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Introducing Administration in WebLogic Platform 8.1

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Introducing Administration

This document introduces new WebLogic Platform users to the job of administration of a WebLogic Platform 8.1 environment. It summarizes the basic tasks and tools required to set up, maintain, and manage WebLogic Platform applications. The document also provides links to other sources of information about WebLogic Platform administration.

Topics include:


Overview of WebLogic Platform Administration

WebLogic Platform provides a comprehensive set of tools for administering your application environment. This section introduces you to that environment, describes the function of the WebLogic Server domain in administration, explains the roles and responsibilities of an administrator, and provides a summary of administrative tasks and tools.

WebLogic Platform Application Environment

BEA WebLogic Platform consists of five component products that can be used independently, or in combination, as required by your application: WebLogic Server, WebLogic JRockit, WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Portal, and WebLogic Integration.

The following figure shows the structure of these component products within a WebLogic Platform application environment.

Figure 1 WebLogic Platform Application Environment

WebLogic Platform Application Environment


WebLogic Server provides the foundation for WebLogic Platform by hosting application services, such as Web server functionality, business components, and access to back-end enterprise systems in one central location. The WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Portal, and WebLogic Integration components, and all applications built with these components, are run in the WebLogic Server run-time environment.

WebLogic Server Domain—The Basic Unit of Administration

Before you can develop and run a WebLogic Platform application, you must first create a WebLogic Server domain. A domain is the basic unit of administration for your WebLogic Platform applications.

Figure 2 WebLogic Server Domain

WebLogic Server Domain


As shown in the previous figure, the basic domain infrastructure consists of one Administration Server and optional Managed Servers and clusters. It is possible to create a domain with only one instance of WebLogic Server. In this case, the single server provides the functionality for both the Administration Server and Managed Server.

The components of a domain are described in the following table.

Table 1 Domain Infrastructure Components 



Administration Server

A domain always includes one WebLogic Server instance that is configured as an Administration Server. The Administration Server provides a central point from which to manage the domain, and it provides access to WebLogic Server administration tools.

Managed Servers

All other WebLogic Server instances in a domain are called Managed Servers. Managed Servers host the application components and resources, which are also deployed and managed as part of the domain.


A domain may also include WebLogic Server clusters, which are groups of WebLogic Server instances that work together to provide scalability and high availability for applications. Clusters can improve performance and provide failover should a server instance become unavailable.


For more information about WebLogic Server domains, see "Overview of WebLogic Server Domains" in Configuring and Managing WebLogic Server at the following URL:

WebLogic Platform Administrators' Roles and Responsibilities

The following table defines the roles and responsibilities of WebLogic Platform administrators at a high level.

Note: Specific responsibilities may overlap categories.

Table 2 WebLogic Platform Administrator Roles and Responsibilities 

This administrator...

Must manage...

WebLogic Server Administrator

WebLogic Server and J2EE applications and resources.

Portal Administrator

Portal content, portal users, and the job of building portals with existing portal resources.

Integration Administrator

Integration applications and resources.

System Administrator

Hardware and software resources. Responsibilities may include tasks such as monitoring security configuration, managing allocation of user names and passwords, monitoring the use of disk space and other resources, performing backups, and setting up new hardware and software.

Application Administrator

Application-specific resources.

Database Administrator

Database-specific resources.


WebLogic Platform gives you flexibility in the way you define administrators. For example, you may want to create a hierarchy in which different administrators have varying degrees of access to domain components and functions. You can also create administrators who can, in turn, delegate administration tasks to other users. To learn more, see Defining Administrators.

WebLogic Platform Administration Tasks and Tools

WebLogic Platform provides a comprehensive set of tools for administering your application environment. Depending on the type of authority granted, an administrator can perform various administrative tasks, including those defined in the following table.

Table 3 WebLogic Platform Administration Tasks and Tools 

The purpose of this task...

Is to...

Creating WebLogic Domains

Create a domain quickly and easily using the Configuration Wizard, a standalone Java application that can be run independently of WebLogic Server.

Configuring, Managing, and Monitoring WebLogic Platform Applications

Set up and maintain your WebLogic Platform application environment using the four administration consoles provided by WebLogic Platform. Each console is a Web browser-based, graphical user interface used for managing features of the application environment:

  • WebLogic Server Administration Console for WebLogic Server domains

  • WebLogic Administration Portal for WebLogic Portal applications

  • WebLogic Integration Administration Console for WebLogic Integration applications

  • WebLogic JRockit Management Console for running instances of WebLogic JRockit JVM

Defining Administrators

Define administrators for your application by adding users to administrator groups (with the WebLogic Platform administration tools).

