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Field Identifier Mapping Functions

Several functions allow a programmer to query field tables or field identifiers for information about fields during program execution.


Fldid returns the field identifier for a given valid field name and loads the field name/field ID mapping tables from the field table files, if they do not already exist.

Fldid(char *name)

Here name is a valid field name.

The space used by the mapping tables in memory can be freed using the Fnmid_unload, Fnmid_unload32(3fml) function. Note that these tables are separate from the tables loaded and used by the Fname function.

For more information, refer to Fldid, Fldid32(3fml) in the BEA Tuxedo ATMI FML Function Reference.


Fname returns the field name for a given valid field identifier and loads the field ID/name mapping tables from the field table files, if they do not already exist.

char *
Fname(FLDID fieldid)

Here fieldid is a valid field identifier.

The space used by the mapping tables in memory can be freed using the Fnmid_unload, Fnmid_unload32(3fml) function. Note that these tables are separate from the tables loaded and used by the Fldid function. (Refer to the BEA Tuxedo ATMI FML Function Reference for more information.)

For more information, refer to Fname, Fname32(3fml) in the BEA Tuxedo ATMI FML Function Reference.


Fldno extracts the field number from a given field identifier.

Fldno(FLDID fieldid)

Here fieldid is a valid field identifier.

For more information, refer to Fldno, Fldno32(3fml) in the BEA Tuxedo ATMI FML Function Reference.


Fldtype extracts the field type (an integer, as defined in fml.h) from a given field identifier.

Fldtype(FLDID fieldid)

Here fieldid is a valid field identifier.

The following table shows the possible values returned by Fldtype and their meanings.

Field Types Returned by Fldtype

Return Value



Short integer


Long integer




Single-precision float


Double-precision float


Null-terminated string


Character array




Embedded FML32 buffer


Embedded VIEW32 buffer


For more information, refer to Fldtype, Fldtype32(3fml) in the BEA Tuxedo ATMI FML Function Reference.


Ftype returns a pointer to a string containing the name of the type of a field given a field identifier.

char *
Ftype(FLDID fieldid)

Here fieldid is a valid field identifier. For example, the following code returns a pointer to one of the following strings: short, long, char, float, double, string, carray, FLD_PTR, FLD_FML32, or FLD_VIEW32.

char *typename
. . .
typename = Ftype(fieldid);

For more information, refer to Ftype, Ftype32(3fml) in the BEA Tuxedo ATMI FML Function Reference.


As part of an application generator, or to reconstruct a field identifier, it might be useful to make a field identifier from a type specification and an available field number. Fmkfldid provides this functionality.

Fmkfldid(int type, FLDID num)


For more information, refer to Fmkfldid, Fmkfldid32(3fml) in the BEA Tuxedo ATMI FML Function Reference.


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