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   Tuxedo Documentation   |   Programming BEA Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using FML   |   Local Topics   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents


Definitions of the FML Function Parameters

To simplify the specification of parameters for FML functions, a convention has been adopted for the sequence of those parameters. FML parameters appear in the following sequence.

  1. For functions that require a pointer to a fielded buffer (FBFR), this parameter is first. If a function takes two-fielded buffer pointers (such as the transfer functions), the destination buffer comes first, followed by the source buffer. A fielded buffer pointer must point to an area that is aligned on a short boundary (or an error is returned with Ferror set to FALIGNERR) and the area must be a fielded buffer (or an error is returned with Ferror set to FNOTFLD).

  2. For I/O functions, a pointer to a stream follows the fielded buffer pointer.

  3. For functions that need one, a field identifier (type FLDID) appears next (in the case of Fnext, it is a pointer to a field identifier).

  4. For functions that need a field occurrence (type FLDOCC), this parameter comes next. (For Fnext, it is a pointer to an occurrence number.)

  5. In functions in which a field value is passed to or from the function, a pointer to the beginning of the field value is given next. (It is defined as a character pointer but may be cast from any other pointer type.)

  6. When a field value is passed to a function that contains a character array (carray) field, you must specify its length as the next parameter (type FLDLEN). For functions that retrieve a field value, a pointer to the length of the retrieval buffer must be passed to the function and this length parameter is set to the length of the value retrieved.

  7. A few functions require special parameters and differ from the preceding conventions. These special parameters appear after the above parameters. They are discussed in the descriptions of individual functions.

  8. The following NULL values are defined for the various field types:


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