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Starting and Shutting Down Applications

This chapter describes how to ensure that your application is ready to be booted, how to boot it, and how to shut it down. There are also procedures that help you resolve some problems you may run into when you first begin to start and shut down your WLE or BEA TUXEDO applications.

Topics covered in this chapter are:

Starting Applications

Before you start an application, make sure you have completed all of the tasks in the prerequisite checklist, described in the following section.

Prerequisite Checklist

Complete the following tasks before booting your application:

Table 4-1 Preliminary Tasks




Set Environment Variables.




Propagate the Software.


Create a TLOG Device.


Start tlisten at All Sites (MP environments).

Set Environment Variables

Set and export variables TUXDIR , TUXCONFIG , PATH , and LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that they are in your environment as the system is booted. For example:

TUXDIR=<pathname to installed WLE or
BEA TUXEDO directory>
TUXCONFIG=<pathname where TUXCONFIG should go> PATH=$PATH:$TUXDIR/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<pathname to shared libraries>

Replace text within angle brackets (< >) with values for your installation. Other environment variables can be specified in an ENVFILE . (See ubbconfig(5).)

On AIX, LIBPATH must be set instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH . On HP UX, SHLIB_PATH must be set instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH . On Windows NT, no variable for shared libraries is required.

For WLE Java, verify that the following environment variables were defined by the WLE Java installation procedure:

Then use the new environment variables when you add to your system's PATH, as shown in the following platform-specific examples.

For example, on Windows NT systems:

set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.2

set CLASSPATH=.;%TUXDIR%\udataobj\java\jdk\wle.jar;%TUXDIR%\locale\java\wle

set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\classic;

For example, on Solaris systems:







During the deployment step, you must also define the environment variables TUXCONFIG and APPDIR . These variables are described in subsequent sections of this chapter.


TUXCONFIG is a binary version of the text configuration file. The tmloadcf(1) command converts the configuration file to binary form and writes it to the location given in the TUXCONFIG variable.

Enter the command as follows:

$ tmloadcf [-n] [-y] [-c] [-b blocks] {ubbconfig_file | - }

You may want to consider the following options before you create TUXCONFIG :


Calculate minimum IPC resources of the configuration.


Do a syntax check only; report errors.

The -c and -n options do not load the TUXCONFIG file.

UNIX IPC resources are platform specific. If you use the -c option, check the platform data sheet for your platform in Appendix A of the BEA TUXEDO Installation Guide to judge whether you need to make some changes. If you do want to change IPC resources, check the administration guide for your platform.

If the -n option indicates syntax errors in the configuration file, correct the errors before you proceed.

For ubbconfig_file , substitute the fully qualified name of your configuration file.

When you are ready to create the TUXCONFIG file, you may want to consider the following options:


Limit the size of the TUXCONFIG file.


Overwrite the existing TUXCONFIG file without prompting for permission.

The -b option takes an argument that limits the number of blocks used to store the TUXCONFIG file. Use it if you are installing TUXCONFIG on a raw disk device that has not been initialized. The option is not recommended if TUXCONFIG will be stored in a regular UNIX system file.

You must be logged in on the MASTER machine and have the effective user ID of the owner of the configuration file.

Creating Encrypted Passwords

If you have set up the UBBCONFIG file for storing server group or JDBC database passwords in encrypted form, when you run tmloadcf to load this UBBCONFIG file, you are prompted to create the passwords. tmloadcf then stores the passwords in encrypted form in the TUXCONFIG file.

To force encryption of a password for a server group, for example, you would write a continuous string of five or more asterisks into the OPENINFO string in the UBBCONFIG file at the place where the password is to go. For example,

OPENINFO="Oracle_XA: Oracle_XA+Acc=P/Scott/*****+SesTm=30+LogDit=/tmp"

When tmloadcf encounters a continuous string of five or more asterisks, it will prompt the user to enter a password, for example:

>tmloadcf -y e:\wle5\samples\atmi\bankapp\xx

The values for the DBPASSWORD and PROPS atttibutes for JDBC connection pools can also be encrypted in the same manner. Refer to Encrypting DBPASSWORD and PROPS in Chapter 3, "Creating a Configuration File".

