAll(Object[] pcs)
 void makePersistent(Object pc)
 KodoStateManager makePersistent(Object pc, Object id)
          Make the given instance persistent.
 void makePersistentAll(Collection pcs)
 void makePersistentAll(Object[] pcs)
 void makeTransactional(Object pc)
 void makeTransactionalAll(Collection pcs)
 void makeTransactionalAll(Object[] pcs)
 void makeTransient(Object pc)
 void makeTransientAll(Collection pcs)
 void makeTransientAll(Object[] pcs)
protected  Map newManagedObjectCache()
          Create a Map to be used for the managed object cache.
 Query newNamedQuery(Class cls, String name)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 Object newObjectIdInstance(Class cls, Object val)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
protected  Object newObjectIdInstance(Class cls, Object val, boolean requireMetaData)
          Create a new object id instance from the given value.
 Object newObjectIdInstance(Class cls, String str)
 Query newQuery()
 Query newQuery(Class cls)
 Query newQuery(Class cls, Collection cln)
 Query newQuery(Class cls, Collection cln, String filter)
 Query newQuery(Class cls, String filter)
 Query newQuery(Extent ext)
 Query newQuery(Extent ext, String filter)
 Query newQuery(Object compiled)
 Query newQuery(String language, Object compiled)
 KodoStateManager newStateManager(Object oid, boolean copyOids)
          Create a new state manager with the given oid and corresponding metadata.
 void preFlush()
          Run pre-flush actions on transactional objects, including persistence-by-reachability, inverse relationship management, deletion of dependent instances, and instance callbacks.
 Object putUserObject(Object key, Object val)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void refresh(Object pc)
 void refreshAll()
 void refreshAll(Collection pcs)
 void refreshAll(JDOException jdoe)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void refreshAll(Object[] pcs)
 void registerListener(TransactionListener tl)
          Register a listener for transaction-related events.
 void removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener listener)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 boolean removeListener(TransactionListener tl)
          Remove a listener for transaction-related events.
 Object removeUserObject(Object key)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void retrieve(Object pc)
 void retrieve(Object pc, boolean dfgOnly)
          Immediately load the given object's persistent fields.
 void retrieveAll(Collection pcs)
 void retrieveAll(Collection pcs, boolean dfgOnly)
 void retrieveAll(Object[] pcs)
 void retrieveAll(Object[] pcs, boolean dfgOnly)
 void rollback()
 void rollbackAndResume()
          Issue a rollback and then start a new transaction.
 void setCloseOnManagedCommit(boolean close)
          Whether to really close in a managed environment if the close method has been called and the transaction subsequently ends.
 void setDetachFields(int mode)
          Detach mode constant to determine which fields are part of the detached graph.
 void setDetachFields(String mode)
          For string-based auto-configuration of detach fields mode.
 void setDetachOnClose(boolean detach)
          Whether to detach all persistent managed objects when the persistence manager closes.
 void setEvictFromDataCache(boolean evict)
          Whether to also evict an object from the data cache when it is evicted through the persistence manager.
 void setIgnoreCache(boolean val)
 void setMultithreaded(boolean multithreaded)
 void setNontransactionalRead(boolean val)
 void setNontransactionalWrite(boolean val)
 void setObjectLookupMode(int mode)
          Whether to return hollow objects from PersistenceManager.getObjectById(java.lang.Object, boolean) when the validate parameter is false.
 void setOptimistic(boolean val)
 void setRestoreValues(boolean val)
 void setRetainValues(boolean val)
 void setRetainValuesInOptimistic(boolean val)
          Per-persistence manager configuration of whether to retain values when entering an optimistic transaction.
 void setRollbackOnly()
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void setSynchronization(Synchronization synch)
 void setUserObject(Object o)
 void unlock()
          Releases the internal lock.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int FLUSH_INC
Incremental flush.


protected static final int FLUSH_COMMIT
Flush in preparation of commit.


protected static final int FLUSH_ROLLBACK
Flush to check consistency of cache, then immediately rollback changes.


