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   Using BEA Jolt

Grouping Services Using the Package Organizer

The Package Organizer moves services between packages. You may want to group related services in a package (for example, WITHDRAWAL services that are exported only at a certain time of the day can be grouped together in a package).

Use the Package Organizer arrow buttons to move a service from one package to another. These buttons are useful if you have several services to move between packages. The packages and services display listings to help track a service within a particular package.

The following figure is an example of a Package Organizer window with a service selected for transfer to another package.

Package Organizer Window

Package Organizer Window Description



Packages (left display list)

Lists packages containing services in the selected package.

Packages (right display list)

Lists packages available as destinations for the selected service.

Services (left display list)

Lists available services for the selected package.

Services (right display list)

Lists available services of the highlighted package that you moved.

Left arrow

Moves services (one service at a time) to the package highlighted on the left.

Right arrow

Moves services (one service at a time) to the package highlighted on the right.

New Package

Adds the name of a new package.


Returns user to the previous window.

Instructions for Grouping Services with the Package Organizer

  1. In the Packages window, click Package Organizer.

  2. In the Package Organizer window, select the package containing the services to be moved from the Packages left display window.

  3. Select the service to be moved from the Services left display window.

    In the previous figure, INQUIRY is the selected service in the BANKAPP package.

  4. Select the package to receive the service from the Packages right display window.

    The previous figure shows the selected service, INQUIRY, and the selected package, BANK, to which the INQUIRY service will be moved.

    Example of a Moved Service

  5. To move the service between the packages, select the left arrowor right arrow.

    These keys are activated only when both packages (left and right are displayed) and a service are selected. The keys are only active in the direction of the package where the service is to be moved. The previous figure, Example of a Moved Service, shows that the INQUIRY service has been moved to the BANK package on the right.

    Note: You cannot select the same package in both the left and right display lists.