Managing Database Resources

Manage WebLogic JDBC components, such as connection pools and data sources, as required by your database management system (DBMS).

Accessing Log Files

Monitor your run-time applications and use the tools provided by WebLogic Platform to identify the source of errors.

Automating Administration Tasks

Generate scripts that perform some of the work that must otherwise be performed manually by an administrator.

Moving Domains from Development to Production Environments

Move domains from a development environment to a production environment (after development is complete).


These tasks are described in more detail in the following sections.

Note: In addition to the WebLogic Platform administration tasks and tools described in the following sections, BEA supports a Star Partner Program that provides other enterprise management solutions. For more information, see BEA PartnerNet at:


Creating WebLogic Domains

Before you can develop and run a WebLogic Platform application, you must first create a domain. A domain defines the basic unit of administration for WebLogic Platform applications. The Configuration Wizard, shown in the following figure, simplifies the domain creation process.

Figure 3 Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard

Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard


The Configuration Wizard guides you through the process of creating or extending a domain, quickly and easily, by using a template that defines the domain configuration. To meet the needs of your target environment, you can customize the information used as input for the template. Specifically, you can modify the parameters governing any of the following characteristics of the domain:

After you finish creating your domain, start an instance of WebLogic Server in the domain. This server can be used to support application development, testing, or production.

Every domain that you create with the Configuration Wizard includes:

The domain may also include the following:

To learn more about the Configuration Wizard:

Starting the Configuration Wizard

The Configuration Wizard can be started in one of the following ways:

When you use one of these methods, the Configuration Wizard is started in graphical mode. If you prefer, however, you can start the Configuration Wizard in console (command-line) or silent interface mode.

To learn more, see "Starting the Configuration Wizard" in Creating WebLogic Configurations Using the Configuration Wizard at the following URL:

Tutorials: Using the Configuration Wizard

WebLogic Platform provides a set of tutorials that demonstrate how the Configuration Wizard can be used to create and update a domain quickly and easily. For more information, see "Tutorials: Using the Configuration Wizard" in Creating WebLogic Configurations Using the Configuration Wizard at the following URL:


Configuring, Managing, and Monitoring WebLogic Platform Applications

WebLogic Platform provides several administration consoles that enable you to configure, manage, and monitor your WebLogic Platform application environment.

Figure 4 Administration Consoles for Configuring, Managing, and Monitoring WebLogic Platform Applications

Administration Consoles for Configuring, Managing, and Monitoring WebLogic Platform Applications


The following table summarizes the purpose of each WebLogic Platform administration console shown in the previous figure.

Table 4 Administration Consoles for Configuring, Managing, and Monitoring WebLogic Platform 

Use this administration console...

To configure, manage, and monitor...

WebLogic Server Administration Console

WebLogic Server domains containing multiple WebLogic Server instances, clusters, and applications.

WebLogic Administration Portal

Portal Web sites built with WebLogic Portal that include tools for controlling the behavior, content, and appearance of portals.

WebLogic Integration Administration Console

Software components and resources required for your WebLogic Integration applications.

WebLogic JRockit Management Console

Running instances of WebLogic JRockit JVM.


The WebLogic Platform administration consoles are described in more detail in the following sections.

WebLogic Server Administration Console

The WebLogic Server Administration Console enables you to configure, manage, and monitor domains containing multiple WebLogic Server instances, clusters, and applications. The WebLogic Server Administration Console consists of a Web application hosted by the Administration Server. You can use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to perform the following tasks for your domain:

The WebLogic Server Administration Server persists changes to attributes in the config.xml file for the domain you are managing.

To start the WebLogic Server Administration Server:

Once the WebLogic Server Administration Console is started, you must log in to the administration console. By default, you can specify weblogic as both the username and password. To log out, select Logout.

To learn more about the WebLogic Server Administration Console:

WebLogic Administration Portal

The WebLogic Administration Portal enables you to configure, manage, and monitor Portal Web sites built with WebLogic Portal that include tools for controlling the behavior, content, and appearance of portals.

You can use the WebLogic Administration Portal to manage the following portal features:

To start the WebLogic Administration Portal:

Once the WebLogic Administration Portal is started, you must log in to the administration console. By default, you can specify weblogic as both the username and password. To log out, select Logout.

To learn more about the WebLogic Administration Portal:

WebLogic Integration Administration Console

You can use the WebLogic Integration Administration Console to manage the following integration features:

To start the WebLogic Integration Administration Console:

Once the WebLogic Integration Administration Console is started, you must log in to the administration console. By default, you can specify weblogic as both the username and password. To log out, select Logout.