protected static final int FLUSH_LOGICAL
Run persistence-by-reachability and other flush-time operations without accessing the database.
Constructor Detail


public PersistenceManagerImpl()
Method Detail


public void initialize(PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl factory,
                       StoreManager sm,
                       String user,
                       String pass,
                       boolean managed,
                       int connMode)
Initialize the persistence manager. This method is called automatically by the factory before use.
factory - the PersistenceManagerFactory used to create this PersistenceManager
sm - a concrete StoreManager implementation to handle interaction with the data store
user - the username this PersistenceManager represents; used when pooling managers to make sure that a request to the PersistenceManagerFactory for a connection with an explicit user is delegated to a suitable PersistenceManager
pass - the password for the above user
managed - the transaction mode
connMode - the connection retain mode


protected void finalize()
                 throws Throwable
Close on finalize.
finalize in class Object


protected Map newManagedObjectCache()
Create a Map to be used for the managed object cache. Maps oids to state managers. By default, this creates a ReferenceMap with soft values.


public boolean getCloseOnManagedCommit()
Whether to really close in a managed environment if the close method has been called and the transaction subsequently ends. Defaults to true.


public void setCloseOnManagedCommit(boolean close)
Whether to really close in a managed environment if the close method has been called and the transaction subsequently ends. Defaults to true.


public boolean getEvictFromDataCache()
Whether to also evict an object from the data cache when it is evicted through the persistence manager.


public void setEvictFromDataCache(boolean evict)
Whether to also evict an object from the data cache when it is evicted through the persistence manager.


public ConnectionMetaData getMetaData()
Specified by:
getMetaData in interface Connection


public Interaction createInteraction()
                              throws NotSupportedException
Specified by:
createInteraction in interface Connection


public LocalTransaction getLocalTransaction()
                                     throws NotSupportedException
Specified by:
getLocalTransaction in interface Connection


public ResultSetInfo getResultSetInfo()
                               throws NotSupportedException
Specified by:
getResultSetInfo in interface Connection


public PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()
Specified by:
getPersistenceManager in interface Transaction


public boolean getNontransactionalRead()
Specified by:
getNontransactionalRead in interface Transaction


public void setNontransactionalRead(boolean val)
Specified by:
setNontransactionalRead in interface Transaction


public boolean getNontransactionalWrite()
Specified by:
getNontransactionalWrite in interface Transaction


public void setNontransactionalWrite(boolean val)
Specified by:
setNontransactionalWrite in interface Transaction


public boolean getOptimistic()
Specified by:
getOptimistic in interface Transaction


public void setOptimistic(boolean val)
Specified by:
setOptimistic in interface Transaction


public boolean getRetainValues()
Specified by:
getRetainValues in interface Transaction


public void setRetainValues(boolean val)
Specified by:
setRetainValues in interface Transaction


public boolean getRetainValuesInOptimistic()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Per-persistence manager configuration of whether to retain values when entering an optimistic transaction.
Specified by:
getRetainValuesInOptimistic in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void setRetainValuesInOptimistic(boolean val)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Per-persistence manager configuration of whether to retain values when entering an optimistic transaction.
Specified by:
setRetainValuesInOptimistic in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public int getObjectLookupMode()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to return hollow objects from PersistenceManager.getObjectById(java.lang.Object, boolean) when the validate parameter is false.
Specified by:
getObjectLookupMode in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void setObjectLookupMode(int mode)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to return hollow objects from PersistenceManager.getObjectById(java.lang.Object, boolean) when the validate parameter is false.
Specified by:
setObjectLookupMode in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public boolean getRestoreValues()
Specified by:
getRestoreValues in interface Transaction


public void setRestoreValues(boolean val)
Specified by:
setRestoreValues in interface Transaction


public boolean getIgnoreCache()
Specified by:
getIgnoreCache in interface PersistenceManager


public void setIgnoreCache(boolean val)
Specified by:
setIgnoreCache in interface PersistenceManager


