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Active JMS Consumers

Use this page to monitor information about a JMS consumer.

Active JMS Consumers Information

Name — The name of the destination for this consumer.

Active — Indicates whether the consumer active and whether it has a message listener set up or a synchronous receive in progress.

Selected — The message selector associated with this consumer, if any.

Durable — Indicates whether the consumer is durable.

Messages Pending — The number of messages that are stored in the system but which are not visible, and therefore cannot be received. Message visibility is affected by various delivery options including, but not limited to, transactions, message delivery and redelivery time, message expiration, and receipt without acknowledgement. Pending messages are over and above the current number of messages.

Current number of messages pending by the consumer as the result of an uncommitted transaction or an acknowledgement.

Messages Received — Total number of messages received by the consumer since the last time the server was booted.

Bytes Pending — The number of bytes that are stored in the system but which are not visible, and therefore cannot be received. Byte visibility is affected by various delivery options including, but not limited to, transactions, message delivery and redelivery time, message expiration, and receipt without acknowledgement. Pending bytes are over and above the current number of bytes.

Bytes Received — Total number of bytes received by the consumer since the last time the server was booted.


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