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Administration Console Online Help

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Common System Administration Tasks

Using the Administration Console


Uses of the System Administration Console

System Administration Architecture

Starting and Logging Out of the Administration Console

Starting the Administration Console

Logging Out of the Administration Console

Configuring Your Domain Using the Administration Console

Navigating Through the Administration Console

Creating New Configuration Objects

Deleting Configuration Objects

Cloning Configuration Objects

Editing Configuration Objects

Monitoring Using the Administration Console

Changing the Monitoring Interval

Changing the Monitoring Graph Polling Interval

Customizing the Administration Console

Changing the Default Language of the Administration Console

Changing Administration Console Behavior

Customizing Table Views

Viewing the WebLogic Server Version Number

Viewing Server and Browser Information

Getting Help

Navigating Through the Documentation

Help for Configuration Attributes

Additional BEA Documentation Available on the Internet

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Administration Console

Enterprise Applications



Configuring and Deploying a New Enterprise Application or Web Service

Viewing Deployed Enterprise Applications

Stopping Deployed Enterprise Applications

Adding or Editing Enterprise Application Deployment Notes

Deleting an Enterprise Application or Application Module

Monitoring Enterprise Applications

Viewing and Updating Run-Time Deployment Descriptors

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Applications



Configuring a Cluster

Cloning a Cluster

Deleting a Cluster

Assigning Servers to a Cluster

Monitoring a Cluster

Adding a Note to a Cluster Configuration

Specifying a Server's Cluster Replication Group

Specifying a Server's Cluster Weight

Specifying the Address of a Server's NIC Card for Cluster Communication

Start all Managed Servers

Resume all Managed Servers

Graceful Shutdown of all Servers

Force Shutdown of all Servers

Start/Stop a Server

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Clusters




Deploying New Connector (Resource Adapter) Modules

Viewing Deployed Connectors

Stopping a Deployed Connectors

Adding or Editing Connector Deployment Notes

Deleting a Connector

Monitoring Connectors

Viewing and Editing Run-Time Deployment Descriptors

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Connectors

Deploying Applications and Modules


Preparing Applications and Modules for Deployment

Selecting a Deployment Staging Mode

Setting the Application Staging Mode

Setting the Server Staging Mode

Deploying New Applications and Modules

Changing the Order of Deployment

Changing the Target Servers for a Deployment

Deploying, Redeploying, and Stopping Applications

Removing an Application or Module from the Domain

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Deployment



Enabling the Domain-Wide Administration Port

Converting the File

SSL Security Files


EJB JAR files and Web App WAR files

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Domains

Domain Log Filters

Specifying the Messages That a Server Forwards to the Domain Log

Cloning a Domain Log Filter

Deleting a Domain Log Filter

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Domain Log Filters



Deploying a New EJB Module

Configuring an EJB Module

Displaying and Configuring General Information

Configuring Deployment Descriptor Values

Configuring Compiler Options

Viewing an EJB Module's Deployment Status

Stopping or Redeploying an EJB

Setting an EJB Module's Target Server and/or Cluster

Monitoring EJBs

Testing an EJB

Adding or Editing EJB Deployment Notes

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for EJB

FileT3 (Deprecated)


Create a File System

Modify a File System Path NAME

Assign Servers for a FileT3 File System

Assign Clusters for a FileT3 File System

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for FileT3


Creating and Deploying JDBC Components—Connection Pools, MultiPools, and Data Sources