To learn more about the WebLogic Integration Administration Console:

WebLogic JRockit Management Console

You can use the WebLogic JRockit Management Console to view real-time information about a running application that can be used during development. For example, you can see where memory is being consumed in an application's life cycle. You can also view such information in a deployed environment. For example, you may want to monitor the system health of a running application server. The console enables you to do so.

To start the WebLogic JRockit Management Console:

  1. Start WebLogic JRockit JVM with the -Xmanagement option.
  2. For more information, see "Starting and Configuring WebLogic JRockit JVM" in Using WebLogic JRockit SDK at the following URL:

  3. Make sure that the paths to the JRE and .jar file are in your classpath. Then, enter the following command:
  4. console

    If you prefer to invoke the WebLogic JRockit Management Console without the launcher, enter the following command, instead:

    java -jar jrockit-install-directory/console/ManagementConsole.jar

To learn more about the WebLogic JRockit Management Console, see "Using the WebLogic JRockit Management Console" in Using WebLogic JRockit SDK at the following URL:

Other Administration Tools

The following table lists tools other than the administration consoles, that are available for configuring, managing, and monitoring WebLogic Platform applications.

Table 5 Other Administration Tools 

This tool...

Enables you to...

Node Manager

Start, shut down, restart, and monitor remote WebLogic Server instances. For more information, see "Overview of Node Manager" in Configuring and Managing WebLogic Server at the following URL:

Command-line interface

Manage a WebLogic Server domain when it is impractical or undesirable to use the Administration Console. For more information, see "weblogic.Admin Command-Line Reference" in the WebLogic Server Command Reference at the following URL:


Manually edit the contents of the config.xml file, the persistent store for configuration information. (Other system administration tools automatically save all configuration changes in the config.xml file.)

Note: Although this method of configuration is not recommended, it may provide advantages in limited situations. If you decide to edit your config.xml file manually, be sure that the Administration Server is not running when you do so.

For more information, see the WebLogic Server Configuration Reference at the following URL:

Java utilities

Perform common tasks, such as deploying applications and testing DBMS configurations. For more information, see "Using the WebLogic Server Java Utilities" in the WebLogic Server Command Reference at the following URL:

Ant tasks

Create powerful build scripts for demonstrating or testing your application with custom domains. In a development environment, perform common configuration tasks, such as starting and stopping WebLogic Server instances, and creating and configuring WebLogic Server domains. For more information, see "Using Ant Tasks to Configure a WebLogic Server Domain" in the WebLogic Server Command Reference at the following URL:

Deployment tools

Deploy applications and standalone modules to WebLogic Server. For more information, see "Deployment Tools Reference" in Deploying WebLogic Server Applications at the following URL:


Use the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to communicate with enterprise-wide management systems. The WebLogic SNMP agent gathers WebLogic Server management data, converts it to SNMP communication modules (trap notifications), and forwards the trap notifications to third-party SNMP management systems. For more information, see the WebLogic SNMP Management Guide at the following URL:


Write your own management components as one or more Java classes. This option is available for advanced Java programmers with knowledge of the JMX API from Sun Microsystems Inc. and WebLogic Server MBeans. For more information, see Programming WebLogic Management Services with JMX at the following URL:

WebLogic Workshop configuration files

Configure WebLogic Workshop run-time and security parameters. For more information, see "Configuration File Reference" in the WebLogic Workshop Help at the following URL:

WebLogic Integration Bulk Loader

Import, export, and delete trading partner data, including trading partner profiles, certificates from keystores, service definitions, and service profiles. For more information, see "Using the Trading Partner Bulk Loader" in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:



Defining Administrators

To define administrators using the WebLogic Platform administration tools, you add a user to an administrator group. Administrative privileges can be further defined by using roles. To summarize each of these key terms:

To learn more about these components, see "Using an External Store for User Information" in Security in WebLogic Platform 8.1 at the following URL:

The following table describes the administrator groups with full access privileges that are provided for each of the WebLogic Platform components by default, and the roles to which they are assigned.

Table 6 Default Administrator Groups and Roles 


Default Administrator Group

Assigned Administrator Role


WebLogic Platform



  • View the server configuration, including the encrypted values of encrypted attributes.

  • Modify the entire server configuration.

  • Deploy enterprise applications, startup and shutdown classes, and Web Application, EJB, J2EE Connector, and Web Service modules.

  • Start, resume, and stop servers by default.

WebLogic Server

WebLogic Workshop

WebLogic Portal



  • Administer portal-related information for all servers in a cluster.

  • Create additional roles.

WebLogic Integration



  • Administer integration-related information for all servers in a cluster.

  • Create additional roles using the administration console.

