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8.1 Supported Configurations: HP OpenVMS 7.3 on Alpha

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HP OpenVMS 7.3-1 on Alpha with WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1

Provides full support for WebLogic Server. WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Integration, and WebLogic Portal are not supported. See below for Design and Development Tools support.


This section provides the following information:

Related Information


Configuration Requirements

Table 2-1 Requirements for WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 on HP OpenVMS 7.3-1 on Alpha 

Operating System Version and Patches

HP OpenVMS 7.3-1

Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed

HP Alpha processor (433 MHz) with a non-system disk that can be converted or initialized to ODS-5.

Note: The disk must not have page or swap files on it.


HP Fast VM 1.4.1-2 JDK 1.4.1 JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition Fast VM (build 1.4.1-2, build J2SDK.v.1.4.1:09/09/2003-18:43, native threads, jit_141)

Design and Development Tools

Supports WebLogic Server development tools.


512 MB required; 1 GB recommended

Performance Pack


Node Manager



BEA jDrivers for Oracle

Oracle 9.2.0 Thin Driver for Oracle 9.2.0



Known Issues

This section provides recommendations and workarounds for the following problems that occur in WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1:

For more information about known issues with this release, see the WebLogic Server 8.1 Release Notes document:

Examples Problem

When you run WebLogic Server examples, you may see the following warning:

<Warning> <Socket> <BEA-000402> <There are: 5 active sockets, but 
the maximum number of socket reader threads allowed by the
configuration is: 4. You may want to alter your configuration.

Ignore this warning. It does not adversely affect the running of the examples.

Native Libraries Not Supported

WebLogic Server 8.1 does not support any WLS native libraries. For example, there is no support for jDriver or pollmuxer.

Upgrade Problems

During the procedure for upgrading from WebLogic Server 7.0 to 8.1, several problems may occur. To perform an upgrade, complete the following procedure:

  1. Follow the instructions provided in WebLogic Server 8.1 Upgrade Guide:
  3. Open each WebLogic Server 7.0 .XML file that is accessed by WebLogic Server 8.1, and make the following modifications:


Download and Installation Instructions

This section provides instructions for the following tasks:

Note: Review all instructions before proceeding. If you are upgrading from WebLogic Server 7.0 to 8.1, please review Known Issues. WebLogic Server must be installed on an ODS-5 disk.

Preparing Your System

This section provides instructions for the following tasks:

Verifying the Prerequisites on Your System

Before you download WebLogic Server for your system, you must make sure that in addition to the OpenVMS 7.3-1 operating system, the following required software is installed:

Required Supplemental Software

In addition to the WebLogic Server software, you also need the OpenVMS 7.3.1 Supplementary JAR file, wls811_OpenVMS_supp.jar, which contains supplementary installation and configuration files for OpenVMS. Instructions for downloading this file are provided in Downloading the WebLogic Server Software and Supplementary JAR File.

Note: The supplemental file contains customized command files for OpenVMS, which are automatically copied to the proper directories during installation. The following files are delivered:,,,, configEnvVMS_template.dat,,,,, parseNodeManager.exe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _java.policy

Setting Up a Disk, Directory, and Account to Run WebLogic Server

Before you can run WebLogic Server on an OpenVMS configuration, you must set up an ODS-5 disk, and a dedicated directory and account. To do so, complete the following procedure:

  1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.
  2. Set the SYSTEM account minimum quotas greater than or equal to those of the bea account, as specified in Step 3 below. For installation purposes the SYSTEM account must have a minimum BYTLM of 4000000 (4M).


  3. Create or convert an ODS-5 disk, define a system logical called wldisk to reference this disk, and then mount the disk. For example:
  4. Note: The following INITIALIZE command will destroy all data on the selected drive:

    Note: If the logical defined in the next step contains any lowercase characters, it must be enclosed in quotes. Remember whether the spelling you specify includes uppercase and/or lowercase letters. You must reproduce the same spelling, including uppercase and lowercase, when you create the default bea directory on the ODS-5 device and the default device and directory specification for the bea account in the user authorization file. (UAF).