JDBC Objects in a Cluster

Application Scoped JDBC Objects

JDBC Configuration Guidelines

Overview of JDBC Administration

About the Administration Console

Related Information

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for JDBC

JDBC Connection Pools

Configuring JDBC Connection Pools

Using the JDBC Connection Pool Assistant

Creating and Configuring a JDBC Connection Pool

Database Passwords in Connection Pool Configuration

Cloning a JDBC Connection Pool

Deploying a JDBC Connection Pool to One or More Servers or Clusters

Configuring the Statement Cache for a JDBC Connection Pool

Adding a Note to a JDBC Connection Pool

Application-Scoped JDBC Data Sources and Connection Pools

Configuring Application-Scoped Connection Pool Attributes

Deploying Application-Scoped Connection Pools

Monitoring Application-Scoped Connection Pools

Manually Administering an Application-Scoped Connection Pool

Testing an Application-Scoped Connection Pool

Adding a Note to an Application-Scoped Connection Pool

Connection Pool and Data Source Configuration Guidelines

Drivers Supported for Local Transactions

Drivers Supported for Distributed Transactions Using XA

Drivers Supported for Distributed Transactions without XA

Configuring JDBC Drivers for Local Transactions

Configuring XA JDBC Drivers for Distributed Transactions

Additional XA Connection Pool Properties

Configuring Non-XA JDBC Drivers for Distributed Transactions

Security for JDBC Connection Pools

Managing JDBC Connection Pools

Testing a JDBC Connection Pool

Resetting All Connections in a JDBC Connection Pool

Shrinking a JDBC Connection Pool

Suspending a JDBC Connection Pool

Resuming a JDBC Connection Pool

Shutting Down a JDBC Connection Pool

Restarting a JDBC Connection Pool

Destroying or Deleting a JDBC Connection Pool

Clearing the Statement Cache for a JDBC Connection Pool

Monitoring Connections in a JDBC Connection Pool

Tuning Connection Pools

Enabling Connection Requests to Wait for a Connection

Automatically Recovering Leaked Connections

Initializing Database Connections with SQL Code

Connection Testing Options

Increasing Performance with the Statement Cache

Increasing Performance with the PinnedToThread JDBC Connection Pool Property

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for JDBC Connection Pools

JDBC DataSources

Configuring JDBC DataSources

When to Enable Global Transactions in a Data Source

Emulating Two-Phase Commit

Creating and Configuring a JDBC Data Source

Binding a Data Source to the JNDI Tree with Multiple Names

Cloning a JDBC Data Source

Deploying a JDBC Data Source to a Server or Cluster

Adding a Note to a Data Source

Deleting a Data Source

JDBC Data Source Factories

Creating and Configuring a JDBC Data Source Factory

Application-Scoped JDBC Data Sources

Monitoring Data Sources

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for JDBC Data Sources

JDBC MultiPools

Configuring MultiPools

Creating and Configuring a JDBC MultiPool

Cloning a JDBC MultiPool

Deploying a JDBC MultiPool on One or More Servers and Clusters

Adding a Note to a JDBC MultiPool

Deleting a JDBC MultiPool

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for JDBC MultiPools

JMS: Configuring

JMS and WebLogic Server

Configuring WebLogic JMS

JMS Resource Naming Rules for Domain Interoperability

JMS Server Tasks

Configuring a JMS Server

Targeting and Deploying a JMS Server

Monitoring a JMS Server

JMS Connection Factory Tasks

Using a Default Connection Factory

Configuring a JMS Connection Factory

Deploying a Connection Factory on Multiple Individual Servers

Deploying a Connection Factory on a Cluster

JMS Queue and Topic Destination Tasks

Creating a JMS Queue

Creating a JMS Topic

JMS Template Tasks

Creating a JMS Template

Destination Keys Tasks

Creating a JMS Destination Key

JMS Store Tasks

JMS File Store Tasks

JMS JDBC Store Tasks

Session Pools Tasks

Creating a JMS Session Pool

Connection Consumers Tasks

Creating a JMS Connection Consumer

JMS Distributed Destination Tasks

Guidelines for Configuring Distributed Destinations

Creating a Distributed Topic and Creating Members Automatically

Creating a Distributed Topic and Adding Existing Physical Topics as Members Manually

Creating a Distributed Queue and Creating Members Automatically

Creating a Distributed Queue and Adding Existing Physical Queues as Members Manually