public void begin()
Specified by:
begin in interface Transaction


public void commit()
Specified by:
commit in interface Transaction


public void rollback()
Specified by:
rollback in interface Transaction


public boolean getRollbackOnly()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Return whether the current transaction has been marked for rollback. In the JDO 2 specification, this is part of Transaction.
Specified by:
getRollbackOnly in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void setRollbackOnly()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Mark the current transaction for rollback. In the JDO 2 specification, this is part of Transaction.
Specified by:
setRollbackOnly in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void flush()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Flush all transactional instances to the data store. This method may set the rollback only flag on the current transaction if it encounters an error. In this case it will throw a JDOFatalException.
Specified by:
flush in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void checkConsistency()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Check the consistency of the persistence manager cache, reporting any optimistic violations, constraint violations, etc. In a datastore transaction or a flushed optimistic transaction, this method will act just like KodoPersistenceManager.flush(). In an optimistic transaction that has not yet begun a datastore-level transaction, however, it will only report exceptions that would occur on flush, without retaining any datastore resources.
Specified by:
checkConsistency in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void preFlush()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Run pre-flush actions on transactional objects, including persistence-by-reachability, inverse relationship management, deletion of dependent instances, and instance callbacks. Transaction listeners are not invoked.
Specified by:
preFlush in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void commitAndResume()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Issue a commit and then start a new transaction. This is identical to:
	pm.currentTransaction ().commit ();
	pm.currentTransaction ().begin ();
except that the PersistenceManager's internal atomic lock is utilized, so this method can be safely executed from multiple threads.
Specified by:
commitAndResume in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
See Also:
Transaction.commit(), Transaction.begin()


public void rollbackAndResume()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Issue a rollback and then start a new transaction. This is identical to:
	pm.currentTransaction ().rollback ();
	pm.currentTransaction ().begin ();
except that the PersistenceManager's internal atomic lock is utilized, so this method can be safely executed from multiple threads.
Specified by:
rollbackAndResume in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
See Also:
Transaction.rollback(), Transaction.begin()


public Synchronization getSynchronization()
Specified by:
getSynchronization in interface Transaction


public void setSynchronization(Synchronization synch)
Specified by:
setSynchronization in interface Transaction


public boolean isActive()
Specified by:
isActive in interface Transaction


public void beforeCompletion()
Specified by:
beforeCompletion in interface Synchronization


public void afterCompletion(int status)
Specified by:
afterCompletion in interface Synchronization


protected void flush(int reason)
Flush the transactional state to the data store. Subclasses that customize commit behavior should override this method. The method assumes that the persistence manager is locked, is not closed, and has an active transaction.


protected void endTransaction(int status)
End the current transaction, making appropriate state transitions.


public JDOConfiguration getConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the configuration associated with this persistence manager.
Specified by:
getConfiguration in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public Log getLog()


public FetchConfiguration getFetchConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the (mutable) fetch configuration for loading objects from this persistence manager.
Specified by:
getFetchConfiguration in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public int getConnectionRetainMode()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection retain mode for this persistence manager.
Specified by:
getConnectionRetainMode in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public Object getConnection()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection in use by the persistence manager, or a new connection if none. If you make modifications on this connection, and you want those modifications to participate in the persistence manager's current transaction, the transaction must be active and must be a datastore connection (i.e., pm.currentTransaction().getOptimistic() == false). When finished with this connection, you should close it as appropriate.
Specified by:
getConnection in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public boolean isManaged()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Whether this persistence manager is using managed transactions.
Specified by:
isManaged in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public ManagedRuntime getManagedRuntime()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the managed runtime in use.
Specified by:
getManagedRuntime in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public ClassLoader getClassLoader()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the current thread's class loader at the time this persistence manager was obtained from the persistence manager factory.
Specified by:
getClassLoader in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public String getConnectionUserName()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection user name.
Specified by:
getConnectionUserName in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public String getConnectionPassword()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection password.
Specified by:
getConnectionPassword in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public com.solarmetric.profile.ProfilingAgent getProfilingAgent()
Specified by:
getProfilingAgent in interface com.solarmetric.profile.ProfilingAgentProvider


