Workflow Reference

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Workflow Module Reference

The following sections describe the WebLogic RFID Edge Server workflow modules:


Overview of RFID Edge Server Workflow Modules

The following sections describe workflow module configuration parameters. You may notice similarities across modules. Each module requires parameters for operation (which can include information like timing data and EPCIS data) and parameters that allow it to connect to other modules and send data to outside destinations.

You configure workflow modules using the RFID Edge Server Administration Console. See Configuring Workflow Modules in Using the Administration Console.

Output Destinations

Output destinations are destinations for workflow messages. Workflow modules can send messages to multiple destinations; you do this by separating entries in the Output Destinations field with commas. The possible destinations and configuration information are shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Output Destinations Configuration Properties 
Field Contents
Another workflow module
Destination module name (from the Module Name field).
A notification destination
A URI with the appropriate format for this destination. Drivers for each kind of destination must be configured within the RFID Edge Server.
See Installing WebLogic RFID Edge Server for more information on the types of notification mechanisms available in the RFID Edge Server and their URI formats.


Bidirectional Portal Module

The Bidirectional Portal module monitors the movement of EPC tags between two read points and detects directional item movement. Based on tag direction, it maintains tag counts, generates EPCIS ObjectEvents, and manipulates stack lights and LED displays. If a parent tag is detected, it generates an EPCIS AggregationEvent.

Note: Avoid sharing numeric display modules between business modules; unexpected behavior will result.

Several fields in this module configuration are repeated for both read points (locations). These are indicated below by the notation (Define one for first location and one for second location).

Table 3-2 Bidirectional Portal Module Configuration Properties 
Field Label
Module Name
Unique user-defined identifier for this module.
Module Type
Type of module. Values are chosen from a list of module types.
Object Event Output Destinations
Destinations for EPCIS ObjectEvent information. See Output Destinations. Note that this information can be sent to other destinations as well as to EPCIS.
EPCIS Read Point URI
Location that identifies how or where the EPCIS event was detected.
Stale Tag Timeout
How long (in milliseconds) a tag is kept active (included in the current state management tracking) after it is no longer detected at the second read point. Defaults to 180000.
Tag Addition ECReport Name
(Define one for Side A and one for Side B)
Required. Name of the ECReport containing tags that have been newly read during this event cycle. Configure this ECReport to have Additions as its Report Set. Selecting Tag List in the Report Contents is required.
Tag Deletion ECReport Name
(Define one for Side A and one for Side B)
Required. Name of the ECReport containing tags that have appeared during prior event cycles, but do not appear in the current event cycle. Configure this ECReport to have Deletions as its Report Set. Selecting Tag List in the Report Contents is required.
(EPCIS) Object Event Action
(Define one for each direction: Side A to Side B, and Side B to Side A)
Required. One of the EPCIS actions: ADD, DELETE, or OBSERVE. Defaults to OBSERVE.
(EPCIS) Aggregation Event Action
(Define one for each direction: Side A to Side B, and Side B to Side A)
Required. One of the EPCIS actions: ADD, DELETE, or OBSERVE. Defaults to OBSERVE.
(EPCIS) Business Step URI
(Define one for first location and one for second location)
Business context of an EPCIS event; the business process step that was occurring when the event was captured.
(EPCIS) Disposition URI
(Define one for each direction: Side A to Side B, and Side B to Side A)
Business state of the object participating in the EPCIS event (for example, "available for sale").
(EPCIS) Business Location URI
(Define one for each direction: Side A to Side B, and Side B to Side A)
Uniquely identified place where the object(s) observed will be located after the EPCIS event.
(Numeric Display) Display Duration
(Define one for each direction: Side A to Side B, and Side B to Side A)
Duration (in milliseconds) that data should be displayed or flashed on the LED, after which time the LED will go blank. Defaults to 0 (display infinitely).
(Numeric Display) Reset Interval
(Define one for each direction: Side A to Side B, and Side B to Side A)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait after last LED update before resetting the LED count to 0. Defaults to 15000.
(Numeric Display) Output Destinations
(Define one for each direction: Side A to Side B, and Side B to Side A)
Destinations for numeric display (LED) information. See Output Destinations.
(Stack Light) Display Duration
(Define one for each direction: Side A to Side B, and Side B to Side A)
Duration (in milliseconds) that each light combination should be displayed on the stack light. Defaults to 0 (display infinitely).
(Stack Light) Output Destinations
(Define one for each direction: Side A to Side B, and Side B to Side A)
Destinations for stack light information. See Output Destinations.
Control Tag EPC Patterns
One or more EPC patterns belonging to a control tag. Entering a pattern in this field indicates to the workflow that aggregation (for example, pallet) data is expected. For more information on EPC patterns, see the EPC Tag Data Standards document, available at
Parent Tag EPC Patterns
One or more EPC patterns belonging to a parent tag. Entering a pattern in this field indicates to the workflow that there is an EPC hierarchy.
Delay After Detecting Direction
Delay (in milliseconds) between the control tag being read at the second read point, and the AggregationEvent being sent. Defaults to 0.
Output Destinations
Destinations for EPCIS AggregationEvent information. See Output Destinations. Note that this information can be sent to other destinations as well as to EPCIS.