Creating a JMS Distributed Queue Member

Deleting a JMS Distributed Queue Member

Creating a JMS Distributed Topic Member

Deleting a JMS Distributed Topic Member

Deleting a Distributed Destination

Monitoring a Distributed Destinations

Simple Access to Remote or Foreign JMS Providers

How WebLogic JMS Accesses Foreign JMS Providers

Creating a Foreign JMS Server

Creating a Foreign JMS Connection Factory

Creating a Foreign JMS Destination

Sample Configuration for MQSeries JNDI

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for JMS

Connection Factories


JMS Servers


Session Pools

Connection Consumers


Destination Keys

Distributed Destinations

Foreign JMS Servers

Monitoring JMS Connections and Sessions

JMS: Monitoring


Monitoring Pooled JMS Connections

Monitoring Active JMS Connections

Monitoring Active JMS Sessions, Consumers, and Producers

Monitoring Active JMS Servers

Monitoring Active JMS Destinations

Monitoring Durable Subscribers for Topics

Monitoring Active JMS Session Pools

Monitoring Distributed Destination System Subscriptions and Proxy Topic Members

JMS: Tuning


Improving JMS File Store Performance

Disabling the Default Synchronous Writes Policy

Comparing Synchronous Write Policy Settings

Tuning Distributed Destinations

Configuring Message Load Balancing Across a Distributed Destination

Configuring Server Affinity For a Distributed Destination

Paging Out Messages To Free Up Memory

Configuring Message Paging

JMS Message Paging Attributes

Related Topics

Controlling the Flow of Messages on JMS Servers and Destinations

How Flow Control Works

Configuring Flow Control

Flow Control Thresholds

Avoiding Quota Exceptions by Blocking Message Producers

Defining a Send Timeout on a JMS Connection Factory

Specifying a Blocking Send Policy on a JMS Server

Related Topics

Handling Expired Messages

Defining a Message Expiration Policy

Enabling Active Message Expiration

Related Topics


Configuring Transactions

Configuring JTA

Additional Attributes for Managing Transactions

Configuring Domains for Inter-Domain Transactions

Limitations for Inter-Domain Transactions

Inter-Domain Transactions for WebLogic Server 8.x and 7.x Domains

Inter-Domain Transactions Between WebLogic Server 7.x/8.x and WebLogic Server 6.x Domains

Monitoring Transactions

Viewing Transaction Statistics for a Server

Viewing Transaction Statistics for Named Transactions

Viewing Transaction Statistics for Server Resources

Viewing Current (Inflight) Transactions for a Server

Manually Resolving Current (Inflight) Transactions

Transaction Log Files

Setting the Transaction Log File Location (Prefix)

Setting the Transaction Log File Write Policy

Heuristic Log Files

Handling Heuristic Completions

Abandoning Transactions

Moving a Server to Another Machine

Transaction Recovery After a Server Fails

Transaction Recovery Service Actions After a Crash

Recovering Transactions for a Failed Non-Clustered Server

Recovering Transactions for a Failed Clustered Server

Overview of Transaction Management

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for JTA


Overview of JNDI Management

What Do JNDI and Naming Services Do?