public void makeClassDirty(Class cls)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Mark the given class as dirty within the current transaction.
Specified by:
makeClassDirty in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public Collection getDirtyClasses()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes that have been made dirty in the current transaction. Classes are made dirty automatically when an instance becomes dirty, or through explicit calls to KodoPersistenceManager.makeClassDirty(java.lang.Class).
Specified by:
getDirtyClasses in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public Object putUserObject(Object key,
                            Object val)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Put the specified key-value pair into the map of user objects.
Specified by:
putUserObject in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public Object getUserObject(Object key)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Get the value for the specified key from the map of user objects.
Specified by:
getUserObject in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public Object removeUserObject(Object key)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Remove the specified key and its value from the map of user objects.
Specified by:
removeUserObject in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public Object getUserObject()
Specified by:
getUserObject in interface PersistenceManager


public void setUserObject(Object o)
Specified by:
setUserObject in interface PersistenceManager


public PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory()
Specified by:
getPersistenceManagerFactory in interface PersistenceManager


public boolean getMultithreaded()
Specified by:
getMultithreaded in interface PersistenceManager


public void setMultithreaded(boolean multithreaded)
Specified by:
setMultithreaded in interface PersistenceManager


public void registerListener(TransactionListener tl)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Register a listener for transaction-related events.
Specified by:
registerListener in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public boolean removeListener(TransactionListener tl)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Remove a listener for transaction-related events.
Specified by:
removeListener in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public Transaction currentTransaction()
Specified by:
currentTransaction in interface PersistenceManager


public boolean cancelAll()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Cancel all pending data store statements. If statements are cancelled while a flush is in progress, the transaction rollback only flag will be set.
Specified by:
cancelAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
true if any statements were cancelled, false otherwise


public boolean isClosed()
Specified by:
isClosed in interface PersistenceManager


public void close()
Specified by:
close in interface PersistenceManager


protected void free()
Free the resources used by this persistence manager.


public Object getObjectId(Object pc)
Specified by:
getObjectId in interface PersistenceManager


public Object getTransactionalObjectId(Object pc)
Specified by:
getTransactionalObjectId in interface PersistenceManager


public Class getObjectIdClass(Class cls)
Specified by:
getObjectIdClass in interface PersistenceManager


public Object newObjectIdInstance(Class cls,
                                  String str)
Specified by:
newObjectIdInstance in interface PersistenceManager


public Object newObjectIdInstance(Class cls,
                                  Object val)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Create a new object id instance from the given value.
Specified by:
newObjectIdInstance in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
cls - the persitent class that uses this identity value
val - an object id instance, stringified object id, or primary key value


protected Object newObjectIdInstance(Class cls,
                                     Object val,
                                     boolean requireMetaData)
Create a new object id instance from the given value.


public Object getObjectById(Object oid,
                            boolean validate)
Specified by:
getObjectById in interface PersistenceManager


public Object getObjectById(Object oid,
                            FetchConfiguration fetch,
                            BitSet exclude,
                            Object context,
                            int flags)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the object with the given oid. If present, the cached instance will be returned. Otherwise, the instance will be initialized through the store as usual; however, in this case the store will be passed the given context information, and the system will load the object according to the given fetch configuratiion (or the persistence manager's configuration, if the given one is null). Fields can optionally be excluded from required loading using the exclude mask.
Specified by:
getObjectById in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


public KodoStateManager newStateManager(Object oid,
                                        boolean copyOids)
Create a new state manager with the given oid and corresponding metadata.
Specified by:
newStateManager in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


public Object[] getObjectsById(Object[] oids,
                               boolean validate)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Return the objects with the given oids.
Specified by:
getObjectsById in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
oids - the oids of the objects to return
validate - if true, the existance of the objects in the datastore will be validated.
the objects that were looked up, in the same order as the oids parameter.
See Also:


public Object[] getObjectsById(Object[] oids,
                               FetchConfiguration fetch,
                               BitSet exclude,
                               Object context,
                               int flags)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the objects with the given oids. If present, the cached instance will be returned. Otherwise, the instance will be initialized through the store as usual; however, in this case the store will be passed the given context information, and the system will load the object according to the given fetch configuratiion (or the persistence manager's configuration, if the given one is null). This method is provided as an optimization opportunity to concrete jdo implementations built on this common runtime. It is not for use by client code.
Specified by:
getObjectsById in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