    _$ "wldisk" DKA100:

    To verify the logical definition:

    $ SHOW LOGICAL wldisk /FULL  "wldisk" [exec] = "DKA100:" [concealed] 

    $ MOUNT/SYSTEM DKA100: "wldisk"

    Add the DEFINE and MOUNT commands above to SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

  5. Using AUTHORIZE ($ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:AUTHORIZE.EXE ), create a BEA Home account called bea.
  6. Set the default device to the logical name defined in the previous step. Set the directory of this account to bea:

    /DEVICE="wldisk" /DIRECTORY=bea

    The account must have the following minimum quotas:


    The system parameter CHANNELCNT must be greater than or equal to FILLM.

    Use the SYSMAN utility to examine the value of CHANNELCNT.

    Parameter name    Current  Default  Minimum Maximum Unit Dynamic
    --------------     -------  -------   ------- -------  ---- -------
    CHANNELCNT          127       127       21     2047    Channels

    To change the value of CHANNELCNT, edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file and then use AUTOGEN.

  7. Create a directory on the ODS-5 disk called wldisk:[bea] and set the owner to the bea account. The directory name is case sensitive; it must match the directory specified earlier for the bea home account. For example:
  9. Create an additional directory on the ODS-5 disk to hold the downloaded kits, and set the owner to the bea account. For example, to name the directory wldisk:[kits], enter the following command:
  11. Steps 7 and 8 are based on the assumption that Java 2 SDK 1.4.1-2, including Java Fast Virtual Machine and all its prerequisite software patches, are installed on your system. If these items are installed, skip to step 7.
  12. If these items are not installed yet, install them now and reboot the system. The SDK and all required patches are available from:

  13. From the SYSTEM account, execute the following commands:
  14. $ SET DEFAULT wldisk:[bea] 
  15. Before you start running WebLogic Server on OpenVMS, verify that the OpenVMS time zone is set correctly by running the following command:

    For more information, see Section 5.9, "Setting Correct Time Zone Information on Your System," in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

Downloading the WebLogic Server Software and Supplementary JAR File

To download WebLogic Server to your system, complete the following procedure:

  1. Go to the WebLogic Server download site:
  3. Find the listings for WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 and select HP OpenVMS from the drop-down menu.
  4. Download the following:
  5. COPY (or FTP in binary mode) the files to a convenient location, such as wldisk:[kits].

Installing WebLogic Server 8.1 Service Pack 1

From the SYSTEM account, install the WebLogic Server kit as follows:

  1. Set attributes for the downloaded installer and supplemental .jar files to stream LF. For example:
  2. $ SET FILE/ATTR=(RFM=STMLF) wldisk:[kits]pj_server811_generic.jar 
    $ SET FILE/ATTR=(RFM=STMLF) wldisk:[kits]wls811_OpenVMS_supp.jar
  3. Install the WebLogic Server kit by setting the default to wldisk:[bea] and using the java command to unpack the archive:
  4. $ SET DEFAULT wldisk:[bea] 
    $ java -DJAVA_HOME=/sys$common/java$141 -Djdk.check.override=true 
    -jar /wldisk/kits/pj_server811_generic.jar

    These command lines are based on the assumption that the .jar file resides in the wldisk:[kits] directory. If the .jar file on your system resides elsewhere, modify the java command as appropriate.

    Note: This java command creates the WebLogic Server directory structure, starting with the WebLogic directory under [bea]: that is, [bea.weblogic81]. Depending on the speed of the machine, this command may run for over 20 minutes.

    While the BEA installer is running, note the pathnames of the "BEA Home Directory" and "Product Installation Directory." These directory specifications are required as input for the configuration of the WebLogic Server environment on OpenVMS (during the execution of

    The following code shows an example of an installation. User responses are highlighted in bold. To select [Next] at any time, press Enter.

    Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode.
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    This installer will guide you through the installation of WebLogic 
    Server 8.1 SP1. Type "Next" or enter to proceed to the next prompt. If
    you want to change data entered previously, type "Previous". You may
    quit the installer at any time by typing "Exit".
    Enter [Exit][Next]> Next
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    BEA Systems License Agreement:
    NOTE: Please read the license agreement.
    Enter [Yes][No][Exit][Previous][More]> Yes
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    Choose BEA Home Directory:
        *BEA home choice
       1|Create a new BEA Home [/SYS$SYSROOT/sysmgr/bea]
     ->2|Use an existing BEA Home [/wldisk/weblogic700/bea]
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    Choose BEA Home Directory:
        "BEA Home" = [/SYS$SYSROOT/sysmgr/bea]
    Input new BEA Home OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> /wldisk/bea
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    Choose BEA Home Directory:
        *BEA home choice
     ->1|Yes, Use this BEA home directory [/wldisk/bea]
       2|No, return to BEA home directory selection
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
    NOTE: Record the BEA Home directory for later reference.
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    Choose Install Type:
        |Install the complete BEA WebLogic Platform.
       2|Custom Installation
        |Choose software components to install and perform
        |optional configuration.
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    Choose Product Directory:
        "Product Installation Directory" = [/wldisk/bea/weblogic81]
    Input new Product Installation Directory OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    Choose Product Directory:
     ->1|Yes, use this product directory [/wldisk/bea/weblogic81]
       2|No, select another product directory
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
    NOTE: Record the Product Installation Directory for later reference.
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    Installing files..
    0%           25%          50%         75%        100%
    (NOTE: You may notice a delay at this point. Do not abort.)
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    Installation Complete
    Congratulations! WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 has been successfully installed to /wldisk/bea/weblogic81.
    Press any key to continue OR [Exit]> Exit
    <------------- WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 ------------->
    Clean up process in progress ...
  5. Use the jar command to unpack the contents of the OpenVMS command procedures file wls811_OpenVMS_supp.jar. This file is the one you copied, earlier, into a convenient location, such as wldisk:[kits].
  6. $ CREATE/DIRECTORY wldisk:[bea.wls811_OpenVMS_supp]
    $ SET DEFAULT wldisk:[bea.wls811_OpenVMS_supp]
    $ jar xf /wldisk/kits/wls811_OpenVMS_supp.jar
  7. Log out of the SYSTEM account.
  8. Log in to the bea account
  9. Run the following command procedure to configure the WebLogic Server environment on OpenVMS.
  10. $ SET DEFAULT wldisk:[bea.wls811_OpenVMS_supp]
    $ @configEnvVMS
              Configure BEA WebLogic Server Environment
    Enter the BEA Home Directory (e.g., wldisk:[bea]])? wldisk:[bea]
    Enter the BEA WebLogic Product Directory (e.g., wldisk:[bea.weblogic81
    )? wldisk:[bea.weblogic81]
    Creating WLDISK:[bea.wls811_OpenVMS_supp] . . .
    Create complete
    Install OpenVMS Command Procedures.
    If modifications were made to installed command procedure files on this
    system please save them in an alternate directory previous to running
    this install.
    Install OpenVMS Command Procedure Files (Y/N)? Y
    Installing OpenVMS Command Procedure Files...
    OpenVMS Command Procedure Files installed.
  11. Run the BEA Configuration Wizard to configure a domain, as shown in the following example:
    $ @LOGIN
    $ SET DEFAULT WL_HOME:[common.bin]
    $ @config "-mode=console"
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Create or Extend a Configuration:
    Choose between creating and extending a configuration. Based on your
    selection, the Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to
    generate a new or extend an existing configuration.
     ->1|Create a new WebLogic configuration
        |Start here to create a WebLogic configuration in your projects
       2|Extend an existing WebLogic configuration
        |Start here to extend an existing WebLogic configuration. Use this
        |option to add applications and services, including Database access
        |(JDBC) and Messaging (JMS). This option also enables you to extend
        |functionality by enabling WebLogic Workshop.
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Next]> 1
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Select a Domain Template:
    Please select a template from the list or select another directory of
        * [/wldisk/bea/weblogic81/common/templates/domains]
       1|WebLogic Server Examples Domain
        |BEA Systems, Inc.
        |Create the WebLogic Server Examples domain in a directory outside of
        |the installed kit. The Examples domain contains a collection of
        |examples to show best practices for coding individual J2EE APIs.
       2|Avitek Medical Records Sample Domain
        |BEA Systems, Inc.
        |Create the Avitek Medical Records domain in a directory outside of the
        |installed kit. The Avitek Medical Records is a WebLogic Server sample
        |application suite that concisely demonstrates all aspects of the J2EE
     ->3|Basic WebLogic Server Domain
        |BEA Systems, Inc.