Note: If you use the tmunloadcf command to convert the binary version of the configuration file back into a UBBCONFIG file, an encrypted password is written into the UBBCONFIG file with @@ as delimiters. When a password is stored in the UBBCONFIG file in encrypted form, tmloadcf does not prompt the user to create a password. The following is a sample OPENINFO statement generated by tmunloadcf :

OPENINFO="Oracle_XA: Oracle_XA+Acc=P/Scott/@@A0986F7733D4@@+SesTm=30+LogDit=/tmp"

Propagate the Software

TUXCONFIG is automatically propagated by the WLE or BEA TUXEDO system to all machines in your configuration when you run tmboot (1), but there are other files that need to be present on all machines. Table 4-2 is a list of files and directories needed for a networked application.

Table 4-2 Propagating Directories or Files

Directory or File



The directory named in the APPDIR variable must be created on each node. It is helpful if this directory has the same path name on all nodes.


Application servers must be built once for each platform type, and must be manually propagated to other machines of that platform (that is, WLE or BEA TUXEDO does not do this automatically). Store the executables in APPDIR, or in a directory pointed to in a PATH variable in ENVFILES in the MACHINES section.

Field tables
View files

Depending on the requirements of application services (that is, if FML or VIEWS buffer types are used), field tables and view description files must be manually propagated to machines where they are used, then recompiled. Use mkfldhdr (1) to make a header file out of a field table file; use viewc (1) to compile a view file. The FML field tables and VIEW description files should be available through the environment variables FLDTBLDIR , FIELDTBLS , VIEWDIR , and VIEWFILES , or their 32-bit equivalents.


The tlisten process must be started on each machine of a networked WLE or BEA TUXEDO application. See tlisten (1). The tlisten process must be started before the application is booted.

Note: You must define TUXDIR, TUXCONFIG, APPDIR , and other relevant environment variables before starting tlisten .

Create a TLOG Device

To enable distributed transaction processing, several parameters in the MACHINES section of the configuration file are used to define a global transaction log (TLOG ). You must create the device list entry for the TLOGDEVICE on each machine where a TLOG is needed. It can be done before or after TUXCONFIG has been loaded, but must be done before the system is booted.

Follow these steps to create an entry in the Universal Device List (UDL) for the TLOG device. Refer to the section Step 2: Create a UDL Entry for details.

  1. On the master node with the application inactive, invoke tmadmin -c .
    The -c option brings tmadmin up in configuration mode.

  2. Enter:

    crdl -z config -b blocks


    -z config specifies the full path name for the device where the UDL should be created (that is, where the TLOG will reside).The value of config should match the value of the TLOGDEVICE parameter in the MACHINES section. If config is not specified, it defaults to the value of the variable FSCONFIG (which points to the application's databases).

    -b blocks specifies the number of blocks to be allocated on the device.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on each node of your application that is expected to be involved with global transactions.

If the TLOGDEVICE is mirrored between two machines, step 3 is not required on the paired machine. To be recoverable, the TLOG should preferably be on a device that can be mirrored. Because the TLOG is too small (typically,100 pages) to warrant having a whole disk partition to itself, the expectation is that the TLOG will be stored on the same raw disk slice as the application's databases. FSCONFIG is the environment variable used by the system. Therefore, the tmadmin crdl command defaults to FSCONFIG .

Start tlisten at All Sites

To have a networked application, a listener process must be running on each machine.

This step is required if you are running the application on more than one machine, as established by the MODEL MP parameter in the RESOURCES section of the application's UBBCONFIG file.

Note: You must define TUXDIR, TUXCONFIG, APPDIR , and other relevant environment variables before starting tlisten .

The port on which the process is listening must be the same as the port specified for NLSADDR in the NETWORK section of the configuration file. On each machine, use the tlisten (1) command, as follows:

tlisten [ -d device ] -l nlsaddr [-u {uid-# | uid-name}] [ -z bits\ ] [ -Z bits ]

The options to this command are as follows:

-d device

The full path name of the network device. For the WLE system and BEA TUXEDO system version 6.4 or above, this option is not required. For earlier versions of the BEA TUXEDO system (v6.3 and earlier), some network providers (TCP/IP, for example) require this information.