public Object getObjectById(Class cls,
                            Object val)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Convenience method to return the object by the given value.
Specified by:
getObjectById in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
cls - the class of the matching object
val - either an oid instance, the string version of the oid, or the primary key value


public Object getCachedObjectById(Object oid)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the cached instance for the given oid/object, or null if not cached.
Specified by:
getCachedObjectById in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
oid - the object's id
the cached object, or null if not cached


public void makePersistentAll(Collection pcs)
Specified by:
makePersistentAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void makePersistentAll(Object[] pcs)
Specified by:
makePersistentAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void makePersistent(Object pc)
Specified by:
makePersistent in interface PersistenceManager


public KodoStateManager makePersistent(Object pc,
                                       Object id)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Make the given instance persistent.
Specified by:
makePersistent in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
pc - the instance to persist
id - the id to give the state manager; may be null for default
the state manager for the newly persistent instance


public void deletePersistentAll(Collection pcs)
Specified by:
deletePersistentAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void deletePersistentAll(Object[] pcs)
Specified by:
deletePersistentAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void deletePersistent(Object pc)
Specified by:
deletePersistent in interface PersistenceManager


public void makeNontransactionalAll(Collection pcs)
Specified by:
makeNontransactionalAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void makeNontransactionalAll(Object[] pcs)
Specified by:
makeNontransactionalAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void makeNontransactional(Object pc)
Specified by:
makeNontransactional in interface PersistenceManager


public void makeTransactionalAll(Collection pcs)
Specified by:
makeTransactionalAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void makeTransactionalAll(Object[] pcs)
Specified by:
makeTransactionalAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void makeTransactional(Object pc)
Specified by:
makeTransactional in interface PersistenceManager


public void makeTransientAll(Collection pcs)
Specified by:
makeTransientAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void makeTransientAll(Object[] pcs)
Specified by:
makeTransientAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void makeTransient(Object pc)
Specified by:
makeTransient in interface PersistenceManager


public KodoStateManager makeEmbedded(Object pc,
                                     Object id,
                                     KodoStateManager owner,
                                     int ownerField)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Make the given instance embedded.
Specified by:
makeEmbedded in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
pc - the instance to embed, or null to embed a newly-created instance that will be loaded with datastore data
id - the id to give the embedded state manager; may be null for default
owner - the owning state manager
ownerField - the field number of the owning object
the state manager for the embedded instance


public void refreshAll()
Specified by:
refreshAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void refreshAll(Collection pcs)
Specified by:
refreshAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void refreshAll(Object[] pcs)
Specified by:
refreshAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void refreshAll(JDOException jdoe)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Refresh all instances which are failed objects in the given JDOException or nested exceptions.
Specified by:
refreshAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void refresh(Object pc)
Specified by:
refresh in interface PersistenceManager


public void retrieveAll(Collection pcs)
Specified by:
retrieveAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void retrieveAll(Collection pcs,
                        boolean dfgOnly)
Specified by:
retrieveAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void retrieveAll(Object[] pcs)
Specified by:
retrieveAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void retrieveAll(Object[] pcs,
                        boolean dfgOnly)
Specified by:
retrieveAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void retrieve(Object pc)
Specified by:
retrieve in interface PersistenceManager


public void retrieve(Object pc,
                     boolean dfgOnly)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Immediately load the given object's persistent fields. One might use this action to make sure that an instance's fields are loaded before transitioning it to transient. Note that this action is not recursive. Any related objects that are loaded will not necessarily have their fields loaded.
Specified by:
retrieve in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
pc - the instance whose fields should be retrieved
dfgOnly - indicator as to whether to retrieve only fields in the current fetch groups, or all fields
See Also:


public void evictAll()
Specified by:
evictAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void evictAll(Collection pcs)
Specified by:
evictAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void evictAll(Object[] pcs)
Specified by:
evictAll in interface PersistenceManager