1. If you belong to the Administrators group, you can also administer WebLogic Portal and WebLogic Integration.


To learn more about default groups and roles, see "Users, Groups, and Roles Preconfigured in a Platform Domain" in "Using an External Store for User Information" in Security in WebLogic Platform 8.1 at the following URL:

By default, the user weblogic is assigned to the administrator groups defined in the previous table, with full system administrator privileges. You can log in by specifying weblogic as the password.

To define additional administrators, use the administration tools described in the following table.

Table 7 Defining Administrators 

To define...


WebLogic Server Administrator

When creating your WebLogic Server Domain, use the Configuration Wizard, as described in "Configuring Security" in Creating WebLogic Configurations Using the Configuration Wizard at the following URL:

When your application is running, use the WebLogic Server Administration Console, as described in the following sections:

Portal Administrator

The WebLogic Administration Portal, as described in "How Do I Set Up a New Administrator?" in the WebLogic Administration Portal Online Help at the following URL:

Integration Administrator

The WebLogic Integration Administration Console, as described in "User Management" in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:


By default, the users and groups you add through the WebLogic Server Administration Console are users of WebLogic Integration, WebLogic Portal, and WebLogic Workshop applications and resources. Conversely, as you add users through the WebLogic Integration or WebLogic Portal administration consoles, those users become WebLogic Server users by default.


Managing Database Resources

The following sections provide an overview of managing database resources:

Overview of WebLogic JDBC

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a standard Java API that consists of classes and interfaces written in the Java programming language. Application, tool, and database developers use JDBC to write database applications and execute SQL statements.

WebLogic JDBC enables programmers to interact seamlessly with different database management systems (DBMSs), such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, MySQL, and others.

The following figure shows how you can establish a connection to a DBMS using WebLogic JDBC components.

Figure 5 Components of WebLogic JDBC

Components of WebLogic JDBC


The main components of WebLogic JDBC are a connection pool, a MultiPool, and a data source:

A connection pool requires a JDBC driver to establish the physical connections between WebLogic Server and the DBMS. JDBC drivers implement the interfaces and classes of the JDBC API.

For a list of databases and drivers that are supported for use with WebLogic Platform, see "Supported Database Configurations" in Supported Configurations for WebLogic Platform 8.1 at the following URL:

To create and configure JDBC components, use the database administration tools described in the following table.

Table 8 Tools for WebLogic JDBC Database Administration 

This tool...

Enables you to...

Configuration Wizard

Configure database connectivity when creating a domain. For more information, see "Configuring a Database Service" in Creating WebLogic Configurations Using the Configuration Wizard at the following URL:

WebLogic Server Administration Console

Add or edit configuration information for database connectivity when your application is running. For more information, see "Configuring Database Connectivity" in WebLogic Server System Administration at the following URL:


To learn more about WebLogic JDBC, see:

PointBase—The Default Development Database

PointBase is the default database used for running the sample domains and creating a domain with the Configuration Wizard. When you start the server to run your applications, the PointBase server starts automatically.

You can administer the PointBase database using the PointBase console, or any third-party database visualization and management tool that can be connected to PointBase via JDBC.

To start the PointBase console:

Once the PointBase console starts, you may be prompted to enter several parameters required to connect to the database. For example, to start the PointBase console for the WebLogic Platform Tour, enter the following connection parameters:

To learn more about the PointBase database, see:

PointBase is delivered with WebLogic Platform as a convenience for you; you are not required to use it. If you prefer to use another database, see "Switching Databases" in Managing WebLogic Platform Database Resources at the following URL:


Accessing Log Files

The WebLogic Server logging services provide facilities for writing, viewing, filtering, and listening for log messages. The information in log files is useful for detecting and troubleshooting problems, and monitoring your applications.

The WebLogic Platform components use the log files to provide information about events such as the deployment of new applications or the failure of one or more subsystems.Your application can also use them to communicate its status, respond to specific events, and record debugging information.

This section describes the log files, and the debugging and auditing log facilities that are available for troubleshooting and monitoring your applications. Topics include:

To learn more about using the WebLogic Server logging services, see Using WebLogic Logging Services at the following URL:

For a list of valid messages, along with the cause and suggested action for each, see the WebLogic Server Message Catalogs at the following URL:

Standard Log Files

The following table summarizes the standard log files that can be generated for each WebLogic Server instance.

Note: The default location of the log file is specified relative to the server root directory. For more information about the server root directory, see "A Server's Root Directory" in Configuring and Managing WebLogic Server at the following URL:

Table 9 Standard Log Files 

The following log(s)...


Default Location in the Server Root Directory

Server Log

Events such as the startup and shutdown of servers, the deployment of new applications, or the failure of one or more subsystems.


Domain Log

Messages that are generated on multiple server instances within the domain.


Standard Out and Standard Error

Subset of messages generated by WebLogic Server instance. By default, WARNING and ERROR level messages are recorded.


