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Using WSRP with WebLogic Portal

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Best Practices for Implementing WSRP

This section describes programming and tuning practices that you should follow to ensure the best performance of your WSRP-compliant portlets, Producers, and Consumers. It contains the following guidelines:


Portlet Programming Guidelines

Please follow these guidelines when programming WSRP-compliant portlets:


Performance Tuning Recommendations

To ensure optimal performance of your Producers and Consumers, we recommend the following performance tuning guidelines:

Producer Tuning

Enable attachment support by adding <markup transport="attachment"/> to WEB-INF/wsrp-producer-config.xml, as shown in Listing 5-1.


Listing 5-1 Enabling Attachment Support

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<registration required="false" secure="true"/>
<service-description secure="true"/>
<markup secure="true" rewrite-urls="true" transport="attachment"/>
<portlet-management required="false" secure="true"/>

Let the Producer create correct URLs by using Consumer-supplied URL templates. This is the default practice.

Consumer Tuning

By default, WebLogic Portal logs SOAP messages on the consumer. Because of the potentially large volume of messages, it is a good practice in a production environment to disable this logging. To disable the logging of SOAP messages on the consumer, edit the WEB-INF/web.xml file as shown in Listing 5-2.

Listing 5-2 Disabling SOAP Message Logging


Additional tips for tuning the consumer include:


Avoid Moving Producers

When you add producers and create remote portlets, the producer registry (WEB-INF/wsrp-producer-registry.xml) and the portal framework database tables contain specific information about the producer, such as its WSDL address and the addresses of ports described in the WSDL. If you propagate or move the producer from one environment to another, this data becomes invalid. In this case, consumers whose proxy portlets reference the producer's portlets will no longer be able to find them.

Note: Currently, WebLogic Portal only supports a shared registration model, where staging and production environments share the same producer registration handle. For more information on shared registration and propagating WSRP producers, see the Production Operation User's Guide.

Tip: You can update the database entries for a producer programmatically. The following class provides methods to get and update producer information:


Upgrading Simple Producers from Service Pack 3

When upgrading a simple producer from WebLogic Portal Service Pack 3 to a later service pack version, WSRP producer web application libraries are not automatically updated. If you upgrade from SP3 to a later service pack version, you must perform the following steps to ensure that your simple producer continues to function properly as a WSRP producer.

Note: A simple producer is a non-portal web application. For more information on simple producers, see Producers.

  1. Perform the normal procedures for upgrading a WebLogic Portal application from SP3 to a later service pack version.
  2. Copy the the following files into the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web application:
  1. Redeploy the WSRP producer web application.


Other Guidelines

Configuring Session Cookies

If you have a remote portlet that contains images, WebLogic Portal sends cookies and other headers from the producer to the browser when an image resource is requested. Note that when resource requests are made to a portlet in a producer, it is possible for the user's browser to drop or lose the consumer session. This situation occurs when the producer and consumer are configured to include only the default path ("/") in the session cookies, which causes the browser to replace the Set-Cookie header set by the consumer with the Set-Cookie header set by the producer.

To prevent this potential loss of the consumer session, open weblogic.xml, and configure your web applications to include the domain name and web application path for session cookies. This technique prevents the cookie names from overlapping. Please refer to session-descriptor in weblogic.xml Deployment Descriptor Elements at: 

for details on how to set the domain name and path.

Using Local Proxy Mode to Avoid Deadlocks

If you run both the Consumer and Producer on the same server, a deadlock situation can potentially occur. This is because the Producer allocates a new thread for each portlet. When running the in local proxy mode, extra threads are not allocated. For this reason, using local proxy mode, as described in this section, is recommended whenever you are running both the Producer and Consumer in the same server. For detailed information, see Local Proxy Support.


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