-l nlsaddr

The network address as specified for this machine (LMID ) in the NETWORK section of the configuration file. nlsaddr can be specified in any of the formats that can be specified for the NADDR parameter in the same section. If the address has the form 0xhex-digits or \\xhex-digits , it must contain an even number of valid hexadecimal digits.

TCP/IP addresses may be in the //#.#.#.#:port format or the //machine-name:port format.

tmloadcf (1) prints an error if nlsaddr is missing from any entry but the entry for the MASTER LMID , for which it prints a warning. However, if nlsaddr is missing from the MASTER LMID entry, tmadmin (1) is not able to run in administrator mode on remote machines; it will be limited to read-only operations. This also means that the backup site is unable to reboot the master site after failure.

-u uid-# or uid-name

This parameter can be used to have the tlisten process run as the indicated user. This option is required if the tlisten (1) command is run by root on a remote machine.

-z [bits]

This parameter is specific to BEA TUXEDO systems. When establishing a network link between a BEA TUXEDO administrative process and tlisten , require at least this minimum level of encryption. Zero (0) means no encryption, while 40 and 128 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. If this minimum level of encryption cannot be met, link establishment fails. The default is zero.

-Z [bits]

This parameter is specific to BEA TUXEDO systems. When establishing a network link between a BEA TUXEDO administrative process and tlisten , allow encryption up to this level. Zero (0) means no encryption, while 40 and 128 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. The default is 128. The -z and -Z options are available only if either the International or Domestic BEA TUXEDO Security Add-on Package is installed.

Booting the Application

Once the preliminaries have been successfully completed, you are ready to bring up the application, as described in the following section:

Using tmboot

The user who created the TUXCONFIG file is considered the administrator of the application. Only this user can execute tmboot (1).

The application is normally booted from the machine designated as the MASTER in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file, or the BACKUP MASTER acting as the MASTER . The -b option allows some deviation from this rule.

For tmboot (1) to find executables, the WLE or BEA TUXEDO system processes, such as the BBL, must be located in $TUXDIR/bin . Application servers should be in APPDIR, as specified in the configuration file.

When booting application servers, tmboot (1) uses the CLOPT , SEQUENCE , SRVGRP , SRVID , and MIN parameters from the configuration file.

Application servers are booted in the order specified by their SEQUENCE parameter, if SEQUENCE is used. If SEQUENCE is not specified, servers are booted in the order in which they appear in the configuration file.

The command line should look something like the following (this is a greatly simplified example):

$ tmboot [-g grpname] [-o sequence] [-s server] [-S] [-A] [-y]

Table 4-3 describes the tmboot options shown above.

Table 4-3 tmboot Options



-g grpname

Boot all TMS and application servers in groups using this grpname parameter.

-o sequence

Boot all servers in the order shown in their SEQUENCE parameter.

-s server-name

Boot individual servers.


Boot all servers listed in the SERVERS section.


Boot all administrative servers for machines listed in the MACHINES section. This ensures that the DBBL , BBL , and BRIDGE processes are started in the proper order.


Provides an automatic "yes" response to the prompt that asks if all administrative and application servers should be booted. This prompt appears only if no options that limit the scope of the command (-g grpname , for example) are specified.

There are many more options than are shown in the example. For a complete listing of the tmboot options, see the tmboot (1) reference page in the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.

Default Boot Sequence for a Small Application

The following scenario shows the order of processing when booting a two-machine configuration. This is not a procedure that you have to initiate; it is what the software does if you enter the following command:

prompt> tmboot -y

  1. tmboot comes up on the MASTER site and processes the TUXCONFIG file, creating a "to do" list for itself.

  2. tmboot boots the DBBL on the MASTER machine.

  3. tmboot boots the BBL on the MASTER machine, which creates the shared memory Bulletin Board.

  4. tmboot boots the BRIDGE on the MASTER machine, which establishes its listening address.

  5. tmboot establishes a connection with the remote site tlisten process and propagates the TUXCONFIG file to the remote site if the file is not already there.