HTTP Access Log

HTTP requests.


WebLogic Workshop Logs

Events related to WebLogic Workshop.

  • workshop.log

  • workshop_debug.log

  • workshop_errors.log

  • netui.log

Embedded LDAP Logs

Embedded LDAP server events.


  • EmbeddedLDAP.log

  • EmbeddedLDAPAccess.log

Node Manager Logs

Events related to the Node Manager. Node Manager logs are created only when the Node Manager is running.


  • NodeManagerLogs/NodeManagerInternal/nm_hostname_date-time.log

  • NodeManagerLogs/domain_serverName

  • NodeManagerClientLogs/serverName


Note: Each WebLogic Server instance also maintains a Java Transaction API (JTA) log: a repository for information about committed transactions coordinated by the server that may not have been completed. WebLogic Server uses the transaction log when recovering from system crashes or network failures. Because the transaction log is a binary file, you cannot view it directly.

The following sections describe each of the standard log files in more detail.

Server Log

The server log records information about events such as the startup and shutdown of servers, the deployment of new applications, or the failure of one or more subsystems. The following code is a sample excerpt from the server log file:

Components of WebLogic JDBC
####<Nov 13, 2003 3:59:44 PM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <MyComputer>
<cgServer> <main> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-000327> <Starting WebLogic Admin
Server "cgServer" for domain "sample">
Components of WebLogic JDBC #####<Nov 13, 2003 3:59:44 PM EST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <MyComputer>
<cgServer> <main> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-000214> <WebLogic Server "cgServer"
WebLogic Server 8.1 SP2 Tue Oct 21 22:57:26 PDT 2003 303940
WebLogic XMLX Module 8.1 SP2 Tue Oct 21 22:57:26 PDT 2003 303940
Components of WebLogic JDBC ####<Nov 18, 2003 4:01:46 PM EST> <Info> <Management> <MyComputer>
<cgServer> <main> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-141187> <Java system properties
are defined as follows:
java.home = k:\bea\JDK141~2\jre = M:\Temp\2\ = Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
java.runtime.version = 1.4.1_05-b01 = k:bea\WEBLOG~1\server\lib\weblogic.policy = Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.specification.version = 1.4
javax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectClass =
Components of WebLogic JDBC ####<Nov 19, 2003 3:54:38 PM EST> <Warning> <EJB> <MyComputer> <cgServer>
<main> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-010061> <The Message-Driven EJB:
ProcessTrackingEventErrorListener is unable to connect to the JMS
destination: wli.internal.tracking.buffer_error. The Error was:
[EJB:011010] The JMS destination with the JNDI name:
wli.internal.tracking.buffer_error could not be found. Please ensure that
the JNDI name in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml is correct, and the JMS
destination has been deployed.>
Components of WebLogic JDBC ####<Nov 18, 2003 4:20:27 PM EST> <Error> <WLW> <MyComputer> <cgServer>
<ExecuteThread: '14' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>>
<BEA1-0096EDCD7454B16BE9F2> <000000> <Process Tracking init failed for: /test6/stress/StressProcess.jpd
javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: Error in ejbCreate::
javax.ejb.CreateException: [WLI-Core:484042]ProcessTracking failed to
initialize the buffer.javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to
lookup '' didn't find subcontext
'instance' Resolved wli.internal; remaining name 'instance/info/buffer'
at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(>

As shown, whenever a WebLogic Server instance writes a message to the log file, the first line begins with ####, followed by a set of message attributes, enclosed in angle brackets. The following provides a brief description of each message by key:

  1. Status information pertaining to the server startup. The severity level NOTICE indicates that logged message is for informational purposes.
  2. Information about the server versions. The severity level INFO indicates that logged message is for informational purposes.
  3. Information about the Java system properties. The severity level INFO indicates that logged message is for informational purposes.
  4. Warning indicating that a JMS destination was not found. The severity level WARNING indicates that the logged message may or may not affect normal operation.
  5. Error indicating that a specific transaction has been rolled back. The severity level ERROR indicates that the logged message requires attention.

The following table summarizes the message attributes for which values are stored in the server log.

Table 10 Server Log Message Attributes 




<Nov 13, 2003 3:59:44 PM EST>





Machine Name


Server Name


Thread ID


User ID

<<WLS Kernel>>

Transaction ID


Note: This field is empty if there is no transaction context.

Message ID


Message Text

<Starting WebLogic Admin Server "cgServer" for domain "sample">


For complete details about message attributes and valid severity levels, see "Overview of WebLogic Server Log Messages and Log Files" in "Server Log" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:

By default, each WebLogic Server instance maintains a server log, which is written to the following file in the server root directory: server-name/server-name.log.