Observe Portal Module

The Observe Portal module monitors EPC tag traffic across a read point. It maintains tag counts, generates EPCIS ObjectEvents, and manipulates stack lights and LED displays.

Table 3-3 Observe Portal Module Configuration Properties 
Field Label
Module Name
The unique user-defined identifier for this module.
Module Type
The type of module. Values are chosen from a list of module types.
Tag Addition ECReport Name
Required. Name of the ECReport containing tags that have been newly read during this event cycle. This ECReport should be configured to have Additions as its Report Set.
(EPCIS) Object Event Action
Required. One of the EPCIS actions: ADD, DELETE, or OBSERVE. Defaults to OBSERVE.
(EPCIS) Business Step URI
Business context of an EPCIS event; the business process step that was happening when the event was captured.
(EPCIS) Disposition URI
Business state of the object participating in the EPCIS event (for example, "available for sale").
(EPCIS) Read Point URI
Location that identifies how or where the EPCIS event was detected.
(EPCIS) Business Location URI
Uniquely identified place where the object(s) observed will be located after the EPCIS event.
(EPCIS) Output Destinations
Destinations for EPCIS ObjectEvent information. See Output Destinations. Note that this information can be sent to other destinations as well as to EPCIS.
(Numeric Display) Display Duration
Duration (in milliseconds) that data should be displayed or flashed on the LED. Defaults to 0 (display infinitely).
(Numeric Display) Tag Deletion ECReport Name
Name of the ECReport containing tags that have appeared during prior event cycles, but do not appear in the current event cycle. This ECReport should be configured to have Deletions as its Report Set.
Reset Interval
How long (in milliseconds) to wait after last LED update before resetting the LED count to 0.
(Numeric Display) Output Destinations
Destinations for numeric display (LED) information. See Output Destinations.

Note: If Output Destinations is configured, you must provide either the Tag Deletion ECReport Name or the Reset Interval.

(Stack Light) Display Duration
Duration (in milliseconds) that each light combination should be displayed on the stack light. Defaults to 0 (display infinitely).
(Stack Light) Output Destinations
Destinations for stack light information. See Output Destinations.


Message Notifier Module

The Message Notifier module defines the parameters needed to send a message to a notification destination, using a driver previously defined in the RFID Edge Server. Only messages that support XML serialization can be sent. The module sends information from other workflow modules to a destination specified in the Destination URI field. It returns a result, which it sends to the destinations specified in the Failure Output Destinations and Success Output Destinations fields.

Table 3-4 Message Notifier Module Configuration Properties 
Field Label
Module Name
The unique user-defined identifier for this module.
Module Type
The type of module. Values are chosen from a list of module types.
Destination URI
Required. URI of the notification destination.
XSLT File Name
Path and file name of an XSLT file used to transform the message. This file must be available to the RFID Edge Server.
Failure Output Destinations
Destinations for module status messages. See Output Destinations. This field may not contain a reference to a notification destination.
Success Output Destinations
Destinations for module status messages. See Output Destinations. This field may not contain a reference to a notification destination.


Numeric Display Module

The Numeric Display module defines the parameters needed to connect to an LED display. It connects to the LED device using the host and port specified, and attempts to display a value (specified in the calling module). The module returns a result, which it sends to the destinations specified in the Failure Output Destinations and Success Output Destinations fields.

Table 3-5 Numeric Display Module Configuration Properties 
Field Label
Module Name
Unique user-defined identifier for this module.
Device Host
Required. Host name of the device.
Device Port
Required. TCP port used by the device.
Device Connection Timeout
Required. The amount of time (in milliseconds) the device maintains an idle connection with the Edge Server before closing the connection.
Initial Display
Value displayed when module comes on.
Failure Output Destinations
Destinations for module status messages. See Output Destinations. This field may not contain a reference to a notification destination.
Success Output Destinations
Destinations for module status messages. See Output Destinations. This field may not contain a reference to a notification destination.


Stack Light Module

The Stack Light module defines the parameters needed to connect to a stack light. It connects to the stack light using the logical name provided, and attempts to set the lights as specified in the Initial Color field. The module returns a result, which it sends to the destinations specified in the Failure Output Destinations and Success Output Destinations fields.

Table 3-6 Stack Light Module Configuration Properties 
Field Label
Module Name
Unique user-defined identifier for this module.
Module Type
Type of module. Values are chosen from a list of module types.
Logical Reader Name
Required. Logical name for the stack light device.
Initial Color
Color displayed when module comes on. Allowed values are GREEN, RED, and NONE (no communication with the Stack Light).
Failure Output Destinations
Destinations for module status messages. See Output Destinations. This field may not contain a reference to a notification destination.
Success Output Destinations
Destinations for module status messages. See Output Destinations. This field may not contain a reference to a notification destination.

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