BEA Logo BEA WebLogic Enterprise Release 5.1

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Getting Started
Overview of the WLE Product
   Programming Environment
The WLE Enterprise JavaBeans
   (EJB) Programming Environment
Developing WebLogic Enterprise
   CORBA Applications
Using Security
Using Transactions
Developing WebLogic Enterprise
   EJB Applications
Designing Enterprise JavaBeans
   for the WLE System

Guide to the University
Sample Applications
Introduction to University Applications
Setting Up Your Environment
Basic Sample
Security Sample
Transactions Sample
Wrapper Sample
Production Sample
Setting Up the Database

Guide to the Java
Sample Applications
Introduction to Java Samples
Java Simpapp Sample
JDBC Bankapp Sample
XA Bankapp Sample

Guide to the EJB Sample Applications
EJB Samples Overview
Stateless Session Bean Sample
Stateful Session Bean Sample
JDBC Sequence Bean Sample
Oracle Sequence Bean Sample
Parent Bean Sample
Child Bean Sample
JNDI Utility Application

Technical Articles
CORBA Programming Model
CORBA Objects
Process-Entity Design Pattern
Client Data Caching Design Pattern

What's New

All Installation Topics
Preparing to Install the WLE Software
T-Engine Installation
WLE Installation on Windows Systems
WLE Installation on UNIX Systems
WLE Postinstallation Considerations
BEA Administration Console Startup
WLE Platform Data Sheets
J-Engine Installation
Overview of Installing WebLogic Server 5.1
Installing Using the InstallShield distribution (Windows NT)
Installing from a Zip Archive (UNIX, Windows NT)
Setting Up and Starting WebLogic Server 5.1
Installing WebLogic jDriver for Oracle
Encryption Package Software
WLE Encryption Package Installation on Windows Systems
WLE Encryption Package Installation on UNIX Systems
BEA Jolt
Preparing to Install Jolt
Installing Jolt
Configuring the Jolt System
Post Installation

All Security Topics
Overview of the WLE Security Service
Introduction to the SSL Technology
The WebLogic Enterprise Security Features
Managing Public Key Security
Configuring Link-Level Encryption
Configuring the SSL Protocol
Configuring Authentication
Configuring Single Sign-on
Configuring Security Plug-Ins
Writing a WLE CORBA Application that Implements Security
Building and Running the CORBA Sample Applications
Writing a WLE Enterprise JavaBean that Implements Security
WLE Security Service APIs
Security Modules
C++ Security Reference
Java Security Reference
Automation Security Reference

All Transaction Topics
Introducing Transactions
Transaction Service
Transactions in CORBA Server Applications
Transactions in CORBA Client Applications
Transactions in EJB Applications
Transactions in RMI Applications
Transactions and the WLE JDBC/XA Driver
Administering Transactions

All JDBC Driver Topics
Using the WLE JDBC/XA Driver
Using JDBC Connection Pooling
Using the jdbcKona Drivers
Using the jdbcKona/Oracle Driver
jdbcKona Extensions to the JDBC 1.22 API
CORBA Programming

Creating CORBA Java Server Applications
All CORBA Java Server Topics
Java Server Application Concepts
Steps for Creating a Java Server Application
Integrating Transactions
Scaling a Java Server Application

Creating CORBA C++ Server Applications
All C++ Server Topics
Server Application Concepts
Steps for Creating a WLE Server Application
Designing and Implementing a Basic WLE Server Application
Security and WLE Server Applications
Integrating Transactions into a WLE Server Application
Wrapping a BEA TUXEDO Service in an Object
Scaling a WLE Server Application

Creating CORBA Client Applications
All CORBA Client Applications Topics
Client Application Development Concepts
Creating CORBA Client Applications
Creating ActiveX Client Applications
Using Security
Using Transactions
Using the Dynamic Invocation
Handling Exceptions

Using CORBA Server-to-Server Communication
All Server-to-Server Communication Topics
Understanding Server-to-Server
Developing C++ Joint Client/Server
Developing Java Joint Client/Server

idltoajava Compiler
All idltojava Compiler Topics
Overview of CORBA Java Programming
Using the idltojava Command
Java IDL Examples
Java IDL Programming Concepts
IDL-to-Java Mappings