        |Create a basic WebLogic Server domain without installing sample
       4|Basic WebLogic Workshop Domain
        |BEA Systems, Inc.
        |Create a basic WebLogic Workshop domain, without installing sample
    Enter index number to select OR [Down][Exit][Previous][Next]> 3
    (NOTE: WebLogic Server Examples domain and Avitek Medical Records domain
    are created during installation inside of the installed kit. Select 1
    or 2 only if you wish to create domains outside of the installed kit.)
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Choose Configuration Option:
        *Do you want to run the wizard in express mode?
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Configure Administrative Username and Password:
    Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This
    user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
       |          Name           |                  Value                 |
      1|      User Name *        |             weblogic                   |
      2|    User Password *      |                                        |
      3| Confirm User Password * |                                        |
      4|       Description       |This user is the default administrator. |
    Select Option:
        1 - Modify "User Name *"
        2 - Modify "User Password *"
        3 - Modify "Confirm User Password *"
        4 - Modify "Description"
    Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Configure Administrative Username and Password:
    Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This
    user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
        "User Password *" = []
    Input new User Password * OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]> <enter a password>
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Configure Administrative Username and Password:
    Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This
    user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
     |          Name           |                  Value                  |
    1|       User Name *       |     weblogic                            |
    2|     User Password *     |     ********                            |
    3| Confirm User Password * |                                         |
    4|       Description       | This user is the default administrator. |
    Select Option:
        1 - Modify "User Name *"
        2 - Modify "User Password *"
        3 - Modify "Confirm User Password *"
        4 - Modify "Description"
        5 - Discard Changes
    Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 3
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Configure Administrative Username and Password:
    Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This
    user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
        "Confirm User Password *" = []
    Input new Confirm User Password * OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]> <enter password>
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Configure Administrative Username and Password:
    Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This
    user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
     |          Name           |                  Value                  |
    1|       User Name *       |     weblogic                            |
    2|     User Password *     |     ********                            |
    3| Confirm User Password * |     ********                            |
    4|       Description       | This user is the default administrator. |
    Select Option:
        1 - Modify "User Name *"
        2 - Modify "User Password *"
        3 - Modify "Confirm User Password *"
        4 - Modify "Description"
        5 - Discard Changes
    Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Domain Mode Configuration:
    Enable Development or Production Mode for this domain.
     ->1|Development Mode
       2|Production Mode
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Java SDK Selection:
     ->1|Other Java SDK
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Java SDK Selection:
        "JVM Directory" = []
    Input new JVM Directory OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> /sys$common/java$141
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Java SDK Selection:
        "JVM Directory" = [/sys$common/java$141]
    Input new JVM Directory OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Select the target domain directory for this configuration:
        "Target Location" = [/wldisk/bea/user_projects/domains]
    Input new Target Location OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next
    NOTE: Record this Target Location for later reference.
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Edit Domain Information:
        |  Name  |  Value   |
       1| Name * | mydomain |
    Enter value for "Name *" OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next
    <------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------->
    Creating Domain...
    0%          25%          50%          75%         100%
    **** Domain Created Successfully! ****
  13. Install the domain-related command procedures. You should run this procedure for each domain you create.
  14. $ SET DEFAULT wldisk:[bea.wls811_OpenVMS_supp]
    $ @configFilesVMS domain
    Install OpenVMS Command Procedures for Domains.
    The BEA Configuration Wizard configures a WebLogic Server Domain.There
    are additional OpenVMS Command Procedures related to this domain that
    will now be installed.
    Has a WebLogic Server Domain been configured (Y/N)? Y
    Enter the target domain directory (e.g., wldisk:
    Copy command procedures to wldisk:
    [] (Y/N)? Y
    Domain related command procedures installed.