To configure a server log file location and other settings, open the WebLogic Server Administration Console and choose the Server—> Logging—> Server tab. For more information about configuring the server log, see "Server—> Logging—> Server" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:

You can view the server log from either the WebLogic Server Administration Console or a text editor.

To learn more about viewing and using the server log, see "Server Log" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:

Domain Log

In addition to having messages written to the local server log file, you can configure the logging services to collect the messages generated on multiple server instances in a single, domain-wide message log. This domain log enables you to monitor or archive the overall status of the domain through a single file.

The format of the messages written to the domain log is similar to that of the server log, as described in Server Log.

By default, each WebLogic Server instance sends all messages of severity level ERROR or higher to the domain log. It is written, by default, to the following file in the server root directory: wl-domain.log.

To configure the domain log:

You can view the domain log from either the WebLogic Server Administration Console or a text editor.

To learn more about viewing and using the domain log, see "Server Log" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:

Standard Out and Standard Error

Each WebLogic Server instance sends a subset of its messages to standard out and standard error. In certain situations, standard out and standard error may provide important information about JVM errors, such as out-of-memory errors, that may not have been captured in the log file.

The format of the messages written to standard out and standard error is similar to that of the server log, as described in Server Log. However, when a WebLogic Server instance writes a message to standard out, the output does not include the #### prefix or the following message attributes: Server Name, Machine Name, Thread ID, and User ID fields. The following excerpt shows how a message from the server log example, provided in Server Log, is printed to standard out:

<Nov 13, 2003 3:59:44 PM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000327>
<Starting WebLogic Admin Server "cgServer" for domain "sample">

To control the types of messages written to standard out by a server instance, choose the Server—> Logging—> Server tab in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. For more information, see "Server—> Logging—> Server" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:

By default, you can view standard out and standard error messages in the shell in which you are running the server instance.

Note: If you start a Managed Server with the Node Manager, the Node Manager redirects the standard error for the server instance to a file. In this case, you can view the standard error for the Managed Server by choosing Domain—> Server—> Remote Start Output—> View Server error output.

To learn more about viewing and using standard out and standard error, see "Server Log" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:

HTTP Access Log

The HTTP access log records all HTTP requests. The following code is a sample excerpt from the HTTP access log: - john [17/Nov/2003:16:26:51 -0500] "GET /e2ePortalProject/Controller.jpf HTTP/1.1" 200 805 - - [18/Nov/2003:16:36:07 -0500] "GET /sampleTool/PropertySetWS HTTP/1.1" 401 1526

The messages provide status information about each HTTP access request, for example, an HTTP GET operation. The following table summarizes the message attributes for which values are stored in the HTTP access log.

Table 11 Server Log Message Attributes 



IP address

User ID


Note: A dash (—) specifies an anonymous user.


[17/Nov/2003:16:26:51 -0500]

HTTP action

GET /e2ePortalProject/Controller.jpf HTTP/1.1

HTTP status code


Transfer length of message


Note: If no data is transferred, the field length is 0.


Note that in the previous example, a status code of 200 indicates a successful request. A status code of 401 indicates that the request is unauthorized. For more information about HTTP status codes, see the Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 functional specification, available from the W3C Consortium Web site at the following URL:

By default, each WebLogic Server instance maintains an HTTP access log, which is written to the following file in the server root directory: logs/access.log.

To configure the HTTP access log file location and other settings, open the WebLogic Server Administration Console and choose the Server—> Logging—> HTTP tab. For more information, see "Server—> Logging—> HTTP" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:

To learn more about the HTTP access log, see "Setting Up HTTP Access Logs" in "Configuring Web Server Functionality for WebLogic Server" in Configuring and Managing WebLogic Server at the following URL:

WebLogic Workshop Logs

WebLogic Workshop generates a set of log files in which to capture status and error messages related to the WebLogic Workshop run-time software and applications.

The following code is a sample excerpt from a WebLogic Workshop log file:

04 Nov 2003 16:30:11,620 INFO  e2ePortal      : ConversationID=null;
Protocol=java-call; URI=/e2ePortalProject/joindb/UsersDBControl.jcx;
Method=lookupUser; Phase=none; Callback=null

WebLogic Workshop uses the log4j Java logging facility developed by the Jakarta Project of the Apache Foundation. Log4j defines three components: loggers, appenders, and layouts. These components enable you to log messages according to message type and level, specify the file location, and control message formatting. For more information about log4j, see the Apache Jakarta Project Web site at the following URL:

The following table defines the log files generated by WebLogic Workshop.

Table 12 WebLogic Workshop Log Files 

This log file...