Viewing Objects in the JNDI Tree

Loading Objects in the JNDI Tree

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for JNDI


Configuring Jolt for WebLogic Server

Set Your Environment

Create a Jolt Startup & Shutdown Class

Configuring a Jolt Connection Pool

Create a Jolt Connection Pool

Assign Jolt Connection Pools to a Server

Assign Jolt Connection Pools to a Cluster

Configuring Connection Failure Handling

Configuring a User Security Identity

Administering Active Jolt Connection Pools

Monitor Active Instances of a Jolt Connection Pool

Resetting a Jolt Connection Pool

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Jolt

Server Log

Overview of WebLogic Server Log Messages and Log Files

Message Attributes

Format of Message Output

Local Log Files and Domain Log Files

Viewing Server Logs

Viewing Server Logs from the Administration Console

Viewing Server Logs from a Text Editor

Viewing the Domain Log

Viewing Domain Logs from the Administration Console

Viewing Domain Logs from a Text Editor

Rotating Log Files

Notification of Rotation

Specifying Which Messages a Server Sends to Standard Out

Printing Messages to Standard Error

Viewing Standard Out for a Server Started by the Node Manager

Configuration Auditing

Enabling Configuration Auditing

Configuration Auditing Log Messages

Audit Events and Auditing Providers

Other Logging Tasks

Viewing Standard Out for a Server Set Up as a Windows Service

Viewing Localized Time Stamps on Windows

Redirecting System.out and System.err to a File

Disabling a Server from Forwarding Messages to the Domain Log

Changing the Name and Location of the Server Log File

Changing the Name and Location of the Domain Log File

Enabling JDBC Logging

Enabling and Configuring an HTTP Log

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Logging



Configuring a Machine

Cloning a Machine

Deleting a Machine

Assign a WebLogic Server Instance to a Machine

Monitoring Node Manager Status

Monitoring Node Manager Log

Binding to Protected Ports on UNIX

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Machines



Configuring a New Mail Session

Cloning a Mail Session

Deleting a Mail Session

Assigning a Mail Session

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Mail Sessions

Messaging Bridge

What Is a Messaging Bridge?

About the Bridge's Resource Adapters

Configuring a Messaging Bridge

Create a Messaging Bridge

Modify a Messaging Bridge Configuration for Your Environment

Using the Messaging Bridge to Interoperate with Different WebLogic Server Releases and Domains

Resource Naming Rules for Inter-Domain Interoperability Using the Messaging Bridge

Enabling Security Interoperability for WebLogic Domains

Using the Messaging Bridge To Access Destinations In a Release 6.1 or Later Domain

Using the Messaging Bridging To Access Destinations In a Release 6.0 Domain

Using the Messaging Bridging To Access Destinations In a Release 5.1 Domain

Using the Messaging Bridge to Access a Third-Party Messaging Provider

Managing a Messaging Bridge

Monitoring All Messaging Bridges

Stopping and Restarting a Messaging Bridge

Configuring the Messaging Bridge Execute Thread Pool Size

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Messaging Bridge

Messaging Bridge

JMS Bridge Destination

General Bridge Destination

Message Bridge Assistant

Compatibility Security


Setting Up Compatibility Security: Main Steps

Configuring the Identity Assertion Provider in the Realm Adapter Authentication Provider

