BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface Conversational

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Conversational
extends Annotation

Annotation to configure additional information for a conversational service.

This annotation is not required for a service to be considered conversational.

Method Summary
 String maxAge()
          The amount of time (since it started) that the conversation may remain active before it is finished by WebLogic Server.
 String maxIdleTime()
          The amount of time that the conversation may remain idle before it is finished by WebLogic Server.
 boolean runAsStartUser()
          Continue and finish methods will be run as the user who started the conversation
 boolean singlePrincipal()
          If true, only the principal who started the conversation can continue and finish the conversation.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.annotation.Annotation
annotationType, equals, hashCode, toString

Method Detail


String maxIdleTime()
The amount of time that the conversation may remain idle before it is finished by WebLogic Server. Note that only activity between a web service and its client will reset the idle timer; activity between a web service and controls does not reset the idle timer. Conversations with 0-length idle timeout will never timeout due to inactivity


String maxAge()
The amount of time (since it started) that the conversation may remain active before it is finished by WebLogic Server. Default: 1 day (24 hours).


boolean runAsStartUser()
Continue and finish methods will be run as the user who started the conversation


boolean singlePrincipal()
If true, only the principal who started the conversation can continue and finish the conversation. If false, a conversation can be continued and finished by another (appropriately authorized) user.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.