All internal logging messages generated by the WebLogic Workshop run-time software and by user code in WebLogic Workshop applications


Debugging information




Page flow information


By default, the WebLogic Workshop log files are written to the server root directory.

To configure the WebLogic Workshop log files, edit the workshopLogCfg.xml log4j configuration file located in BEA_HOME/weblogic81/common/lib. You can override the default configuration location using the log4j.configuration Java property. For example, on the command line used to start WebLogic Server, you can specify the following command-line argument:


To learn more about the WebLogic Workshop logs, see "workshopLogCfg.xml Configuration File" in the WebLogic Workshop Help at the following URL:

Embedded LDAP Logs

The embedded LDAP server is the default security provider database for the WebLogic Authentication, Authorization, Credential Mapping, and Role Mapping providers. It contains information about users, groups, group memberships, security roles, security policies, and credential mapping.

The embedded LDAP server generates a set of log files in which it can capture status and error messages related to its execution. The following code is a sample excerpt from an Embedded LDAP log file:

[01/Apr/2003 15:15:42 EST] INFO - LDAPServer: VDE Engine Starting
[01/Apr/2003 15:15:42 EST] DEBUG - ACLChecker: Root User is: cn=Admin
[01/Apr/2003 15:15:42 EST] INFO - BackendHandler: Initializing Adapters

The following table summarizes the message attributes for which values are stored in the Embedded LDAP log.

Table 13 Embedded LDAP Log Message Attributes 




[01/Apr/2003 15:15:42 EST]





Message text

VDE Engine Starting


The following table lists the Embedded LDAP logs that are generated by default.

Table 14 Embedded LDAP Logs 

This log file...

Records information about...


Embedded LDAP server


Controlling access to the Embedded LDAP server


The embedded LDAP log files are created in the following directory in the server root directory: server-name/ldap/log.

To learn more about Embedded LDAP, see "Managing the Embedded LDAP Server" in Managing WebLogic Security at the following URL:

Node Manager Logs

Node Manager is a Java program provided with WebLogic Server that enables you to start, shut down, restart, and monitor remote WebLogic Server instances. When running, Node Manager generates log files for the following components:

For more information about Node Manager log files, see "Troubleshooting Node Manager" in "Configuring, Starting, and Stopping Node Manager" in Configuring and Managing WebLogic Server at the following URL:

Database Log Files

The JDBC log records all JDBC-related activities. The following code is a sample excerpt from the JDBC log file:

DRVR OPER Enabled logging (moduleMask 0x0fffffff, categoryMask 0x0000008f)
DRVR OPER OracleResultSetImpl.getString(columnIndex=1)
DRVR OPER OracleConnection.getTransactionIsolation() returned 2
DRVR OPER OracleConnection.getDefaultFixedString() returning false

The JDBC log file is generated by the JDBC driver. For information about the JDBC log message attributes, see the appropriate JDBC driver documentation.

By default, JDBC logging is disabled. Once enabled, the JDBC log is written, by default, to the following file in the server root directory: server-name/jdbc.log.

To enable the JDBC log and configure its location, choose the Server—> Logging—> JDBC tab in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. For more information, see "Server—> Logging—> JDBC" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:

To learn more about JDBC and JDBC logs, see "JDBC" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:

PointBase is the default database management system installed with WebLogic Server. By default, when the PointBase server is started, log messages are redirected to the following log file in the server root directory: pointbase/log/pointbase.log. You can control logging features by using the PointBase parameters. For more information, see the PointBase System Guide (PDF) at the following URL:

Similar log files are generated for other database management tools, such as Oracle. For information about configuring the logging services for third-party database management tools, see the appropriate third-party documentation.

Debugging and Auditing Log Facilities

To enable you to augment the information captured in the log files, WebLogic Platform provides a convenient set of debugging and auditing log facilities. The following sections describe each of these facilities in more detail.

Debugging Facilities

The debugging facilities capture verbose descriptions of low-level activity within an application.

Application Debugging

While your application is under development, you can use the DEBUG severity level to categorize and capture debug messages. Messages of the DEBUG severity level are automatically sent to the server log file.

Note: Unlike Log4j, which is a third-party logging service that enables you to dynamically exclude log messages based on level of severity, the WebLogic Server log includes all levels of messages generated by your application.