Configuring a Realm Adapter Auditing Provider

Changing the System Password

Configuring the File Realm

Configuring the Caching Realm

Enabling the ACL Cache

Enabling the Authentication Cache

Enabling the Group Cache

Enabling the User Cache

Enabling the Permission Cache

Adding a Note to the Caching Realm

Configuring an LDAP V1 Security Realm

Enabling Communication between the LDAP Server and WebLogic Server

Specifying How Users Are Located in the LDAP V1 Security Realm

Specifying How Groups Are Located in the LDAP V1 Security Realm

Adding a Note to the LDAP V1 Security Realm

Configuring an LDAP Realm V2

Adding a Note to the LDAP V2 Security Realm

Configuring the Windows NT Security Realm

Updating Users Permissions for Windows NT and Windows 2000

Adding a Note to the Windows NT Security Realm

Configuring the wlauth Program for the UNIX Security Realm

Configuring the UNIX Security Realm

Adding a Note to the UNIX Security Realm

Configuring the RDBMS Security Realm

Defining Database Attributes for the RDBMS Security Realm

Defining Database Schema for the RDBMS Security Realm

Adding A Note to the RDBMS Security Realm

Installing a Custom Security Realm

Adding A Note To A Custom Security Realm

Defining Users

Deleting Users

Changing the Password of a User

Unlocking A User Account

Disabling the Guest User

Defining Groups

Removing Users from a Group

Deleting Groups

Defining ACLs

Protecting User Accounts

Installing an Audit Provider

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Compatibility Security

Single Pass Negotiate Identity Assertion Provider-->Details

Single Pass Negotiate Identity Asserter-->General



The Default Security Configuration in WebLogic Server

Defining Groups

Deleting Groups

Defining Users

Deleting Users

Changing the Password of a User

Protecting User Accounts

Unlocking a User Account

Defining Global Roles

Deleting Global Roles

Defining Scoped Roles

Deleting Scoped Roles

Protecting WebLogic Resources

Configuring the Embedded LDAP Server

Configuring Backups for the Embedded LDAP Server

Configuring a New Security Realm

Testing a New Security Realm

Configuring an Authentication Provider: Main Steps

Setting the JAAS Control Flag

Configuring the WebLogic Authentication Provider

Configuring an LDAP Authentication Provider

Setting LDAP Server and Caching Information

Locating Users in the LDAP Directory

Locating Groups in the LDAP Directory

Locating Members of a Group in the LDAP Directory

Configuring Failover for LDAP Authentication Providers

Configuring the Realm Adapter Authentication Provider

Changing the Order of Authentication Providers

Configuring the WebLogic Authorization Provider

Configuring the WebLogic Credential Mapping Provider

Configuring the WebLogic Role Mapping Provider

Configuring a WebLogic Identity Assertion Provider

Configuring an LDAP X509 Identity Assertion Provider

Configuring a Single Pass Negotiate Identity Assertion Provider

Configuring the WebLogic Adjudication Provider

Configuring a WebLogic Auditing Provider

Configuring a Custom Security Provider

Deleting a Security Provider

Configuring a User Name Mapper

Configuring a Custom User Name Mapper

Importing and Exporting Security Data from Security Realms

Importing and Exporting Security Data from Security Providers

Changing the Default Security Realm

Deleting A Security Realm

Creating Credential Maps

Configuring Keystores and SSL

Configuring Two-Way SSL

Enabling Trust Between WebLogic Domains

Configuring Connection Filtering

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Security

Creating, Configuring, and Monitoring Servers

Adding and Removing Servers in an Existing Domain

Creating a Managed Server in an Existing Domain

Cloning a Server

Deleting a Managed Server

Deleting an Administration Server

Configuring the Default Network Connections

Configuring Protocols

Configuring the Listen Address

Configuring the Listen Ports

Configuring a Custom Network Channel for a Non-Clustered Server

Transitioning Domains from Development to Production Environments: Main Steps

Changing the Runtime Mode

Other Configuration Tasks

Replicating a Domain's Configuration Files for Managed Server Independence

Disabling Managed Server Independence

Monitoring a Server

Monitoring a Server Instance from the Administration Console

Determining the Platform on Which a Server Is Running

Monitoring the JRockit Virtual Machine

Configure Self-Health Monitoring, Shutdown, and Restart for Managed Servers

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Servers

Server --> Configuration

Servers --> Protocols

Servers --> Logging

Servers --> Monitoring

Servers --> Control

Servers --> Deployments

Server --> Services

Server --> Notes


Starting and Stopping Servers

Version Requirements for Starting Servers

Starting Administration Servers

Alternate Ways to Start Administration Servers

Starting an Administration Server from the Windows Start Menu

Starting an Administration Server When the Host Computer Boots

Starting an Administration Server With the java weblogic.Server Command

Starting Managed Servers from the Administration Console

Configure Startup Arguments for Managed Servers

Starting Managed Servers From a WebLogic Server Script

Alternate Ways to Start Managed Servers

Starting All Managed Servers in a Domain