public void evictAll(Class cls)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the extent of the given class (including subclasses).
Specified by:
evictAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void evictAll(Extent extent)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the given Extent.
Specified by:
evictAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void evict(Object pc)
Specified by:
evict in interface PersistenceManager


public void lockPersistent(Object pc)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instance is locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchConfiguration for the persistence manager.
Specified by:
lockPersistent in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void lockPersistent(Object pc,
                           int level,
                           int timeout)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instance is locked at the given lock level.
Specified by:
lockPersistent in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
pc - the object to lock
level - the lock level to use
timeout - the number of milliseconds to wait for the lock before giving up, or -1 for no limit


public void lockPersistentAll(Collection pcs)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchConfiguration for the persistence manager.
Specified by:
lockPersistentAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void lockPersistentAll(Collection pcs,
                              int level,
                              int timeout)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
Specified by:
lockPersistentAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
pcs - the objects to lock
level - the lock level to use
timeout - the number of milliseconds to wait for the lock before giving up, or -1 for no limit


public void lockPersistentAll(Object[] pcs)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchConfiguration for the persistence manager.
Specified by:
lockPersistentAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void lockPersistentAll(Object[] pcs,
                              int level,
                              int timeout)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
Specified by:
lockPersistentAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
pcs - the objects to lock
level - the lock level to use
timeout - the number of milliseconds to wait for the lock before giving up, or -1 for no limit


public Extent getExtent(Class type,
                        boolean subclasses)
Specified by:
getExtent in interface PersistenceManager


public Query newQuery()
Specified by:
newQuery in interface PersistenceManager


public Query newQuery(Class cls)
Specified by:
newQuery in interface PersistenceManager


public Query newQuery(Class cls,
                      Collection cln)
Specified by:
newQuery in interface PersistenceManager


public Query newQuery(Extent ext)
Specified by:
newQuery in interface PersistenceManager


public Query newQuery(Class cls,
                      Collection cln,
                      String filter)
Specified by:
newQuery in interface PersistenceManager


public Query newQuery(Extent ext,
                      String filter)
Specified by:
newQuery in interface PersistenceManager


public Query newQuery(Class cls,
                      String filter)
Specified by:
newQuery in interface PersistenceManager


public Query newQuery(Object compiled)
Specified by:
newQuery in interface PersistenceManager


public Query newQuery(String language,
                      Object compiled)
Specified by:
newQuery in interface PersistenceManager


public Query newNamedQuery(Class cls,
                           String name)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Return the named query defined in the metadata.
Specified by:
newNamedQuery in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
cls - if not null, the candidate class to query
name - the name of the query to lookup
a Query instance based on the information defined in the metadata


public void lock()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Synchronizes on an internal lock if the Multithreaded flag is set to true. Make sure to call KodoPersistenceManagerSPI.unlock() in a finally clause of the same method.
Specified by:
lock in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


public void unlock()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Releases the internal lock.
Specified by:
unlock in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


public StoreManager getStoreManager(boolean unwrap)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the store manager in use.
Specified by:
getStoreManager in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
unwrap - if true, the native store manager will be returned; otherwise, the store manager used by this persistence manager, which may be a decorator around the native store manager, will be returned


public LockManager getLockManager()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the lock manager in use.
Specified by:
getLockManager in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


public InverseManager getInverseManager()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the inverse manager in use.
Specified by:
getInverseManager in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


public KodoStateManager getState(Object oid)
Deprecated. see KodoPersistenceManager#getState(java.lang.Object)

Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return the state manager for the instance with the given oid. Includes objects made persistent in the current transaction.
Specified by:
getState in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public KodoStateManager getStateManager(Object pc)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the state manager for the given instance. Includes objects made persistent in the current transaction.
Specified by:
getStateManager in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


protected kodo.runtime.StateManagerImpl getStateManager(Object pc,
                                                        Object oid,
                                                        boolean allowNew)
Return the StateManager for the given instance or oid.
allowNew - if true, objects made persistent in the current transaction will be included in the search; if multiple new objects match the given oid, it is undetermined which will be returned


public Collection getManagedObjects()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return a list of all managed instances.
Specified by:
getManagedObjects in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public Collection getTransactionalObjects()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Return a list of current transaction instances.
Specified by:
getTransactionalObjects in interface KodoPersistenceManager


protected Collection getManagedStates()


protected Collection getTransactionalStates()
Return a copy of all transactional state managers.