Request-Level Interceptors
All Request-Level Interceptor Topics
Developing C++ Interceptors
Developing Java Interceptors
Deploying the Interceptor
PersonQuery Sample Application
InterceptorSimp Sample Interceptors
InterceptorSec Sample Interceptors
InterceptorData Sample Interceptors
Request-Level Interceptor API
Starter C++ Interceptor Files
Starter Java Implementation File

Notification Service
All Notification Topics
Notification Service API Reference
Using the BEA Simple Events API
Using the CosNotification Service API
Building the Introductory Sample Application
Building the Advanced Sample Application
Notification Service Administration Guide

CORBA Naming Service
All Naming Service Topics
Overview of the CORBA Name Service
CORBA Name Service Reference
Managing a WLE Namespace
Developing an Application that
   Uses the CORBA Name Service
Using the Name Service Sample Application

J2EE Programming

Using the WLE EJB Deployer
All EJB Deployer Topics
Deploying EJBs with the WLE EJB Deployer

WLE SPI Implementation for JNDI
All JNDI Topics
Using the WLE SPI Implementations for JNDI

Using RMI in a WLE Environment
All RMI Topics
Overview of RMI in BEA WLE
Getting Started with RMI -- a Hello World Example
Developing RMI Applications in WLE
Using RMI with Client-Side Callbacks
Using RMI with EJBs
Converting Sun JavaSoft RMI to WLE RMI Classes
The BEA WebLogic Enterprise RMI API
Java Server Startup
Using a Startup Properties File

Java Enterprise Tuxedo
All Java Enterprise Tuxedo Topics
Introducing Java Enterprise Tuxedo
Using the JET Class Library
Configuring WebLogic Enterprise for Client Access
Using the Bulk Loader Program
Using the BEA Jolt Repository Editor
All Interoperability and Coexistence Topics
EJB-to-CORBA/Java Simpapp Sample
CORBA/C++-to-EJB Simpapp Sample
CORBA/Java-to-Tuxedo Simpapp Sample
EJB-to-Tuxedo Simpapp Sample

All Administration Topics
Administration Tools
Creating a
   Configuration File
Starting & Shutting Down
Distributing Applications
Building Networked
Configuring Transactions
Managing Interface
   Repositories (WLE)
Configuring Multiple
   Domains (WLE)
Working with Multiple
   Domains (Tuxedo)
Managing Workstation
   Clients (Tuxedo)
Managing Remote Client
   Applications (WLE)
Managing Queued
   Messages (Tuxedo)
Securing Applications
Monitoring a Running System
Monitoring Log Files
Tuning Applications
Migrating Applications
Dynamically Modifying
Dynamically Reconfiguring
Event Broker/Monitor
Troubleshooting Applications

Scaling, Distributing, and Tuning
All Scaling, Distributing, and Tuning Topics
Scaling WLE Applications
Scaling CORBA C++ Server Applications
Scaling CORBA Java Server Applications
Scaling EJB Applications
Distributing Applications
Tuning Applications

Commands, Processes, and MIB Reference
All Command, Process, and MIB Reference Topics
Commands Reference
Server Process and File Format Reference
MIB Reference

CORBA C++ Programming Reference
All CORBA C++ Programming Reference Topics
OMG IDL Syntax
Implementation Configuration File (ICF)
TP Framework
Bootstrap Object
FactoryFinder Interface
Security Service
Transactions Service
Notification Service
Request-Level Interceptors
Interface Repository Interfaces
Joint Client/Servers Development Commands Mapping OMG IDL to C++ CORBA API Server-side Mapping
CORBA Java Programming Reference
All CORBA Java Programming Reference Topics
OMG IDL Syntax
Server Description File
Java TP Framework
Java Bootstrap Object
FactoryFinder Interface
Security Service
Transactions Service
Notification Service
Request-Level Interceptors
Interface Repository Interfaces
Joint Client/Server Applications
Java Development and Administration Commands
Mapping IDL to Java

EJB XML Reference
All EJB XML Reference Topics
EJB Deployment Descriptor Reference
WebLogic Enterprise EJB Extensions Reference

Other Reference
System Messages
API javadoc
BEA WebLogic Server Documents (opens in new browser window)
BEA Tuxedo Documents

PDF Files