Starting a Managed Server in the STANDBY State

Creating Scripts That Use the Node Manager

Starting a Managed Server With the java weblogic.Server Command

Starting a Managed Server When the Host Computer Boots

Starting a Managed Server If the Administration Server is Unavailable

Providing Usernames and Passwords to Start and Stop a Server

Specifying an Initial Administrative User for a Domain

Boot Identity Files

Specifying User Credentials When Starting a Server with the Node Manager

Other Startup Tasks

Configuring a Connection to the Administration Server

Resuming a Server

Specifying Java Options for a WebLogic Server Instance

Changing the JVM that Runs Servers

Shutting Down Instances of WebLogic Server

Shutting Down a Server

Shutting Down All Managed Servers in a Domain

Controlling Graceful Shutdowns

Killing the JVM

Configuring SNMP and WebLogic Server

Configuring SNMP and WebLogic Server: Main Steps

Enabling and Configuring the WebLogic SNMP Agent

Creating a Trap Destination

Determining Which WebLogic Server Attributes to Monitor

Determining the Scope of an SNMP Monitor

Commonly Monitored Attributes

Determining the Names of Other Attributes

Configuring WebLogic Server to Generate Traps

Configuring a Notification Log Filter

Configuring an Attribute Change

Configuring a String Monitor

Configuring a Gauge Monitor

Configuring a Counter Monitor

Disabling Trap Generation

Configuring an SNMP Proxy

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for SNMP

Startup and Shutdown Classes

Configuring a Server to Use a Startup or Shutdown Class: Main Steps

Configure a Startup or Shutdown Class

Clone a Configuration of a Startup or Shutdown Class

Assign a Startup or Shutdown Configuration to Servers or Clusters

Add the Class to the Server's Classpath

Modify an Existing Startup or Shutdown Configuration

Delete a Startup or Shutdown Class Configuration

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Startup and Shutdown

Tasks Status

View Details about a Task

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Tasks

Virtual Hosts


Configuring a VirtualHost

Cloning a VirtualHost

Specifying HTTP Log File Settings for a Virtual Host

Deleting a VirtualHost

Assigning a VirtualHost

Targeting Web Applications to the Virtual Host.

Associating a Virtual Host with a Server

Removing an Associated Virtual Host

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Virtual Hosts

Web Applications



Designating a Default Web Application

Deploying a New Web Application

Testing the Deployment

Viewing Deployed Web Applications

Stopping Deployed Web Applications

Adding or Editing Web Application Deployment Notes

Deleting a Web Application

Monitoring Web Applications and Servlets

Viewing and Updating Run-Time Descriptor Elements

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Web Applications

Web Services



Configuring and Deploying a New Web Service

Viewing Deployed Web Services

Undeploying Deployed Web Services

Deleting a Web Service

Viewing Web Service Deployment Descriptors

Testing a Web Service From Its Home Page

Configuring Web Service Reliable SOAP Messaging

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Web Services


Configuring WLEC for WebLogic Server

Configuring WLEC Connection Pools

Configure a New WLEC Connection Pool

Monitor Active Instances of a WLEC Connection Pool

Assign WLEC Connection Pools to a Server

Assign WLEC Connection Pools to a Cluster

Configuring User Security

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for WLEC

WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC)

WTC Service Tasks

Creating a WTC Service

Deleting a WTC Service

Assign a WTC Service to a Server

Local Tuxedo Access Point Tasks

Creating a Local Tuxedo Access Point

Configuring Connection Attributes for Local Tuxedo Access Points

Configuring Security Attributes for Local Tuxedo Access Points

Deleting a Local Tuxedo Access Point

Remote Tuxedo Access Point Tasks

Creating a Remote Tuxedo Access Point

Configuring Connection Attributes for Remote Tuxedo Access Points

Configuring Security Attributes for Remote Tuxedo Access Points

Deleting a Remote Tuxedo Access Point

Exported Services Tasks

Creating an Exported Service

Deleting an Exported Service

Imported Services Tasks

Creating Imported Services

Deleting an Imported Service

Password Tasks

Creating a Password Configuration

Deleting a Password Configuration

Resource Tasks

Creating a Resource

Removing a Resource

Tuxedo Queuing Bridge Tasks

Creating a Tuxedo Queuing Bridge Connection

Remove a Tuxedo Queuing Bridge Connection

Configuring Connection Attributes for a Tuxedo Queuing Bridge Connection

Configuring Connection Factories for a Tuxedo Queuing Bridge Connection

Configuring Priority Mapping for a Tuxedo Queuing Bridge Connection

Creating a Tuxedo Queuing Bridge Redirection

Deleting a Tuxedo Queuing Bridge Redirection

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for WebLogic Tuxedo Connector



Configuring a Parser or Transformer Other Than the Built-In

Configuring a Parser for a Particular Document Type

Configuring External Entity Resolution

Configuring the External Entity Cache

Monitoring the External Entity Cache

Attributes and Console Screen Reference for XML


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