BEA Systems, Inc.

Class AnonymousProfileBean


public class AnonymousProfileBean
extends LocalProfileBean
implements ProfileWrapper

This bean is used behind the <um:getProperty> and <um:setProperty> tags when no profile is currently active to support the Anonymous profile functionality. It does not actually persist anything to the database, or use any session beans.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 ConfigurableEntity getProfile()
          Returns the anonymous profile; in this case, this object itself.
 ConfigurableEntity getSuccessor()
          Returns the successor, which will always be null for anonymous profiles.
Methods inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.user.jsp.beans.LocalProfileBean
clearValues, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyAsString, removeProperty, setProperties, setProperty, transferProperties
Methods inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.axiom.p13n.http.HttpConfigurableEntity
addBusinessPolicy, addPropertyValue, addPropertyValueMapped, get__classIdentifier, get__containingBelonging, get__containingEntity, get__mapKey, get__sequenceNumber, getBusinessPolicy, getDefaultValueFromSchema, getEJBHome, getHandle, getPersistableHandle, getPrimaryKey, getProperty, getPropertyAsString, getPropertyDefault, getPropertyNoDefault, getSuccessor, getUniqueId, isIdentical, remove, removeBusinessPolicy, removeProperty, removePropertyValue, removePropertyValueMapped, removeSuccessor, set__containingBelonging, set__containingEntity, set__mapKey, setProperty, setSuccessor
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AnonymousProfileBean()
Method Detail


public ConfigurableEntity getProfile()
Returns the anonymous profile; in this case, this object itself.
Specified by:
getProfile in interface ProfileWrapper
the anonymous profile


public ConfigurableEntity getSuccessor()
Returns the successor, which will always be null for anonymous profiles.
Specified by:
getSuccessor in interface ProfileWrapper

BEA Systems, Inc.

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