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   Using BEA Jolt

Modifying Packages, Services, and Parameters

You can make the following changes to packages, services, and parameters:

Editing a Service

You can edit an existing service name or service information, or access the window to add new parameters to an existing service. For a description of the Edit Services window, see Adding a Service Window Description. The following figure is an example of the Edit Services window.

Edit Services Window

Instructions for Editing a Service

Follow these instructions to edit a service:

  1. From the Services window, select the package containing the service that requires editing.

    The services available for the selected package are displayed.

  2. Select the service to edit.

    The parameters available for the selected service are displayed.

  3. Click Edit to display the Edit Services window, as shown in the previous figure.

  4. Type or select the new information, and click Save Service.

Editing a Parameter

All parameter elements can be changed, including the name of the parameter.

Warning: If you create a new parameter using an existing name, the system overwrites the existing parameter.

The following figure is an example of the Edit Parameters window.

Edit Parameters Window


Instructions for Editing a Parameter

To change a parameter, follow these instructions:

  1. In the Services window (see Sample Services Window with Parameters List), select the package and service that contain the parameter you want to change.

  2. Click Edit to display the Edit Services window.

  3. Select the Parameter you want to edit from the Parameters display list and click Edit.

    The Edit Parameters Window is displayed as shown in the previous figure.

  4. Type the new information and click Change.

  5. Click Back to return to the previous window.

Deleting Parameters, Services, and Packages

This section describe how to delete a package. Before deleting a package, all the services must be deleted from the package. The Delete option is not enabled until all components of the package or service are deleted.

Warning: The system does not display a prompt to confirm that items are to be deleted. Be certain that the parameter, service, or package is scheduled to be deleted or has been moved to another location before selecting Delete.

Deleting a Parameter

Determine which parameters to delete and follow these instructions.

  1. In the logon window, click Services to display the Services window.

  2. In the Services window, select the package and service that contain the parameter you want to delete.

  3. Click Edit to display the Edit Services window.

  4. Select the parameter you want to delete from the Parameters display list.

  5. Under Parameter Level Actions, click Delete.

Deleting a Service

Determine which services to delete and follow these instructions.

Note: Make certain that all parameters within this service are deleted before selecting this option.

  1. Select the package containing the service you want to delete.

  2. Select the service you want to delete.

    Delete is enabled.

  3. Click Delete. The service is deleted.

Deleting a Package

Determine which packages to delete and follow these instructions. Make sure all services contained in this package are deleted or moved to another package before selecting this option.

  1. In the Repository Editor Logon window, click Packages to display the Packages window.

  2. Select a package.

  3. Click Delete.

    The package is deleted.