BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.util

Interface Summary
PersistenceHelperPlugin Interface for Persistence Helper Plugin A specific driver must be written for each type of persistence cache.
Sequencer This file contains an interface for a unique number sequencer.

Class Summary
ArgsParser Parses the arguments passed to public static void main(String args[]) Subclasses specify their application's grammar in the constructor.
CacheMethod Abstracts a key for caching Java method objects
ClassHelper Helper methods for the Class class
CloneHelper Helper for cloning.
CommandLineArgument Representation of a command line argument.
CommandLineArgumentHelper Convenience helper for handling command line arguments.
DefaultLog Default log implementation, it goes to System.err.
ExpressionHelper Helper class to handle dealing with Expression, Criteria, and Logical objects.
FixedResourceBundle Loads a bundle only from a properties file, does not look for a class file first as in java.util.ResourceBundle.
GlobHelper A utility class for doing DOS-style pattern matching (GLOBing).
Logger Logger singleton.
MessageCatalog A message catalog is a collection of property files that store paired sets of keyed messages.
MimeTypeHelper Utility class to help with Mime Types.
PersistenceHelper Persistence Helper provides an optional, cross-platform optimization for dependent objects in the persistence cache.
PersistenceHelperPluginFactory Factory for PersistenceHelperPlugin instances.
PreparedStatementCache This class is used to store a cache of SQL PreparedStatements
ResultSetIterator Implements the java.util.Iterator interface for a JDBC ResultSet.
SequencerFactory This class implements the Singleton design pattern for obtaining database sequencers.
SerializableEnumeration An implementation of the Enumeration interface which is Serializable.
ShowHTTPHeaders A command-line utility to display open an URL and display the HTTP headers coming back from the server.
SoftHashMap A map implemented using SoftReferences to store the values.
TRACE Usage: -trace [flags]|+ + = Trace all remarks 1) Comment your code using the following.
TypesHelper A helper with constants for the various types and operators for configurable entity properties.

Exception Summary
ArgsParser.HelpSpecifiedException The user specified -? or -h
ArgsParser.UsageException The user entered unparseable data
ExpressionHelper.ParseException Exception to report an error while parsing a query expression.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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