The following code is an example of a debug message:

####<Nov 13, 2003 4:40:20 PM EST> <Debug> <HTTP> <MyComputer> <cgServer>
<ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.socket.Muxer'> <<WLS Kernel>> <>
<BEA-101147> <HttpServer(1188855,null default ctx,cgServer) Found no
context for "/RMwebservice/RMHelloWorld". This request does not match the
context path for any installed Web applications, and there is no default
Web application configured.>

You also can configure WebLogic Server to send debug messages to standard out. For more information, see "Specifying Which Messages a Server Sends to Standard Out" in the Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:

It is recommended that you create a debug mode for your application when using the DEBUG severity level. For more information, see "Writing Debug Messages" in "Writing Messages to the WebLogic Server Log" in Using WebLogic Logging Services at the following URL:

LDAP Debugging

If you want to capture LDAP debug messages related to authentication and authorization, set up an LDAP debug log called ldap_trace.log. To create this log, open the config.xml file and add the following line to the definition of the <Server> tag:

<ServerDebug DebugSecurityAtn="true" DebugSecurityAtz="true" DebugEmbeddedLDAPLogLevel="n" Name="myserver"/>

In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the Administration Server and, if necessary, the Managed Server for which you are capturing LDAP debug messages.

For more information about updating the config.xml file, see the WebLogic Server Configuration Reference at the following URL:

Auditing Facilities

The auditing facilities allow you to generate an electronic trail by collecting, storing, and distributing information about operating requests and the outcomes of those requests for the purposes of non-repudiation. You can configure either a WebLogic Auditing provider or a custom Auditing provider in a security realm.

Note: The default security realm (myrealm) does not include a pre-configured Auditing provider configured.

The following table defines the events logged by the WebLogic Auditing provider.

Table 15 Events Logged By the WebLogic Auditing Provider 

This event...



A simple authentication (username and password) has been performed.


A perimeter authentication (based on tokens) has been performed.


A user account has been locked after multiple invalid login attempts.


The lock on a user account has been cleared.


The lock on a user account has expired.


The WebLogic Auditing provider saves all auditing information in WL_HOME/yourdomain/yourserver/DefaultAuditRecorder.log. Although a separate Auditing provider is configured for each security realm, each server writes auditing data to its own log file in the server directory.

For more information about configuring the WebLogic Auditing provider and the custom Auditing provider, see "Configuring Security Providers" in Managing WebLogic Security at the following URL:


Automating Administration Tasks

Some administration tasks can be automated using the methods described in the following table.

Table 16 Methods for Automating Administration Tasks 

Administration Tasks



Creating WebLogic Domains

Silent-Mode Configuration

Create a configuration script and execute the Configuration Wizard as a noninteractive process. This method enables you to define the configuration information for a domain once and then duplicate that domain on multiple machines. For more information, see "Creating a Script for Silent-Mode Configuration" in Creating WebLogic Configurations Using the Configuration Wizard at the following URL:

Template Builder

Create custom configuration and extension templates that can be used later for creating and updating domains with the Configuration Wizard. Template Builder enables you to define and propagate a standard domain across a development project, or to distribute a domain with an application that has been developed to run on it. For more information, see Creating WebLogic Configurations Using the Configuration Wizard at the following URL:

Configuring, Managing, and Monitoring WebLogic Platform Applications

WebLogic Server Command-Line Interface

Manage a WebLogic Server domain by issuing commands manually on the WebLogic Server command line. This method enables you to manage a domain without the Administration Console, when use of the console is neither practical nor desirable. For more information, see "weblogic.Admin Command-Line Reference" in the WebLogic Server Command Reference at the following URL:

Java Utilities

Perform common tasks, such as deploying applications and testing DBMS configurations. For more information, see "Using the WebLogic Server Java Utilities" in the WebLogic Server Command Reference at the following URL:

Ant Tasks

Create powerful build scripts for demonstrating or testing your application with custom domains. In a development environment, perform common configuration tasks, such as starting and stopping WebLogic Server instances, and creating and configuring WebLogic Server domains. For more information, see "Using Ant Tasks to Configure a WebLogic Server Domain" in the WebLogic Server Command Reference at the following URL:

Deployment Tools

Deploy applications and standalone modules to WebLogic Server. For more information, see "Deployment Tools Reference" in Deploying WebLogic Server Applications at the following URL:

WebLogic Integration Bulk Loader

Import, export, and delete trading partner data, including trading partner profiles, certificates from keystores, service definitions, and service profiles. For more information, see "Using the Trading Partner Bulk Loader" in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:



Moving Domains from Development to Production Environments

You can launch your domain in either a development environment or a production environment.

Use this startup environment...



You are creating your applications. At this stage, security is relatively relaxed, so you can auto-deploy applications.


Your application is running in its final form. At this stage, security is fully configured and advanced features, such as clusters, may be used.


For a complete description of the differences between development and production environments, see "Differences Between Configuration Startup Modes" in Creating WebLogic Configurations Using the Configuration Wizard at the following URL:

To move domains from a development environment to a production environment, you must complete several steps. For complete details, see:

When you are ready to move your domain to a production environment, keep in mind the following deployment considerations:


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