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JRockit for Windows and Linux User Guide

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Configuring JRockit for WebLogic Server 8.1

The configuration options described elsewhere in this user guide can be set to optimize JRockit performance with a number of different applications and types of applications. This chapter defines the optimal settings for use with BEA WebLogic Server 8.1.Beta.


Optimal JRockit Settings for WebLogic Server

To use the BEA JRockit JVM instead of the Sun JVM that comes bundled with WebLogic Server, you need to specify the following JRockit memory management options:

Table 7-1 JRockit Settings for BEA WebLogic Server

Option Setting



Enables the JRockit native thread system.


Enables parallel garbage collector.


Enables local thread allocation.

-Xms=1536m -Xmx=1536m

Increases the minimum and maximum heap sizes to 1,536 MB.


Specifies the young generation (nursery) heap size as 512 MB.


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