  6. tmboot boots a BSBRIDGE . The BSBRIDGE establishes a connection back to the BRIDGE process on the MASTER machine.

  7. tmboot boots a BBL . The BBL creates the local Bulletin Board and sends a request to the DBBL via the BSBRIDGE , to register it as a server. The reply from the DBBL contains a complete copy of the MASTER Bulletin Board and the BBL updates its Bulletin Board with the information.

  8. tmboot boots a BRIDGE . The BRIDGE establishes a connection back to the BRIDGE on the MASTER site, at which point tmboot tells the BSBRIDGE to go away, since it is no longer needed.

  9. tmboot can then boot the application servers.

  10. tmboot boots the local application servers first, then boots the remote application servers.

  11. tmboot is now finished processing and terminates gracefully.

Optimized Boot Sequence for Large Applications

The boot sequence recommended for larger applications is shown here. This sequence boots entire machines in a single step, rather than taking all the steps used to boot two machines in the default sequence. The optimized sequence can be explained as follows:

  1. Boot the entire MASTER machine first. This is done by using the -M -l combination.

  2. Boot the entire remote machine. This is done by using the -B -l combination.

This method is faster because the number of system messages is far smaller. In large applications (more than 50 machines), this method generally reduces boot time by 50%.

In a configuration with a slow network, boot time can be improved by first booting the machines that have higher speed connections to the MASTER machine.

Shutting Down Applications

The tmshutdown (1) command is used to shut down an application.

The tmshutdown (1) command is the inverse of the tmboot (1) command. It shuts down part or all of the WLE or BEA TUXEDO application.

When the entire application is shut down, tmshutdown (1) removes the IPC resources associated with the WLE or BEA TUXEDO system.

The options used by tmboot (1) for partial booting (-A , -g , -I , -S , -s , -l , -M , -B ) are supported in tmshutdown (1). Note that the -B option, which allows tmboot to be used from a non-MASTER machine, is not supported for tmshutdown ; the tmshutdown command must be entered from the MASTER (or BACKUP MASTER ) machine.

If servers are to be migrated, the -R option must be used. This option shuts down the servers without removing the Bulletin Board entries.

If a node is partitioned, tmshutdown (1) with the -P lmid option can be run on the partitioned machine to shut down the servers on that machine.

tmshutdown (1) will not shut down the administrative server BBL on a machine that has clients attached. The -c option can be used to override this feature. This option is required when a machine must be brought down immediately and the administrator has been unable to contact the clients.

The -w delay option can be used to force a hard shutdown after delay seconds. This option suspends all servers immediately so that additional work cannot be queued. The value of delay should allow time for requests already queued to be serviced. After delay seconds, a SIGKILL signal is sent to the servers. This option enables the administrator to shut down servers that are looping or blocked in application code.

Always check the details of a command such as tmshutdown (1) in the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual to make sure you have the most recent information on available options.

Using tmshutdown

The user creating the TUXCONFIG file is considered to be the administrator of the application. Only this user can execute tmshutdown (1).

The application can be shut down only from the machine designated as MASTER in the configuration file. When the BACKUP MASTER is acting as the MASTER , it is considered to be the MASTER for shutdown purposes.

The only exception to this rule is a partitioned machine. By using the -p option, the administrator can run the command from the partitioned machine to shut down the application at that site.

Application servers are shut down in the reverse order specified by their SEQUENCE parameter, or by reverse order of their appearance in the configuration file. If some servers have SEQUENCE numbers and others do not, the unnumbered servers are the first to be shut down, followed by the application servers with SEQUENCE numbers (in reverse order). Finally, administrative servers are shut down.

When an application is shut down, all the IPC resources allocated by the WLE or BEA TUXEDO system are removed. Note that tmshutdown does not remove IPC resources allocated by the DBMS.

Clearing Common Problems

There are several problems that you may encounter when first working with the WLE system. This section lists and discusses some of the common startup and shutdown problems.

Common Startup Problems

When starting your first WLE application you might encounter evidence of a problem in the form of a message to ULOG , a message to your screen, or both, as follows:

TLOG Not Created

If the transaction log (TLOG ) fails to get created, a message is sent to the user log (ULOG ).

