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Administration Guide

This document describes how to administer BEA WebLogic Enterprise (sometimes referred to as WLE) and BEA TUXEDO systems.


Introduction to Administration

The Administrator's Job

   The Groundwork Phase

   The Operational Phase

   Differences Between the WLE and BEA TUXEDO Systems

Roadmap for Your Responsibilities

Planning Your Configuration

   Questions About the Design

   Questions About Server Applications


Administration Tools

Configuration and Run-time Administration

   Tools for Configuration

   Tools for Run-time Administration

BEA Administration Console

Command-line Interface



Creating a Configuration File

About the Configuration File

   Build Environment

   Forms of the Configuration File

   Configuration File Content

Administrative Requirements and Performance

   Configuring NameManager

   Reliability Requirements

   Performance Hint

Configuring Resources

   Setting the Shared Memory Address

   Specifying the Master Machine

   Setting the Application Type

   Defining Access Control (BEA TUXEDO Servers)

   Defining IPC Limits

   Enabling Load Balancing

   Setting Buffer Type and Subtype Limits

   Setting the Number of Sanity Checks and Timeouts

   Setting Conversation Limits (BEA TUXEDO Servers)

   Setting the Security Level

   Setting Parameters of Unsolicited Notification (BEA TUXEDO Servers)

   Protecting Shared Memory

Configuring Machines

   Identifying Machines in the MACHINES Section

   Reserving the Physical Address and Machine ID

   Identifying the Location of the Configuration File

   Identifying the Locations of the System and Application Software

   Identifying the User Log File Location

   Specifying Environment Variable Settings for Processes

   Overriding System-wide Parameters

Configuring Groups

   Specifying a Group Name, Number, and LMID

   Sample GROUPS Section

   Encrypting Passwords in OPENINFO

Configuring Servers

   Identifying Server Information in the SERVERS Section

   Defining Server Name, Group, and ID

   Using Server Command-Line Options

   Starting JavaServer

   Setting the Server Boot Order

   Identifying Server Environment File Location

   Identifying Server Queue Information

   Defining Server Restart Information

   Specifying a Conversational Server (BEA TUXEDO Servers)

   Setting Security Parameters for ISL Servers

   Defining Server Access to Shared Memory

Configuring JDBC Connection Pools (WLE System)

   Encrypting DBPASSWORD and PROPS

Configuring Services (BEA TUXEDO System)

   Identifying BEA TUXEDO Services in the SERVICES Section

   Enabling Load Balancing

   Controlling the Flow of Data by Service Priority

   Specifying Different Service Parameters for Different Server Groups

   Specifying a List of Allowable Buffer Types for a Service

Configuring Interfaces (WLE Servers)

   Specifying CORBA Interfaces in the INTERFACES Section

   Specifying FACTORYROUTING Criteria (CORBA only)

   Enabling Load Balancing

   Controlling the Flow of Data by Interface Priority

   Specifying Different Interface Parameters for Different Server Groups

Configuring Routing

   Defining Routing Criteria in the ROUTING Section

   Specifying Range Criteria in the ROUTING Section

   Example: Factory-based Routing (WLE Servers)

   Example: Factory-based Routing in the Bankapp Sample Application (WLE Servers)

Configuring Network Information

   Specifying Information in the NETGROUPS Section

   Sample NETGROUPS Configuration

   Configuring the UBBCONFIG File with Netgroups


Starting and Shutting Down Applications

Starting Applications

   Prerequisite Checklist

   Booting the Application

Shutting Down Applications

Using tmshutdown

Clearing Common Problems

   Common Startup Problems

   Common Shutdown Problems


Distributing Applications


Building Networked Applications

Terms and Definitions

Configuring Networked Applications

Example: A Network Configuration with Multiple Netgroups

   The UBBCONFIG File for the Network Example

   Assigning Priorities for Each Network Group

Running a Networked Application

   Scheduling Network Data Over Parallel Data Circuits

   Network Data in Failover and Failback

   Using Data Compression for Network Data

   Using Link-level Encryption (BEA Tuxedo Servers)