Note: If you do not plan to run WebLogic Server clusters, skip step 9 and proceed to step 10.

  1. If you plan to run WebLogic Server clusters, you must set TCP/IP quotas, which are required by the Administration Server and Managed Servers. To set such quotas, complete the following procedure:
    1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.
    2. Set the quotas as follows for use in the current TCP/IP session:

      To modify these quotas in the permanent database so they can be used at boot time or when TCP/IP Services are restarted interactively, enter the following:

    4. Log out of the SYSTEM account.
  2. A one-year evaluation license is provided with your download and normal installation. To continue use of WebLogic Server beyond the initial evaluation period, you must obtain a new license from BEA. To do so, complete the following procedure:
    1. Copy the new WebLogic Server license that you obtained from BEA to your WebLogic Home directory.
    2. To install the new license, launch LicenseMerger by running the java command. For example:
    3. $ COPY *new_license_filename* wldisk:[bea.weblogic81]
      $ SET DEFAULT wldisk:[bea]
      $ SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(RFM:STMLF) *new_license_filename*
      $ java -cp ./utils/utils.jar -
      _$ com.bea.plateng.common.registry.LicenseMerger -
      _$ license.bea ./weblogic81/*new_license_filename*

The installation and configuration of WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 on your HP OpenVMS 7.3 system are now complete.

Installing the Apache Plug-in File

  1. Go to the BEA Downloads site:
  3. Download the Apache plug-in file: OpenVMS_apache_plugins.jar. For details, see Downloading the WebLogic Server Software and Supplementary JAR File.
  4. Copy the OpenVMS_apache_plugins.jar file to $WL_HOME/server/lib/openvms.
  5. Go to the $WL_HOME/server/lib/openvms directory:
  6. $ cd $WL_HOME/server/lib/openvms
  7. Extract the OpenVMS_apache_plugins.jar file to $WL_HOME/server/lib/openvms:
  8. $ jar -xvf OpenVMS_apache_plugins.jar 


Post-Installation Setup Instructions

This section provides instructions for the following tasks:

Starting WebLogic Server or the WebLogic Server Examples

The following procedures are working examples of how to start WebLogic Services on OpenVMS. Start the server as follows:

  1. Log in to the bea account.
  2. Choose one of the following operations:

Shutting Down WebLogic Server

To shut down WebLogic Server, run the command (which is supplied with WebLogic Server):

$ @wldisk:[bea.weblogic81]

With this command, you may supply the following arguments, either interactively or as parameters on the command line:

Because the username and password are case sensitive, be sure to use quotes around these arguments when supplying them interactively. For example:

7001 "username" "password" Y

Configuring the WebLogic Server Node Manager

Note: For an overview of the WebLogic Server Node Manager, see

If your deployment of WebLogic Server requires that you start and stop Managed Servers from the Admin Server Console, complete the following procedure:

  1. Log in to the bea account.
  2. In a text editor, open WL_HOME:[server.bin] and modify the weblogic.ListenAddress with the IP address of the system on which the Node Manager will run. For example:
  3. Before: $ WRITE COMMAND "-Dweblogic.ListenAddress=a.b.c.d"

    After: $ WRITE COMMAND "-Dweblogic.ListenAddress="

  4. Open the WL_HOME:[common.nodemanager.config]nodemanager.hosts file in a text editor, and add the IP address of the Admin Server to the end of the file. For example:
  5. # localhost, loopback

  6. Start the Node Manager:
  7. $ SET DEFAULT WL_HOME:[server.bin]
    $ @startNodeManagerProcess

    A process called WLS_NODEMANAGER is created on port 5555.

  8. When the Node Manager process is running, invoke the Admin Server Console and follow the instructions for two tasks:
  9. The instructions for both tasks are available at

Now you can use the Node Manager to start and stop Managed Servers from the Admin Server Console.

Building Examples with Ant

  1. Log in to the bea account.
  2. Set up the Examples environment:
  3. $ @WL_HOME:[]
    $ SET DEFAULT WL_HOME:[samples.server.examples.src.examples.jndi]
  4. To build the example, enter the following command:
  5. $ java


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