The message includes the message catalog name, the unique message number within the catalog, and the reason for the failure. For example, one such message is:

CMDTUX 142 ERROR: Identifier for TLOGNAME must be <= len characters in length

TLOGNAME cannot be more than 30 characters long.

You can avoid problems of this kind if you check the syntax of the TLOG parameters in the MACHINES section of the UBBCONFIG file (see ubbconfig (5)).

The TLOG also might not get created for the following reasons:

Server Not Built Correctly

A server may not start correctly if either

buildobjserver failure

You should try to detect an error in this area before you attempt to boot a WLE application. buildobjserver is used to compile application code, combining the interfaces to be offered by a server into the executable module. If the code fails to compile, the causes can be that an incorrect compiler was specified, the needed libraries were not found, needed interface modules were not found, there is a problem in the code, and so forth. Pay close attention to the error messages and consult Creating C++ Server Applications and Creating Java Server Applications.

server comes up with wrong services (BEA TUXEDO Systems)

Problems in this area can often be attributed to an incorrect CLOPT parameter for the server (CLOPT is an abbreviation for "command-line options"). The CLOPT parameter is assigned in the SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file. It carries command-line options that apply to a server when the server is booted. The options are defined on the servopts (5) reference page. Refer to this page and the ubbconfig (5) reference page for help on debugging the problem.

Another cause for a server coming up with the wrong services could be an incorrect specification of services when the server is built. While services are usually in a module of code that has a mnemonic name, there is no requirement that this be the case. Service a , for example, may actually be performed by function x , which could lead to an error.

Incorrect OPENINFO String

The OPENINFO string is specified in the GROUPS section of the UBBCONFIG file. It contains information needed by servers in the group when they try to open an application database. There is a very specific form for the information that is agreed to by vendors of XA-compliant database management systems. The information is stored in the WLE or BEA TUXEDO system file $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM.

Note: After changing the OPENINFO string, BEA recommends that you reboot the servers that use this resource manager (RM).

To clear a problem:

  1. Check the System Message Manual for an explanation of the error message.

    If this does not resolve the problem, go to step 2.

  2. Check the syntax of the OPENINFO parameter as specified in the GROUPS section of ubbconfig (5).

    If the problem persists, go to step 3.

  3. Look in $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM to see how the information for your DBMS needs to be specified.

Unable to Propagate WLE System

In a networked application, there are several reasons why the system may not be able to propagate the TUXCONFIG file. The generic message is as follows:

cannot propagate TUXCONFIG file

The following are possible reasons for the failure:

Table 4-4 shows a possible solution for each propagation problem.

Table 4-4 Possible Solutions to Propagation Failure



Application fails to boot

If tlisten password security is enabled, check that the tlisten passwords match on both machines. The match is required.

Listener process not started on remote machine

Check that the TUXDIR, TUXCONFIG, APPDIR , and other relevant environment variables are set on the remote machine, before starting the listener. Then use the tlisten (1) command to start the listener.

Listener started at address different from the NLSADDR in the configuration file

Correct the listener address and rerun the tlisten (1) command.

Group ID or the User ID are not the same on both machines

Change the IDs to be the same or specify the correct IDs in the MACHINES section for that machine.

Wrong permissions on files/directories on remote machine

Change the permissions to the appropriate values.

Common Shutdown Problems

The two most common problems encountered when shutting down applications are shown with solutions in Table 4-5.

Table 4-5 Two Common Shutdown Problems and Their Solutions



Shutting down administrative servers before application servers

The WLE or BEA TUXEDO system does not allow this action because the administrative servers are needed even after all application servers are shut down. If you want to shut down a machine, you must shut down the application servers before the administrative servers. Use the tmshutdown -l , -S , -s , -g , and -I options before -A , -M , and -B

Unable to shut down a machine with clients attached

As a rule, the WLE or BEA TUXEDO system does not allow this. However, if the client cannot be contacted, the -c option can be used to shut down the BBL while it still has clients attached. There are consequences to client applications that must be considered before taking this action.

Try using the tmshutdown -w delay option to shut down servers forcibly after delay seconds, or use the tmshutdown -c option to shut down the BBL, even though it has clients attached.