public void addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener listener,
                                         Class[] classes)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Register a listener for lifecycle-related events on the specified classes. If the classes are null, all events will be propagated to the listener.
Specified by:
addInstanceLifecycleListener in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener listener)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Remove a listener for lifecycle-related events.
Specified by:
removeInstanceLifecycleListener in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public boolean getDetachOnClose()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all persistent managed objects when the persistence manager closes.
Specified by:
getDetachOnClose in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void setDetachOnClose(boolean detach)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all persistent managed objects when the persistence manager closes.
Specified by:
setDetachOnClose in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void setDetachFields(String mode)
For string-based auto-configuration of detach fields mode.


public int getDetachFields()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Detach mode constant to determine which fields are part of the detached graph. Defaults to KodoPersistenceManager.DETACH_FGS.
Specified by:
getDetachFields in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public void setDetachFields(int mode)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
Detach mode constant to determine which fields are part of the detached graph. Defaults to KodoPersistenceManager.DETACH_FGS.
Specified by:
setDetachFields in interface KodoPersistenceManager


public Object detach(Object pc)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Detach the specified object from the PersistenceManager.
Specified by:
detach in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
pc - the instance to detach
the detached instance
See Also:


public Object[] detachAll(Object[] pcs)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Detach the specified objects from the PersistenceManager. The objects returned can be manipulated and re-attached with KodoPersistenceManager.attachAll(Object[]). The detached instances will be unmanaged copies of the specified parameters, and are suitable for serialization and manipulation outside of a Kodo environment. When detaching instances, only fields in the current FetchConfiguration will be traversed. Thus, to detach a graph of objects, relations to other persistent instances must either be in the default-fetch-group, or in the current custom FetchConfiguration.
Specified by:
detachAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
pcs - the instances to detach
the detached instances
JDOUserException - if any of the instances do not have the detachable metadata extension.
See Also:
KodoPersistenceManager.attachAll(Object[]), KodoHelper.getDetachedObjectId(java.lang.Object), KodoHelper.getDetachedState(java.lang.Object), KodoPersistenceManager.getFetchConfiguration()


public Collection detachAll(Collection pcs)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Detach the specified objects from the PersistenceManager.
Specified by:
detachAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
pcs - the instances to detach
the detached instances
See Also:


public Object attach(Object pc)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Import the specified object into the PersistenceManager.
Specified by:
attach in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
pc - instance to import
the re-attached instance
See Also:


public Object[] attachAll(Object[] pcs)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Import the specified objects into the PersistenceManager. Instances that were previously detached from this or another PersistenceManager will have their changed merged into the persistent instances. Instances that are new will be persisted as new instances.
Specified by:
attachAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
pcs - array of instances to import
the re-attached instances
JDOUserException - if any of the instances are not detachable, or if there is not a current active transaction.
JDOOptimisticVerificationException - when attempting to attaching instance that has been deleted in the data store, or when attaching an instance into a PersistenceManager that currently has cached an earlier version of that instance.
See Also:


public Collection attachAll(Collection pcs)
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview. Import the specified objects into the PersistenceManager.
Specified by:
attachAll in interface KodoPersistenceManager
Following copied from interface: kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
pcs - Collection of instances to import
the re-attached instances
See Also:


public void assertOpen()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Throw an exception if this persistence manager has been closed.
Specified by:
assertOpen in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


public void assertActiveTransaction()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Throw an exception if there is no active transaction.
Specified by:
assertActiveTransaction in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


public void assertNontransactionalRead()
Description copied from interface: KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Throw an exception if there is no transaction active and nontransactional reading is not enabled.
Specified by:
assertNontransactionalRead in interface KodoPersistenceManagerSPI


protected kodo.runtime.StateManagerImpl assertManaged(Object pc)
Throw an exception if the given object is not managed; otherwise return its state manager.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.3.5 generated on August 31 2005

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.