Configuring Transactions


Managing Interface Repositories (WLE Systems)

Administration Considerations

Using Administration Commands to Manage Interface Repositories


   Creating and Populating an Interface Respository

   Displaying or Extracting the Content of an Interface Repository

   Deleting an Object from an Interface Repository

Configuring the UBBCONFIG File to Start One or More Interface Repository Servers


Configuring Multiple Domains (WLE Systems)

   Benefits of Multiple Domains

   Interdomain Communication

   Functions of Multiple-domain Configuration Elements

Configuring Multiple Domains


   The Domain Configuration (DMCONFIG) File

   The factory_finder.ini File



Types of Domain Configurations

   Directly Connected Domains

   Indirectly Connected Domains

Examples: Configuring Multiple Domains

   Sample UBBCONFIG Files


Working with Multiple Domains (BEA TUXEDO Systems)

Benefits of Using BEA TUXEDO System Domains

What is the domains gateway configuration file?

   Components of the DMCONFIG File

Configuring Local and Remote Domains

   Setting Environment Variables

   Building a Local Application Configuration File and a Local Domains Gateway Configuration File

   Building a Remote Application Configuration File and a Remote Domains Gateway Configuration File

   Example of a Domains-based Configuration

   Defining the Local Domains Environment

   Defining the Local and Remote Domains, Addressing, and Imported and Exported Services

   Defining the Exported Services

Using Data Compression Between Domains

Ensuring Security in Domains

   Creating a Domain Access Control List (ACL)

Routing Service Requests to Remote Domains


Managing Workstation Clients (BEA TUXEDO Systems)

Workstation Terms

What is a Workstation client?

   Illustration of an Application with Two Workstation Clients

   How the Workstation Client Connects to an Application

Setting Environment Variables

Setting the Maximum Number of Workstation Clients

Configuring a Workstation Listener (WSL)

   Format of the CLOPT Parameter

   Command-line Options of the CLOPT Parameter

Modifying the MACHINES Section to Support Workstation Clients


Managing Remote Client Applications (WLE Systems)

Terms and Definitions

Remote Client Overview

   Illustration of an Application with Remote Clients

   How the Remote Client Connects to an Application

Setting Environment Variables

Setting the Maximum Number of Remote Clients

Configuring a Listener for a Remote Client

   Format of the CLOPT Parameter

Modifying the UBBCONFIG File to Support Remote Clients

Configuring Outbound IIOP for Remote Joint Client/Servers

   Functional Description

Using the ISL Command to Configure Outbound IIOP Support

   Types of Object References

   User Interface


Managing Queued Messages (BEA TUXEDO System)

Terms and Definitions

Overview of the BEA TUXEDO Queued Message Facility

Administrative Tasks

Setting the QMCONFIG Environment Variable

Using qmadmin, the /Q Administrative Interface

Creating an Application Queue Space and Queues

Modifying the Configuration File

   Associating a Queue with a Group

   Listing the /Q Servers in the SERVERS Section


Securing Applications

Security Strategy

Configuring the RESOURCES SECURITY Parameter

Implementing Operating System Security

Implementing Application Password-level Security

Implementing Security via an Authentication Server

   The Authentication Server

   Adding, Modifying, and Deleting User Accounts

   Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Groups

Implementing Security via Access Control Lists (BEA TUXEDO System)

   Limitations of ACLs

   Administering ACLs


Monitoring a Running System

Overview of System and Application Data

   Components and Activities for Which Data Is Available

   Where the Data Resides

   How You Can Use the Data

   Static and Dynamic Data

Monitoring Methods

Using the tmadmin Command Interpreter

   How a tmadmin Session Works

Running tmadmin Commands

Monitoring a Running System with tmadmin

Example: Output from tmadmin Commands

   printqueue Output

   printconn Data

   printnet Command Output

   printtrans Command Output

   printjdbcconnpool Command Output

Case Study: Monitoring Run-time bankapp

   Configuration File for bankapp

   Output from Checking the Local IPC Resources

   Output from Checking System-wide Parameter Settings


Monitoring Log Files

What is the ULOG?


   How is the ULOG created?

   How is the ULOG used?

   Message Format


What is the transaction log (TLOG)?

   How is the TLOG created?

   How is the TLOG used?


Creating and Maintaining Logs

   How to Assign a Location for the ULOG

   Creating a Transaction Log (TLOG)

Using Logs to Detect Failures

   Analyzing the User Log (ULOG)

   Analyzing tlisten Messages

   Analyzing a Transaction Log (TLOG)


Tuning Applications


Migrating Applications

About Migration

Migration Options

Switching Master and Backup Machines

   How to Switch the Master and Backup Machines

   Examples: Switching Master and Backup Machines

Migrating a Server Group

   Migrating a Server Group When the Alternate Machine Is Accessible from the Primary Machine

   Migrating a Server Group When the Alternate Machine Is Not Accessible from the Primary Machine

   Examples: Migrating a Server Group

Migrating Machines

   Migrating Machines When the Alternate Machine Is Accessible from the Primary Machine

   Migrating Machines When the Alternate Machine Is Not Accessible from the Primary Machine

   Examples: Migrating a Machine

Canceling a Migration

   Example: A Migration Cancellation

Migrating Transaction Logs to a Backup Machine


Dynamically Modifying Systems

Dynamic Modification Methods

Procedures for Dynamically Modifying Your System

   Suspending and Resuming Services (BEA TUXEDO Servers)

   Advertising and Unadvertising Services (BEA TUXEDO Servers)

   Changing Service Parameters (BEA TUXEDO Servers) or Interface Parameters (WLE Servers)

   Changing the AUTOTRAN Timeout Value

   Suspending and Resuming Interfaces (WLE System)


Dynamically Reconfiguring Applications

Introduction to Dynamic Reconfiguration

Overview of the tmconfig Command Interpreter

   What tmconfig Does

   How tmconfig Works

   Output from tmconfig Operations

General Instructions for Running tmconfig

   Preparing to Run tmconfig

   Running tmconfig: A High-level Walk-through

   Input Buffer Considerations


   Adding a New Machine

   Adding a Server

   Activating a Newly Configured Server

   Adding a New Group

   Changing the Factory-based Routing (FBR) for an Interface

   Changing the Data-dependent Routing (DDR) for the Application

   Changing Application-wide Parameters

   Changing an Application Password

Final Advice About Dynamic Reconfiguration


Event Broker/Monitor (BEA TUXEDO Systems)


   Event Classifications

   List of Events

Setting Up Event Detection

Subscribing to Events

Application-specific Event Broker/Monitors

How an Event Broker/Monitor Might Be Deployed

How the Event Broker/Monitor Works


Troubleshooting Applications

Distinguishing Between Types of Failures

   Determining the Cause of an Application Failure

   Determining the Cause of a WLE or BEA TUXEDO System Failure

Broadcasting Unsolicited Messages (BEA TUXEDO System)

Performing System File Maintenance

   Creating a Device List

   Destroying a Device List

   Reinitializing a Device

   Printing the Universal Device List (UDL)

   Printing VTOC Information

Repairing Partitioned Networks

   Detecting Partitioned Networks

   Restoring a Network Connection

Restoring Failed Machines

   Restoring a Failed Master Machine

   Restoring a Failed Nonmaster Machine

Replacing System Components (BEA TUXEDO System)

Replacing Application Components

Cleaning Up and Restarting Servers Manually

   Cleaning Up Resources

Checking the Order in Which Servers Are Booted (WLE Servers)

Checking Hostname Format and Capitalization (WLE Servers)

Some Clients Fail to Boot (WLE Servers)

Aborting or Committing Transactions

   Aborting a Transaction

   Committing a Transaction

Recovering from Failures When Transactions Are Used